The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 341 "The Lost World"

Chapter 341 "The Lost World" (third shift)

After returning home, everything was peaceful.

Ling Tian still lived his daily life, Ling Miao went abroad to study, and Li Yinman still acted as the hostess.

Ling Tian expressed curiosity about Ling Huohuo's hair turning red, so Ling Huohuo had no choice but to find an excuse, saying that it was dyed in Japan.

Could it be possible to tell Ling Tian that he is no longer a human being?Ling Huohuo felt that Ling Tian would definitely send him to a mental hospital.

Although Ling Huohuo still looks like a human now, speaking of race, Ling Huohuo is indeed not human anymore. As long as the power of bloodline explodes, Ling Huohuo will still turn into a monster.

At the same time, Ling Huohuo doesn't have to worry about changes in his blood after use, because this hidden attribute has become a dominant attribute. Whenever Ling Huohuo's blood stays away from Ling Huohuo, It will start to burn, and the temperature is not low.

Therefore, Ling Huohuo can only be more careful in the future.

Fortunately, Ling Huohuo's physique has strengthened at this time, and he will not be easily injured. Ling Huohuo even feels that hitting himself with a gun may not necessarily kill him.

Guo Xiaoyu finally returned to the United States.

After wandering outside for so long, even if her tutor indulges her again, the school will not allow it.

So, before Guo Xiaoyu returned home for three days, her parents kicked her onto the plane to the United States, and Yunu and Hongqiemaru could only follow in secret.

Fortunately, there is a golden lion to comfort Guo Xiaoyu's pain.

When Lu Sisi left, Xiao Yunyun also returned the Leo key to Guo Xiaoyu.

Babai explained that if it was someone else, it would be okay to say that for a lucky son like Guo Xiaoyu, the things he gets usually have deep meanings. Guo Xiaoyu found the Leo key, and what might happen if he left it on Guo Xiaoyu? The plot, and even the puzzle to solve the golden key.

On Lu Sisi's side, the autumn competition is about to begin. Lu's father and Lu's mother took Lu Sisi and her brothers and sisters to the city where the competition will take place - Foshan.

I believe that with the blessing of sword intent, it is easy to win the championship.

At the same time, Kentaro also pretended to be a Japanese who came here admiringly. With the help of Lu Sisi, he worshiped under Lu's father and became Lu Sisi's junior.

In the end, Xiao Yunyun was preparing to go to Chaofan Academy.

Regarding the non-disclosure agreement of Chaofan Academy, there is no such thing as Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun. Xiao Yunyun told Ling Huohuo and Guo Xiaoyu about the Chaofan Academy without reservation. As for Lu Sisi, he is not interested in Chaofan Academy. After all, besides the sword intent, she is just an ordinary person.

At the same time, Xiao Yunyun also hoped that Ling Huohuo and Guo Xiaoyu would go to Chaofan Academy with her.

But Guo Xiaoyu didn't think it was interesting, so he refused.

As for Ling Huohuo, Babai still supports Ling Huohuo's joining Chaofan Academy.

After all, according to Xiao Yunyun's description, there are many extraordinary people there, which means that there are more fighting opportunities and more resources, which is very suitable for Ling Huohuo's future growth. For the existence above, Yao feels that the reason for the fault in the world's power may be discovered in the Extraordinary Academy.

Therefore, Ling Huohuo also agreed to join the Chaofan Academy, and he is also very interested in the Chaofan Academy.

Hearing Ling Huohuo's reply, Xiao Yunyun was very happy, and helped Ling Huohuo contact the Chaofan Academy.

However, when Chaofan Academy learned about Ling Huohuo's strength and situation, it did not give Ling Huohuo a direct answer, and the arrangement for Ling Huohuo would not come to fruition until a month later.

After all, Ling Huohuo is very strong and has his own training plan. It is obviously inappropriate for Ling Huohuo to join the Chaofan Academy as a student. Although there are not no fifth-level students among the students, the number is very small, and most of them are about to graduate It is even more impossible for the students of the sixth level to exist, and even among the teachers, there are not many sixth level students.

As for the specific arrangement of Ling Huohuo, it will be discussed by the senior management of the academy, and the next senior management meeting will be held after one.

In the end, Xiao Yunyun had no choice but to step on the plane first and rush to the Chaofan Academy, because the Chaofan Academy was about to start school.

Xiao Yunyun didn't know the exact location of the Transcendent Academy, there would be a special instructor to take Xiao Yunyun there.

Xiao Yunyun's tutor is a 30-year-old woman full of mature atmosphere, her name is Fei Xuanxuan, the most striking thing is her broad chest and the alluring beauty spot on her chin.

After Ling Huohuo agreed to join the Extraordinary Academy, his student status was transferred directly. Naturally, people from the Extraordinary Academy helped him with the procedures for studying abroad.

However, Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun's military ranks in the military region will still be retained.

Normally, Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun no longer belong to a certain country, but for talents like Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun, the country is still very willing to win them over. Is a military rank without real power a big deal? , Even after hearing that Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun had joined the Chaofan Academy, the military region even sent people to congratulate them.

After sending Xiao Yunyun away, Ling Huohuo could be idle for at least a month.

So... Ling Huohuo entered the state of salted fish again.

Walking around the park every day, leading Happy to strike up a conversation with passing beauties.

During this time, another major event happened in the world.

That is, the virtual game "Lost World" launched by the "Gods of War" company is officially launched. It is said that this game has not passed the internal test!

Although I don't know why it was launched very suddenly, and there was no internal beta, but with the influence of "Clash of the Gods", "The Lost World" caused a huge response in the world on the first day of its release, and the supply of virtual helmets is simply in short supply.

But everyone didn't know that with the appearance of "The Lost World", the undercurrent in the world surged again.

The developers and high-level executives behind "The Lost World" all disappeared strangely, and they can't be found in various countries, but the operation of the game is still under their control. Now the company's headquarters are all arranged by various countries to deal with the players Faced with the snowflake-like letters, this group of people has been wiping away their sweat.

ask me?Who am I to ask?Bosses, don't bring such pitiful subordinates!

Ling Huohuo, the virtual helmet of "The Lost World", also bought one out of curiosity.

This game is the one given to him by Han Yutong before. The popular version is very ordinary, with a bulky helmet style, and the deluxe version is only the one with its own nutrition store.

There are no special stones in the tower on the helmet. Ling Huohuo tried it out and the game experience is excellent!

Later, Ling Huohuo also took the pair of glasses made by Xiao Yunyun, played with two live-action versions, and found that the map of that world was exactly the same as the map of "The Lost World", with two points less virtual and two more points. very realistic.

And the official platform of "The Lost World" also indicated that the top [-] results in the future ladder rankings will get special customized virtual equipment. This ranking is for all players in the world!

When players all over the world were crazy about "The Lost World", Ling Huohuo stood up from the huge monster, pulled out the Yingyu stuck on the monster's body, and shouted to the monsters behind him: "Little ones! , carry it back, and have barbecue tonight."

It's so cool to take the little brother alone to brush the copy of the other world!
 These two chapters are too much, the next chapter will start a new plot~
(End of this chapter)

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