The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 383 This Poisonous!

Chapter 383 This Poisonous! (two more)
If there was a living dragon in front of Ling Huohuo, Ling Huohuo would not even walk, but would lie directly on the ground, he recognized it.

If there is a dragon's corpse in front of Ling Huohuo, then he will still not leave, but will pack the dragon's corpse first, and I heard that the dragon's body is full of treasures.

However, now in front of Ling Huohuo is the corpse of a dragon polluted by death energy. Although the dragon corpse still has many functions, it undoubtedly has much less effect on Ling Huohuo. He dare not touch the death energy easily , A bad one will be polluted by dead energy.

And now this dragon corpse is cheating. Although it is irrational, its instinct and strength are still there. If Ling Huohuo is not careful, he will really die.

Therefore, although Ling Huohuo wanted to explore the inside of the dragon corpse, he was still very careful.

Because of the pollution of dead air, the dragon's flesh and blood are all shriveled and useless, and although the keel and dragon tendons can be used, they are all inside the dragon's flesh and blood. If you touch it rashly, you don't know what will happen. Ling Huohuo's keel and tendons are not something that Ling Huohuo can take casually.

Ling Huohuo didn't have much hope for the exploration of the dragon's corpse, but just had a fluke mentality.

All the way forward, although there is no light inside the dragon's body, it doesn't affect Ling Huohuo. The only trouble is to allocate some strength to resist the attack of death energy at all times, but fortunately, no one can control the death energy. The power is not strong.

This place is of great benefit to creatures who practice death energy, and they may even absorb the dragon energy mixed in death energy, but they are not blessed to endure these Ling Huohuo.

The inside of the dragon corpse is very large, and the occasional shaking can feel that the dragon corpse is moving.

Ling Huohuo and the others already knew that they had entered the space channel with the dragon corpse, but they didn't know where they were teleported. It's useless to worry, it's better to look at the surrounding situation first.


Soon, everyone found out.

Four comatose figures appeared in front of everyone. The dead energy was eroding their bodies and draining their vitality. At this moment, their vitality was already very weak. If they continued, they would wait until their vitality disappeared and the dead energy entered their bodies. , I'm afraid it will start to mutate and become a monster.

Even if they are rescued now, they will suffer from a serious illness later, which will affect their strength and even leave hidden wounds.

Ling Huohuo observed the four people and found that they were the four flying people sent by the Black Moon organization, and one of them was suspected to be a member of the Wind Clan.

They should have been swallowed by the dragon after falling into the cave, no wonder they have not been seen coming up.

Ling Huohuo thought for a while, and dealt with the four of them briefly to force out the dead energy that had invaded their bodies, then threw them into the small world and handed them over to a few monsters who could heal them.

There are not many people with fourth-level strength in the captain’s base, only eight, five are Dr. Nanbo’s bodyguards, and three are the captains of the former No. [-] team. After that, Ling Huohuo only saw Dr. Nanbo’s four bodyguards. Then the identities of these four people are already obvious.

Maybe we can get more news about the Black Moon Organization from them, and if it doesn't work, we can take them under our wing.

Continue to move forward, half an hour later, when Ling Huohuo and his party reached the end, they found nothing, so Ling Huohuo and the others turned around and walked back.

Just now it was walking towards the tail of the dragon corpse, but now it is moving towards the dragon's head.

Along the way, Ling Huohuo and the monsters could hear the roar of the dragon corpse and feel the movement of the dragon corpse.

There was no need to search, and the return speed was much faster, but when everyone returned to the previous position and continued to move forward, they encountered several figures again.

There are five figures.

These figures were covered with red scales, with a pair of fleshy wings growing on their backs, and a pair of red eyes that looked extremely bloodthirsty. The five figures rushed towards the crowd as soon as they saw them.

Ling Huohuo and the monsters also reacted quickly and greeted them instantly.

But the ending is not ideal.

With just one punch, all the monsters hit by the red monster spit out a mouthful of blood and flew back at a faster speed, and were severely injured in an instant.

Ling Huohuo was taken aback, what's going on?
When Ling Huohuo fought against the monsters, he found that the power of these monsters was no less than his own, and had far surpassed the power of these fourth-order big monsters.

"Ling Huohuo, these are monsters produced by the mutation of corpses polluted by dead air," Babai said.

"No wonder it looks familiar to me, but why is it so strong?" Ling Huohuo shook his hand, these monsters are not afraid of pain, but Ling Huohuo is different, it really hurts.

"These monsters absorb the death energy here and gradually become stronger. If it continues, it will only become stronger." Babai explained.

Ling Huohuo nodded, "It seems that we can only make a quick decision, so I will burn you all!"

After speaking, Ling Huohuo turned into a monster, with flames churning all over his body, showing a sneer.

In the fight just now, Ling Huohuo found that these monsters have strong defense and strength, and their speed is also very fast. It is obviously not suitable for melee combat, but these monsters have no wisdom and no other abilities. They just don't know whether they can prevent fire or not.

"Die!" Ling Huohuo exploded with flames with all his strength, surrounding the five monsters, and the death energy around them was greatly reduced by the pressure of the flames.

The flames used by Ling Huohuo after the sixth level are different from before. Although they are still orange-red, the temperature is more than five times higher, and the destructive power is stronger.

The burned monsters screamed and wanted to stay away from the flames, but Ling Huohuo controlled all the monsters within a certain range, even if they rushed out, Ling Huohuo kicked them back.

What surprised Ling Huohuo was that the bodies of these monsters could resist their own flames. No, it should be said that the red scales on the outside could resist Ling Huohuo's flames, but the flesh and blood inside could not. At that time, the seven orifices of the five monsters were already smoking, and it seemed that the inside was almost cooked.

Ling Huohuo and the monsters were also amazed at such a scene.

Ling Huohuo sniffled... Ouch, this shit, bah, this smoke... is poisonous.

A sickle weasel monster hurried forward to control the surrounding wind to prevent the poisonous gas from spreading further, Yingcao also hurriedly raised the dandelion in her hand, and took a bite regardless of others.

Ling Huohuo wiped the corner of his mouth.

Fortunately, he and the monsters are both in good health. If a mortal were here, he would be poisoned to death. Moreover, the smell of the smoke was really bad, worse than the smell of durian thrown into the microwave.

The scent of Yonedako.

After more than ten minutes, these monsters stopped struggling and seemed to be dead, but just in case, Ling Huohuo burned for 5 minutes, and the surrounding monsters were already undressed, and the male monster To put it bluntly, they usually don't wear a lot of clothes, and when they get into a fight, it's muscle-to-muscle close contact, but what about female monsters...Looking at the green eyes of the male monsters around them, they finally hid in the small world.

When Ling Huohuo put away the flames, the place that had just been burned was still steaming, a sheep demon stepped up curiously...
"Give you cumin." The bull demon.

"Go away!" The sheep demon.

Only Ling Huohuo himself could endure the temperature at this time, even if it was a big monster with fire attributes, it would squeak when it went up.

However, Ling Huohuo found that even with such a burn, his own flames did not hurt the shriveled flesh and blood inside the dragon corpse. You must know that this is the softest inside of the dragon corpse!

"As expected of a dragon."

Without the suppression of the flames, the dead energy gathered again, and the temperature of this piece of flesh and blood also dropped rapidly.

(End of this chapter)

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