The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 373 Have You Heard of "The Upper Body of the Demon"?

Chapter 373 Have You Heard of "The Upper Body of the Demon"? (one more)
The changes in the depths of the ancient tomb also affected other places in the ancient tomb.

The monsters and the woman in leather all squatted on the ground, lowering their bodies.

After the shaking stopped, the monsters crawled out of the collapsed passage.

"What happened ahead?"

"There may have been a fight."

"No, Red Mist is catching up." The Mole Mouse exclaimed.

Behind them, red mist appeared in front of the monsters again, and because part of the passage collapsed, the mist spread wider.

"Run!" Hongshuang yelled, and all the monsters sped up.

The group of women in leather clothes also stood in a row, following behind.

Soon, the monsters arrived at the entrance of the cave.

"Big sister, the front is blocked by mud." The monster said all the time.

"I come!"

Momomouse let out a cry, and jumped from the last position to the front. Fortunately, the monsters in front hid quickly, and almost got Momomouse sitting under their buttocks. Looking at Momomouse's spherical body, they really dare not try.

And the ground mouse was scared by the red mist when it jumped so far, and the pain was really unforgettable.

The ground rat's horsepower was fully turned on, and the soil blocking the entrance of the cave was dug up in an instant.

After the hole was opened, the monsters and the woman in leather clothes passed through the hole one by one.

Looking at the magnificent city, everyone couldn't help being a little dazed.

"It's so beautiful." Ling Yu'er murmured.

"What's the situation?" Big Tengu frowned.

"The general is there!" a monster shouted.

Everyone looked in the direction he pointed, and saw that Ling Huohuo was being held by an old man who was moving down the stone wall, but they didn't find the monsters.

"Dr. Nanbo!" A team member exclaimed.

"What?" Yizi turned to look at the man.

"Hmph, let me tell you, that is Dr. Nan Bo, one of our leaders. I advise you to let us go, otherwise I can't guarantee that your general will still be intact." The team member quickly reacted , said triumphantly.

The other team members also reflected, yes, your leader has been captured by our leader, and now we have the upper hand!

So the others hastily nodded in agreement.

Being frightened all the way, the team members couldn't wait to get away from the monsters. As for revenge... they can't beat it, forget it.

Only the woman in leather frowned.

She always felt something was wrong. She knew about the strength of Dr. Nanbo. She was a Tier [-] just like herself, but she was not a combat unit. Aside from his high-tech, his combat effectiveness was almost zero, but he was able to tame someone who was stronger than herself. How could a monster person be caught by Dr. Nanbo?

The scene in front of me is as funny as a little hen catching an eagle.

However, because of the distance, she couldn't see clearly the appearance of the general that these monsters were talking about, let alone the strength of that general.

That's right, the monsters looked at this group of players as if they were looking at a mentally retarded person.

Our general was caught?Although it seems so, but... we don't know the specific situation.

"Believe it or not, I will kill you right now, I can guarantee that your leader will not know." Yizi said, showing a cruel smile and a cute little canine tooth.

At this time, the team members also realized that Dr. Nan Bo didn't know that he and others had been arrested. If the other party destroyed the body and wiped out the traces, no one would be able to stop it!
These monsters are really bad!

The players knelt down.

"Grandma monster, the little one is wrong, please let me go!"

Yizi touched the head of the team member in front of him.

"What's it called?"



When the woman in leather was lowering her head and thinking about something, a pair of women's hiking boots appeared in her field of vision.

The woman in leather raised her head, and Hongshuang appeared in front of her.

She knew a little about the woman in the red frost leather coat along the way, she was one of the leaders of this group of monsters, and the other was a man named Xiao.

Along the way, Hongshuang didn't talk to herself and the others, and the woman in leather was very curious about the reason why Hongshuang came to her now.

"Do you want to leave?" Hongshuang said with a smile, one hand gently pinching the leather-clothed woman's chin.

The woman in leather looked at Hongshuang suspiciously, not knowing why the other party said that,

"I can let you go, but..." Hongshuang elongated her voice, brought her mouth close to the woman in leather clothes, and blew, "Have you heard of 'The Upper Body of the Demon'?"

The woman in the leather coat suddenly had a bad feeling, but before she could react, Hongshuang's body suddenly burst out with a lot of demonic energy, quickly wrapping the woman in the leather coat inside, and before the woman in the leather coat could make a sound, she disappeared There was only a thick cloud of evil spirit left.

The team members were taken aback by this sudden change, but before they could react, clusters of monster energy also enveloped their bodies.

Half a minute later, the demonic aura dissipated, revealing twenty figures. They were the women in leather clothes and a group of them. They were closing their eyes. The only difference from before was that their lips were a little dark.

At the same time, Hongshuang and the other nineteen monsters had disappeared.

Soon, the "leather woman" opened her eyes, felt her body, and smiled, but the smile was a little weird.

The other team members also opened their eyes, and with a light force, all the ropes in their hands were disconnected, then they stood up and began to move their bodies.

"Okay, we are responsible for contacting the general, and I will leave it to you." "The woman in leather", or Hongshuang, said to the big tengu.

"Don't worry." Big Tengu nodded, and the rest of the dozen or so monsters, including Yizi, Momoshu and Ling Yu'er also stood by his side.

"By the way, pay attention to that red mist. I always have a bad feeling. Once something happens, I will call the police." Before leaving, Hongshuang said to the big tengu.

"Yeah." Big Tengu nodded coolly.

"Let's go." Hongshuang quickly left with the nineteen people behind her.

If you want to know the situation of Ling Huohuo, can't you just go and have a look?Moreover, the group of women in leather clothes was there, which gave Hongshuang and the others an opportunity.

Datengu looked at Hongshuang and other demons who were leaving, thought for a while, and turned around.

"Earthquake, block the entrance of the cave, and then stay here with one son. The other monsters and I search around here to see if there is anything." Big Tengu said.

"it is good!"


The mole rat turned around, and just in case, it erected a thick earth wall, and then channeled its own strength into it to reinforce it.

One son looked around boredly.

Daitengu and other monsters got up and flew to the city below the platform.


On the other side, Ling Huohuo and Dr. Nan Bo are about to fall to the edge of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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