The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 352 1 Thinking of the frying pan, my chest hurts

Chapter 352 My chest hurts when I think of the frying pan (second update)
After resting for a while, the five began to move towards the signal source, and the monsters followed behind.

The source of the signal is in Ngong Longgang.

Anglonggang Rifeng is also known as "Aleng Mountain" and "Anglong", which means "Goose Valley Snow Mountain". It is located in Aligeji County and is located in the northwest of the county. It is 6596 meters above sea level. It is covered with snow all the year round and has glaciers. The foot of the mountain is natural In the pasture, there are yaks, yaks, cattle, sheep, goats and other livestock. There are wild yaks, wild donkeys, argali, Tibetan antelopes, and bears in the mountains.

Several people prepared cold-proof clothes. The climbing equipment had been prepared when they came before, and they knew that the other party had brought the box into the mountain before positioning.

Then officially began to climb Ngong Longgang Ri Peak.

At this time, Ling Huohuo had already put on the equipment he bought, which was not only comfortable, but also kept warm.

At the beginning, we could still see some herdsmen and their cattle and sheep grazing at the foot of the mountain, but as we went up, the more snow and ice, and the colder the climate, the no longer saw the herdsmen.

Ling Huohuo and the others were very careful along the way, no one knew if the other party had set up some traps or not.

None of the five had done professional climbing training. The only time Ling Huohuo climbed a mountain was when he was in elementary school and participated in a school outing with Ling Miao. They climbed a 300-meter-high hill around Zhonghai City.

The five of them climbed very hard all the way. If they hadn't exercised well and were assisted by spells, they might really have to push back.

When the five climbed halfway, the five still didn't find each other's shadow, not even a trace, which was a bit strange.

"Did they come from the other side of the mountain?" Wang Changfeng said.

"It's possible, but keep going up, the signal shows that the other party is on the mountain at this time." Hu Han said.

"By the way, how long has it been since they reached the mountain?" Ling Tian asked suddenly.

"It's been almost an hour, they reached the top of the mountain an hour ago, and they haven't moved since then."

"Haven't moved for an hour?" Ling Tian frowned with a serious face, and Yang Linger also reacted at this time.

"It's not right." Yang Linger said suddenly, "There has been no movement for an hour. It is impossible for them to stay in place for an hour. Even if they enter the interior of the mountain, the signal will move. This is very abnormal."

"What if the box is placed on the mountain?" Wang Changfeng said.

"Do you think they spent so much effort to snatch the box from us just to put it on the mountain for wind?" Ling Tian said.

"Hu Han, can you get the moving route of the signal source?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Wait for me." Hu Han typed twice on the computer, a map appeared on the computer, and everyone gathered together.

There is a red line on the map, which is the moving route of the signal source.

The red line is crooked, but there is an obvious turning point in it.

"Here." Ling Huohuo pointed to the turning point and asked, "Zoom in, what is this place?"

"This is the place where I just entered Tibet. It is a city. I usually take a rest here before entering Tibet on a self-driving tour, but we didn't stay here."

"Did they stop here?"

Hu Han clicked the computer a few more times, and some red circles appeared on the red line, which contained this turning point.

"That's right, they did stay, and I compared it. They stayed here the longest, a full day, but they had just left when we first entered Tibet."

"What about the next journey?" Ling Huohuo continued to ask.

"The subsequent journey is the same as the previous journey, with a short stop, and then continue on the road, and the stay will not exceed two hours."

Ling Huohuo drew twice on the map.

"Don't you feel that before and after this turning point, the opponent's direction is very purposeful?" Ling Huohuo said.

"Maybe it's changed." Wang Changfeng said.

"Why do you want to change the channel?" Yang Linger continued to ask.

"Eh..." Wang Changfeng blinked, I don't even need to guess if I know?

"Maybe something happened here." Ling Huohuo pointed to the turning point.

"You said... would they find the tracker and lead us here on purpose?" Ling Tian said suddenly, and then looked towards the mountain.


Everyone felt their backs go cold, and they looked at each other, thinking that what Ling Tian said seemed to be possible.

"Then... what should we do?" Wang Changfeng leaned closer to Ling Tian's side, a strong man would always give people a sense of security.

Ling Tian pushed Wang Changfeng away with a look of disgust.

"I think it's better to leave here first and wait at the foot of the mountain. Don't they stay for more than two hours at a time? It's only been an hour now. Wait two hours to see if they will leave." Ling Tian Said.

"What if you didn't leave?" Yang Linger asked.

"Then it may be that our tracker has been exposed. They deliberately led us here, or it may be that their destination is really on it. Let's talk about it later."

"What if you leave?" Hu Han said.

Ling Tian smiled.

"That's even easier, we just blocked them at the bottom of the mountain! It's impossible for them to be popsicles on the mountain."

Finally, after a vote, the five unanimously agreed to go down the mountain and wait.


Ang Longgang Rifeng Peak.

The woman in the leather jacket was still standing on the mountain in the leather jacket, and her team members were all fully armed standing behind her. The cold didn't seem to affect them.

The woman looked at a small dot-like thing in her hand, and a chill flashed in her eyes.

At this time, a team member came back from a distance.



"They seem to have discovered our purpose and are running down the mountain."

The woman narrowed her eyes.

"I'll clean up what I brought, chase!"


Looking at the direction down the mountain, the woman seemed to see Ling Huohuo and his party, as if she saw Ling Huohuo holding a frying pan. For some reason, she felt a dull pain in her chest, and the woman shook her body unnaturally.

After the woman brought the box to meet Dr. Nanbo, after being checked by Dr. Nanbo, the box was real, but the tracker was also found, and the task of cleaning the tail was also handed over to her.

So she brought Ling Huohuo and his party here with a tracker.

The reason for coming here is, on the one hand, because it is not far from the real destination. After solving Ling Huohuo and his party, it will be nice to go over the mountain to meet with the big troops. On the other hand, it is also to stay away from the city. There are no forests here, only snow and glaciers, just to prevent the opponent from hiding and escaping.

Two attacks, the first time I let the opponent run away alone, it can be said that I was careless, but the second time the whole team was dispatched, the opponent still ran away, I have to say, these people are really evil, not to mention Others, at least the ability to escape is very strong, so she chose this place, it is not convenient to escape, and there is no extra cover for their cemetery on the top of the mountain.

However, they didn't expect that they would have thought in advance that they were deliberately led here by themselves, and even withdrew halfway!Can it be said that it is worthy of being an existence with full escape skill points?

The woman felt very bad, this time she said she would trample those five little bugs to death!Especially the one with the pan!
hiss!I can't think about it, my chest hurts just thinking about that man and his frying pan.

(End of this chapter)

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