The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 358 Gaba crispy, chicken flavor

Chapter 358 Gaba crispy, chicken flavor (two more)

The underground tombs are very mysterious to the four clans, and even the four clans know very little about the underground tombs.

That's right, the city of the four clans was built on a huge ancient tomb. King Fudo Ming didn't know why, and he didn't know who the tomb belonged to. As long as he could remember, his elders told him: "Cub , there is a grave under our house."

When Ling Huohuo just heard about this, he twitched the corners of his mouth. This is the rhythm of dancing on the head of the grave. The people of the four tribes back then were really big-hearted.

However, the people of the four tribes have opened up the passages leading to the underground tombs, but they mainly explored the parts below the four cities. Later, these places became the underground bases of the four tribes, and there are passages leading to these ancient tombs under each stone tower , can also reach other stone towers through the underground ancient tomb, and leave from other stone towers. This is why Ling Huohuo told Ling Tian and others about the existence of the underground passage.

However, apart from the underground tombs of the four clans being safe, other parts of the tombs are not.

Although the four clans also explored in the past, there are various monsters in the ancient tomb, and they are extremely powerful. They only explored a few passages leading to the other three cities, and the other places are still a mystery.

Fudoming also curiously explored several times back then. According to his observation, the monsters in the ancient tomb have formed their own system, and because of that natural disaster, it is not known whether there will be any changes in the ancient tomb, whether the passage can still unimpeded.

"There is no rush to go to the other three ancient cities. Go and meet my elder brother and them first. You should take advantage of this time to recover well." Ling Huohuo thought for a while and said.

"Yes, Master."

Fudo Mingwang turned into a golden light and entered Ling Huohuo's body.

The addition of Fudo Mingwang not only brought a sixth-level thug to Ling Huohuo, but also brought two things.

One is an exercise - "Fudo Mingwang Curse·Fire", which is a practice practiced by Fudo Mingwang. The four clans have different attributes of "Fudoming King Curse", which is one of the ancestral exercises of the four clans. Combining them together can form a set of "Fudo Ming King Formation", but even if there is only the part of the fire attribute, the grade of this exercise is not low. If Ling Huohuo practices this exercise, the power of the blood of the fire attribute will It has greatly increased, and it can also better control the power of its own fire. The most important thing is that this exercise does not conflict with the "Sword Code", and can be practiced at the same time.

The other is a full set of fire spells. Fudo Mingo is a family of fire, so he has a deep research on fire spells, and Ling Huohuo's control over his own fire power can only be used through absolute control. There is no specific technique, the power is only the power of the flame itself.

Even the trick that can pass through the explosion of flames and fly in the air is just some skills developed by Ling Huohuo. Yes, it is skills. Based on Ling Huohuo's experience, it is very difficult for him to create his own spells. It's still too early.

However, King Fudo Ming brought a lot of fire spells to Ling Huohuo, which just made up for Ling Huohuo's vacancy in this regard.


Ling Huohuo jumped down the entrance of the cave, entered the underground tomb, and began to go to one of the entrances according to the route given to him by Fudo Mingo.

However, the moment Ling Huohuo entered the catacomb, he felt a chill behind his back, and when he turned around, he punched something, hitting something.

"Hey!" The thing that was hit made a sound like a baby crying.

Running the aura to his eyes, Ling Huohuo saw clearly what fell to the ground after being hit by him just now.

It is a green creature, not big, only more than 30 centimeters, like a loaf of bread, with a big head, a big mouth, ferocious fangs in the mouth, and two pairs of thin wings on the back , with a soft body, like a caterpillar, with three pairs of ferocious thin legs on the abdomen, about five centimeters in length, covered with barbs.

At this time, the creature was lying on the ground, half of its head collapsed, and blue blood flowed out. It seemed that it would not survive.

Feeling a little disgusted, Ling Huohuo shook off the blood on his hands, and flames appeared, burning all the disgusting things away.

And at this time, the sound of "beeping" sounded around Ling Huohuo, and Ling Huohuo felt that there were countless such bugs staring at him in the dark, and he was surrounded.

"This is a ghost bug!" Fudo Mingwang's voice sounded in Ling Huohuo's mind.

"Ghost bug?"

"That's right, the cry is the same as that of a baby. It is one of the lowest-level creatures in the ancient tomb. The attack method is to bite and hook the feet with a big mouth. It can slide for a short time. The deadly part is on the head. The strength is very weak. They exist as food for other creatures in the tomb, they are abundant in quantity, and they are very fertile, and as long as you turn your head around, the ghost bugs are edible, crunchy and taste like chicken."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Ling Huohuo seemed to hear King Fudo Ming swallowing his saliva.

"In the past, when the family was in famine, they would catch ghosts and insects to feed their hunger. Not only can they satisfy their hunger, but they can also strengthen their physique. Do you want to try it, Master?"

Ling Huohuo shook his head hastily, "No, no, no."

At this time, the sound of brushing and brushing sounded.

"Ghost bugs are approaching." Ling Huohuo said.

"Ghost worms are very ferocious, and they are not afraid of death. Although they are weak, there are many of them, and it is troublesome to be entangled."

"Then let's pass quickly!" Ling Huohuo laughed.

With a wave of his hand, he clenched his fists with both hands, and flames ignited on his fists. Looking at the ghost worm flying towards him, Ling Huohuo swung out his fist, and the ghost worm was instantly killed, and fell to the ground with blue smoke, Ling Huohuo Smell it, it smells really good, I like the smell of barbecue, bah, I don't know how to eat it!
In this way, Ling Huohuo punched a monster, no, it was a ghost, and moved forward quickly.

"Master, please be careful. The tomb is not guarded by my people. After so many years, the tomb may have been occupied by monsters in the tomb again. I don't know the specific situation."

"it is good!"

Ling Huohuo continued to move forward.

There are still 800 meters away from the target exit!


Fire source city.

The four of Ling Tian are exploring the deserted Fire Source City.

Although most of the city has been destroyed, there are still many traces of the people who lived in the city and the magnificence of the city can still be seen.

"This city is probably a city where a civilization lost in history lived." Hu Han said with some excitement.

"What?" Yang Linger asked.

"I observed around and compared with the contents of the database, the remaining murals and the text on the murals were not found in the database, and some of the murals in this city are mixed with a small amount of Sanskrit, but Most of the characters are unknown characters, which shows that there must be a race that gave birth to a complete civilization living in this city." Hu Han explained.

"But where did that race go? We haven't even seen a single corpse, and the degree of destruction in the city doesn't look like an ordinary natural disaster." Wang Changfeng said with a frown.

While the three of them were discussing, Ling Tian shone his flashlight around his surroundings, and suddenly his ears moved.

"Wait a minute, there is a situation!"

A black shadow flashed across the ruins beside the four of them.

(End of this chapter)

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