The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 404 Sit down and operate normally

Chapter 404 Everyone Sit Down, Normal Operation (Fourth Update)
"Drawing the sword" didn't work, but Jian Shengdao didn't give up. Instead, he drew his sword and attacked Ling Huohuo again.

If one blow failed, Jian Shengdao already knew that Ling Huohuo's strength was very strong, so he stopped hiding his clumsiness and broke out with all his strength.

The long sword was raised.

"Kendo Twelve Combos!"

Twelve consecutive strikes make twelve swords in a row, which is a means of quick attack.

ding ding ding...

Ling Huohuo's body swayed slightly, and the long sword in his hand seemed to be waving at will. He looked very chic, but he successfully blocked Jian Shengdao's twelve consecutive blows.

"Splash ink!?" Jian Shengdao said in surprise.

"Swipe brush and splash ink" is a sword technique that uses two methods of power, namely lifting weights as lightly as possible and lifting lightly as heavy ones. It requires a certain level of understanding of swordsmanship to be used.

Ling Huohuo has been able to comprehend, but he doesn't know how to comprehend it. Although Ling Huohuo's potential has reached the peak after the awakening of the blood, what hurts Babaidan is that it finds that Ling Huohuo's comprehension ability is still crippled. , so I didn't talk about these things with Ling Huohuo.

At this time, the reason why Ling Huohuo used a sword technique similar to "splashing ink" is entirely due to the crushing of strength, and it is entirely based on the huge gap in strength. If it is a sixth-level sword, Ling Huo Huo would never think of playing like this.

Ling Huohuo raised his eyebrows, but didn't reply. He didn't know what "splashing ink" was, but it sounded very powerful.

Jian Shengdao took a step back and opened the distance.

"Be careful with your next move."

Ling Huohuo was taken aback, hearing your tone, you are going to make a big move.

Jian Shengdao let out a soft drink, a white sword energy appeared on his body, and a force was attached to the sword in his hand.

"Sword intent!" Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes, this was the second person he had ever seen who used sword intent.

"It's a non-attribute pure sword intent, which is the same as the sword intent inspired by the "Sword Code", but it is obviously much stronger than your pure sword intent." Babai said.

Ling Huohuo could also feel that the sword intent comprehended by Jian Shengdao was much stronger than his own non-attribute sword intent.

The sword intent without attribute has no attribute, although it loses the attribute to target, but it will also not be targeted by attribute power. The competition is pure power, which is more widely used.

"A competition of sword intent?"

Ling Huohuo smiled.

The spatial sword intent attached to the surface of the long sword in Ling Huohuo's hand, making the long sword in Ling Huohuo's hand a little blurry, as if it had become transparent.

The Space Sword Intent has been completed by Ling Huohuo, and when absorbing the space power, Ling Huohuo still has some insights, which makes the Space Sword Intent go a step further. It can be said that the Space Sword Intent is the strongest sword intent that Ling Huohuo has mastered , is also the best sword intent to master.

In addition, the spatial sword intent is already very powerful, and the power that Ling Huohuo erupts when using the spatial sword intent is not comparable to other sword intents.

"The way of the sword, the only sword!" Jian Shengdao drank, pointed a sword at Ling Huo, the huge white sword energy turned into a cone, and shot at Ling Huohuo, while Jian Shengdao trembled, leaning on the sword And stand.

This move is the most powerful one mastered by Jian Shengdao.

Concentrate the strength of the whole body on the long sword in the hand, and the blessing of the sword.

Because of its great power, it was difficult for Jian Shengdao to wield the sword in his hand. He could only use it as a long-range attack method and shoot it out. If this sword was cut by Jian Shengdao, then the power of this sword would be even greater.

However, with Jian Shengdao's current strength, this sword requires five breaths of preparation time, which is considered a weakness.

After this sword, if Ling Huohuo cannot be defeated, then Jian Shengdao will lose.

As for why he made this sword, it was because of the short fight just now, Jian Shengdao had already recognized the huge gap between himself and Ling Huohuo.

Now Jian Shengdao no longer has any hope of victory, and he pointed to test out how big the gap between himself and Ling Huohuo was.

At this time, feeling the chill from the sword energy, the muscles of the wild beast tensed, and the Ice Queen raised her strength. If they could not survive this move, they might even be seriously injured. If Ling Huohuo If there is a little fatigue, they will come forward to support.

The purpose of having at least two mentors as referees is also just in case, to prevent the situation of being unable to hold back.

The hearts of Ling Miao and the others were also raised, and just looking at the sword energy felt like a glow on their backs.

Only Xiao Yunyun had nothing to worry about. Back then in Ping'an Jing, Mandrill's sword was definitely better than this sword. Didn't Ling Huohuo still stand up bluntly?In the end, a wave of anti-killing was completed, and Toyotomi Hideya was rescued. Wait, why do you think of that woman Toyotomi Hideya when you think of Heiankyo?

And Ling Huohuo raised the long sword in his hand calmly.

"Space Sword Intent · Two Worlds of Dimensions."

Space is fixed, but not the only one. Two lines that are not in the same space can never intersect, and different dimensions cannot be affected. This is one of Ling Huohuo's comprehensions, a defensive move.

The sword is in one dimensional world, and the incoming attack is exiled to another dimensional world, so that two things that are not in the same world can never interact with each other, and the attack that does not reach the limit of the power that Ling Huohuo can exile cannot be against Ling Huohuo. make an impact.

Under the surprised eyes of the onlookers, the cone-shaped sword energy was split by Ling Huohuo's sword, and then the two halves of the sword energy exploded and gradually dissipated.

And Ling Huohuo... was unharmed.

The moment the sword energy touched Ling Huohuo's sword, the sword energy was exiled to another dimension, and what Ling Huohuo split was the projection of the sword energy without any power, when Ling Huohuo's sword left the projection , the sword energy returns, but the power has been split and cannot be condensed, and the power can only be blown up and then dispersed.

The sword energy exploded behind Ling Huohuo, but Ling Huohuo stood holding the sword, looking at Jian Sheng with a smile.

Real man, never look back at the explosion.

At this time, there was no sound in the entire actual battlefield. Everyone was taken aback by the strength of Ling Huohuo's sword slashing sword energy, and couldn't react for a long time.

Although they didn't face the sword qi directly, they still felt the power of the sword qi, so the terrifying sword qi was split like this?
"This level of strength..." The wild beast was a little dry.

"Level six!" The Ice Queen said in a deep voice.

"I... lost." Jian Shengdao lowered his head.




"Long live Teacher Ling!"

"Long live Teacher Ling!"

The students all stood up and cheered.

Ling Miao showed a relaxed smile, but looked at Ling Huohuo with complicated eyes. After thinking for a while, she seemed to have made a decision.

Ling Huohuo waved to the surroundings, smiled and nodded.

"Sit down and operate normally."

"I declare, the winner, Teacher Ling!" The beast said loudly.


The competition is over, and the actual combat class continues.

Ling Huohuo could feel that the students around him were looking at him with respect.

Jian Shengdao was resting aside, but the look at Ling Huohuo made Ling Huohuo uncomfortable for a while.

Ling Huohuo felt that he might have been targeted by Jian Shengdao.

(End of this chapter)

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