Chapter 371 Shocking Change (Second Update)
However, even though he thought Ling Huohuo and the others were a bit weird, the man gritted his teeth and flew towards Ling Huohuo and the others.

A group of weak chickens, what are you afraid of?


"Do not!!!!!!"

Looking at the last person who fell, Ling Huohuo blinked.

On the other side, Wang Changfeng stuck out his tongue out of exhaustion.

Wang Changfeng and the others are Mojin school guards, and they have learned a lot. Although their strength is not very good, they have a lot of tricks.

Unlike the man with wings, this man's speed is not fast. Even if he throws a stone, the power of the stone is limited, and it is difficult to cause too much damage to the man.

In order to block the man in the air, Wang Changfeng took Hu Han, Yang Linger and Ling Tian, ​​a total of four, and began to attack the man with the spells in their hands. As for Ling Huohuo, he was in charge of calling 666.

Because they flew over with skills, the man's flying flexibility is not high, and the speed is not too fast, so he had to face the challenge head-on. Fortunately, the man's strength is good, and Wang Changfeng and the others are limited by their strength, and the power of the spells they can make is also low. Limited, the man found that it was very easy for him to deal with it. He gradually swelled up a bit, but he still moved forward steadily, without arrogance or impetuosity.

But at this time, when the man was leaning on the platform, Ling Tian who had thrown away all the attacking spells was "excited", and threw out all the spells in his hand.

The spells in Ling Tian's hands were accumulated when he practiced drawing charms, and the types were complex, including a spell called "interfering charm".

Interference Talisman, a first-level spell, its only purpose is to interfere with the surrounding energy field of one meter for three seconds.

Different people have different energy fields, and some monsters can track their prey according to different energy fields. In order to avoid the tracking of monsters, skills that interfere with energy fields and spells and shielding symbols came into being.

However, interference with the energy field is a very advanced method. In order to allow novices to use it, it was simplified, and then spells and interference symbols appeared.

As the name suggests, the jammer is to interfere with the energy field within the range, changing its own energy field, so that the tracking monsters lose their targets.

But it can only interfere for three seconds, what's the use?Are you fooling around?

Isn't it still dead after three seconds?
Therefore, although the starting point is good, the result is unsatisfactory, and there are not many opportunities to use it. In the end, we can only give up the simplification, and let's take it step by step honestly.

However, the method of making the jammer has been left behind.

Shields are not so easy to make, and jammers are a simplified version of shields. Whether it is useful or not, if you have nothing to do and draw more, it should be regarded as training in advance.

And Ling Tian naturally drew two interference symbols when he was learning how to draw symbols.

Although the jammer is useless, it will cause an accident when it hits the man flying in the air.

It may be a coincidence that his flying skills are used in conjunction with the energy field.

Few of us can sense our own energy field, let alone use it.

But it does not mean that no one can sense the energy field. Some people speculate that this ability is innate, and some speculate that this ability is related to genetics, but in any case, the man is one of those exceptions. He sensed the energy field and successfully cultivated this skill , This is also the reason why the group of people organized by the Black Moon clearly have the ability to fly, but only one man succeeds in practicing.

The man with inflated self-confidence did not dodge. Various spells were triggered one by one, and the man blocked them one by one, until two interference symbols were triggered-the energy field exploded instantly, the skills failed, and the man had no choice but to fall.

Although the two distractors only interfered for six seconds, they interrupted the man's skills. The backlash almost caused internal injuries, but Ling Huohuo estimated that he might have sunk to the bottom by the time he recovered and used his skills again.

After seeing the man screaming and falling, although he didn't know the reason, it must be that one of Ling Tian's spells took effect.

The few people who were out of crisis all sat on the ground because of the constant use of spells and power, which consumed a lot of energy.

In addition to the matter of carrying the armor before, the consumption of physical strength and strength of Hu Han and the three of them has reached the limit at this time.

On the other side, the faces of the captain and Dr. Nan Bo were so gloomy that they were about to drip.

"Give me the Type [-] missile." The captain gritted his teeth and said, the Type [-] missile was the weapon that just smashed the hole behind Huo Huo and them.

"Wait, captain, don't be impulsive, what if the armor is damaged?" Dr. Nan Bo said hastily.

These armors are old at first glance. Although they look very strong, can they really withstand the power of missiles?No one can guarantee it, and Ling Huohuo and the others don't have one set, but seven sets of armor.

The captain thought about it, and had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​bombarding Ling Huohuo and the others.

"Can Yinshu bring things back?" Dr. Nan Bo asked with a frown.

At this time, the person who could sink into the ground had disappeared.

"Without the help of other people, he couldn't transport those things back at all, and those people are definitely not ordinary people. Do you think Yinshu can beat them? Tell Yinshu to wait and observe from a distance first." The captain said in a deep voice.

The distance of thousands of meters made it impossible for the team leader and others to see clearly the specific strength of Ling Huohuo and the others, and Yinshu, who saw what happened to his teammates, did not dare to approach Ling Huohuo and the others. Unlike others, he was underground. In case something happens, there is no way to save them, and they can only be buried alive.

Fortunately, he soon received the order from the captain, breathed a sigh of relief, and stared at Ling Huohuo and the others from afar.

The scene was deadlocked for a while.

"What are they doing?" Suddenly, the captain asked.

Dr. Nan Bo also looked at the opposite side in doubt.

At this time, Ling Huohuo and the others were sticking the charm on the armor.

"Many times, when you enter the ancient tomb, you will encounter treasures that you can't get back. At this time, you need to use the Sumeru Talisman." Wang Changfeng explained.

"Xumi Talismans can seal large things in spells. These Sumeru Talismans are third-level spells, which were given to us by our master and master. The advantage is that the power consumed is very small, and even we can use them easily. The disadvantage is that they only need It can be used once."

One suit of armor and one spell, and soon, seven sets of armor became seven spells.

Ling Huohuo looked at the Sumeru Talisman curiously, it should be a one-time space equipment.

"Okay, it's almost done, let's leave." Ling Tian said.

The crowd nodded.

It is obviously unwise to continue in a stalemate. The four people just fell down, and they may not necessarily die.

However, it's not a problem that the hole is blocked by mud. Don't forget, they have the earth-moving talisman, and now that no one disturbs them, they have enough time to use the earth-moving talisman.

And when Ling Huohuo and the others were just about to leave, a gust of wind suddenly gushed out from the ground, and the five of Ling Huohuo were blown into the air, as were the people from the Black Moon organization on the other side.

A roar came from the hole below, and a strong death air swept out with the strong wind.

(End of this chapter)

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