The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 393 "Ling Miao"?

Chapter 393 "Ling Miao"? (three more)
No one picked up Ling Huohuo, so Ling Huohuo could only figure out a way to go to Chaofan Academy this time.

But this time I was going out in the country, and I had all the ID cards, so I didn't need to smuggle in. Naturally, I had to go through formal procedures.

The visa to go abroad came out on the same day. With the communication between Chaofan Academy and Huaxia and the United States, the two countries and Shuangkuai let Ling Huohuo go, and they also had a record. They will naturally provide convenience for Ling Huohuo to enter and leave the country in the future.

After arranging everything, Ling Huohuo took the monsters on the plane to the United States early the next morning.

Declining the kindness of the military special plane to pick him up, Ling Huohuo sat in first class.

After getting on the plane, Ling Huohuo found his place and leaned comfortably on the chair.

Although it is not as good as the Queen of England's special plane that I used to take, it is still very comfortable.

Soon, the passengers were all boarded and the plane was ready to take off.

Ling Huohuo asked for a blanket, and closed his eyes comfortably. Although he was not sleeping, there was nothing to do on the plane, so he could only close his eyes and rest his mind.

However, soon Ling Huohuo heard a noise, frowned, and opened his eyes.

At this time, many people in the first-class cabin have already turned their attention to the two groups of people who are arguing. After all, many people in the first-class cabin are famous people, or executives of some big companies. Arguing with other people in this public place.

The two groups that quarreled were both trios.

There are one woman and two men on each side. The main quarrel is between the two girls, while the remaining four boys can only smile wryly and apologize to the people around them, and also want to separate the two quarreling girls.

Ling Huohuo's eyes changed, and the two groups of six people were all extraordinary, the four boys were all three-level, and the two girls were four-level, and they all seemed to be in their 20s.

Surprisingly, both girls are rare beauties.

One of the girls has blond hair, a hot figure, and is tall. She looks about 1.8 meters tall, but she is dressed conservatively. She is a very standard Western beauty.

The other girl has red hair, looks like an oriental person, is tall, and is about the same size as the blonde girl.

Fortunately, the two angry girls quickly noticed the situation around them, a little embarrassed, and finally snorted coldly and ignored each other.

When the quarrel was about to end, Ling Huohuo wanted to sit back, when a cry attracted Ling Huohuo's attention again.

"Ling Miao!"

Ling Huohuo turned his head and found that the speaker was the blond girl among the two girls who had just quarreled, and Ling Miao spoke the words in a correct way, and he could feel that he spoke Chinese very well.

"Ling Miao? Why are you here?" Another girl also spoke in Chinese, with a look of surprise on her face, she also seemed to know Ling Miao.

The remaining four boys also looked surprised, apparently they did not expect to see "Ling Miao" here.

Ling Huohuo was embarrassed for a while, are these people Ling Miao's friends?But why didn't I know it when I was in China?Did you meet when you were studying abroad?

Because of their appearance, Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao have always been mistaken for Ling Miao since they were young, and she also recognized Xiao Yunyun as Ling Miao, but Ling Huohuo is very relieved that his family, including the unreliable pair Parents never miss them.

And after getting along with Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao for a long time, Ling Huohuo's friends, including Xiao Yunyun, did not miss Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao. According to them, it was because of their different temperaments.

Obviously, this group of people now recognized Ling Huohuo as Ling Miao.

In order not to cause embarrassment, it is better to explain first.

However, just when Ling Huohuo wanted to explain, the blonde girl's words made Ling Huohuo hold back the words he was going to say in his throat.

"Ling Miao, you didn't come here with me, did you finally agree to marry me back to China?" the blond girl shouted in surprise.


Ling Huohuo felt that the speed of the car was a bit fast, but he didn't realize it. He always felt that the amount of information in this sentence was a bit large.

The blonde girl's words attracted the passengers who had already sat back to sit up again, but this time they looked at Ling Huohuo.


"Oh, don't be embarrassed, you didn't even bring your two followers, you must be worried about me." The blond girl left her position, ran to Ling Huohuo, and hugged Ling Huohuo before Ling Huohuo could react. He grabbed Ling Huohuo's head and buried Ling Huohuo's head deeply in his chest.

Coach, I want to report that someone hit someone with the ball!But...hehehe...

Wait, this is a girl who has an unclear relationship with her own brother!
Surprised, Ling Huohuo put up his willpower, pushed the girl away, and left the softness that made people memorable.

"Wait, that..." Ling Huohuo was about to explain when another girl's voice interrupted Ling Huohuo again.

"Shameless woman, hum." The red-haired girl snorted coldly.

Ling Huohuo could tell that the relationship between the two women was not good, could it be... the Asura Field?

"And you, Ling Miao, you should be in the academy at this time, it's against the school rules for you to sneak out!" The red-haired girl glared at Ling Huohuo.

Uh, well, it turns out that the relationship between this girl and Ling Miao is not good, it seems that Ling Huohuo is thinking too much.


"Hmph, what do you care? Darling's strength is stronger than many mentors, and he will come out as soon as he comes out. Can you control it?" The blonde girl retorted the red-haired girl and sat in Ling Huohuo's arms.

"Fox spirit, shameless!"

"I'm happy, a little bit..."

Ling Huohuo twitched the corners of his mouth, but Ling Huohuo was a little surprised by a noun the blonde girl said just now.

Just now the blond girl talked about strength, college?strength?tutor?Ling Huohuo thought of something, but the touch in his arms made him unable to continue thinking.

"Well, can you get up first?" Ling Huohuo whispered.

"No~" The blond girl was lying in Ling Huohuo's arms coquettishly.

At this time, the stewardess also noticed the commotion here, walked over, persuaded the blonde girl and the red-haired girl to return to their seats, Ling Huohuo breathed a sigh of relief, and glanced at the stewardess gratefully.

Ling Huohuo could hardly hold back the feeling of the blonde girl sitting in her arms just now.

Ling Huohuo suddenly felt a little envious of Ling Miao. It seemed that Ling Miao had enjoyed a good time abroad, but he didn't know what was going on with him and Yin Ya.


"Sister, I think Ling Miao is a bit strange today." A boy whispered to the blonde girl.

"What's strange? Isn't it still like Ling Miao?" the blonde girl said.

"No, I'm talking about attitude. Although Ling Miao is not that overbearing, he is definitely a tough person. He will never show the expression he has today, nor will he violate school rules for no reason. , bathing and other private activities, Ling Miao and his two teammates are rarely separated, but today I didn't see those two followers, and..."

After hesitating for a while, the boy continued: "Ling Miao is very self-sufficient, and has never been too intimate with any opposite sex. Even the eldest sister, you have never made any intimate moves with Ling Miao. Today, I don't think it's normal for you to be like this today."

The blond girl also frowned, recalling the actions of "Ling Miao" today, she suddenly felt that "Ling Miao" today was very strange, and just like what the red-haired girl said, it stands to reason that "Ling Miao" is not Might be here!

"It doesn't matter, just ask after getting off the plane." Finally, the blond girl said.

"Okay." The two boys beside him shrugged. Since the eldest sister has already spoken, as a follower, they will not continue the discussion.

(End of this chapter)

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