The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 411 One son's "very breasts" incident

Chapter 411 Yizi's "Very Breast" Incident ([-]rd)

"General, is this the group of people? Are you going to kill them?" Big Tengu shouted.

"Wait." Ling Huohuo reassured Datiangu and the others.

Ling Huohuo didn't expect the monsters to get the news so quickly, and they all rushed over. If one of them is not handled well, it would be easy to cause death today. The monsters don't care about school rules, even if they know.

"What are you waiting for, just kill them all, hehehe..." Hongshuang said with a smile, the ice gradually spread from her body.

"That's right, General, although it's been a long time since I've eaten human flesh, it doesn't matter if I turn back to meat today." A wolf demon licked its teeth, dripping corrosive saliva on the ground, making a sizzling noise. Sound, a large piece of the ground was quickly corroded.

"Can you give me that bone?" Happy asked, raising his head.

"Don't worry." The wolf demon touched Happy's dog's head with his paw.

"Ling Huohuo, are you okay?" Xiao Yunyun began to check on Ling Huohuo with a worried expression on his face.

"It's okay, this group of people can't hurt me, besides, there is Fudo Mingwang, over there, come back." Just as Xiao Yunyun was comforted, Ling Huohuo found that a monster had already stepped forward, Ling Huohuo Hastily called back.

At this time, Megan, who received the news, also rushed over with Nero.

A large group of monsters ran in the Extraordinary Academy, making people mistakenly think that someone was going to attack the Extraordinary Academy, and reported the news to her, which shocked Megan and almost contacted other school committees directly.

After finally figuring out the truth of the matter, she hurriedly brought people here again.

Although watching the excitement is very interesting, if the excitement is over, it is not as simple as being interesting.

Ling Huohuo is a newcomer. Although he has a sense of measure, those monsters don't.

She knew about the group of monsters brought by Ling Huohuo, and found out that most of them were vicious monsters.

And she also learned that monsters attach great importance to the leader. If someone takes action against the leader, it will definitely be the result of death. Only by successfully killing the leader can the monsters disperse. Huo Huo, this is very embarrassing.

There is no guarantee that Ling Huohuo can completely suppress them from doing anything. If they do and cause death, then they will be busy.

And as far as Megan knew, Ling Huohuo seemed to be very indulgent to his group of monsters.

She was the one who knew from the beginning that Ling Huohuo was besieged by the Lions Club and III. If anyone else knew about it, they could only be regarded as insiders, but she was different. She was the chairman of the student union and the school committee, and she was obliged to prevent the school Fatalities occur.

If someone is really dead, she will also be responsible, for dereliction of duty.

That's why she brought people over in a hurry to "persuade the fight". In fact, she didn't expect such a big disturbance.

And the team battle between the Lions Club and the third world involved Ling Huohuo, and it was still this special period, so there was absolutely something hidden.

Megan could also guess that the other three kendo instructors set up a trap for Ling Huohuo, but she didn't expect Ling Huohuo to be so strong, and none of his subordinates were kind.

If one were to get to the bottom of it, Lion Club, III, the three kendo instructors, and even himself were all responsible, and only Ling Huohuo was innocent.

However, as long as they rely on their status as school committee members, it is still very easy to persuade them to stop fighting.

However, things are not as easy as Megan thought.

At this time, Megan couldn't get in at all, because she was stopped by a group of people.

"Little sister..."

"You're just a little sister, you have big breasts!" said Yizi, hugging his chest.

"..." Megan really wanted to say, "Yes, big breasts are really amazing", but looking at the aggressive monsters around her, she felt that it would be better not to provoke the monsters.

"Then, it's okay to teach you the beautiful Miss Goblin." Megan said with a smile on her face.

"Hmph, hypocritical woman, but I allow you to call me that." Yizi said with his neck raised.

Megan really wanted to beat her up with a punch, but her self-cultivation since she was a child made her endure it.

"I'm the school committee member. You can call me Megan. I want to see Supervisor Ling. I have something very important to tell him." Megan said.

The son looked Megan up and down, which made Megan feel uncomfortable for a while, and finally snorted coldly.

"Don't see me!"

"Why?" Megan said.

"Because you have big breasts!"

"You're playing tricks!" Nero's face darkened, she wasn't as easy-talking as Megan.

"I'm just kidding you." Yizi said with a disdainful smile, for a person as good as the general, there are always dazzling big-breasted sluts who want to seduce him, as a subordinate, I have the obligation to block the big-breasted sluts outside, That's right, that's the truth, and it's definitely not the reason why I'm hostile to people with big breasts.

Yizi glanced at Nero's chest.

This is not small, huh!

He snorted disdainfully.

"You..." Nero clenched his fists and took a step forward.

The people behind one raised their guns in unison, aiming at the two of them.

"Stop!" Megan stretched out a hand to stop Nello, and took a deep breath.

Megan understood that Yizi deliberately wanted to prevent her from passing, but the reason...

Megan looked at the flat chest, snorted coldly with disdain, crossed his arms, and straightened his chest, the two little rabbits trembled.

I have seen "hate marriage", "hate marriage", and this is the first time I have seen "hate breast".

"It's so pitiful." Megan whispered, but the voice reached Yizi's ears.

Yizi also followed Megan's line of sight to look at him.

"You bastard! Shoot them into a hornet's nest!" Yizi pointed at Megan and Nero and shouted angrily.

Megan and Nero tightened their bodies, but the gunfire did not ring out, and the bullets did not arrive as promised.

"Big Sister Yizi, Big Sister Hongshuang doesn't let us shoot, she just lets us scare people." A person whispered in Yizi's ear.

Hearing this, Megan smiled.

The situation is better than expected.

Not being allowed to shoot proves that there are still calm monsters among the monsters, and their status is still high.

Thinking about it, as long as Ling Huohuo is not mentally retarded, nothing should happen.

Megan smiled, "Nello, let's go."

"What? Don't you want to go in?" Nero was taken aback.

"No, it's confirmed." After speaking, Megan turned around and was about to take Nero away.

"You two big-breasted women, don't run away if you have the ability!" The first son thought that Megan and Nero were afraid, and hurriedly puffed out his chest and shouted loudly.

"No, goodbye, sister with flat chest." Megan waved her hand behind her and said intentionally.

"Ah!" Being stepped on the painful spot, he yelled loudly, and was about to rush out, but was hugged by the people behind him with quick eyes and hands.

When I came here, Miss Hongshuang asked everyone not to cause trouble. If there is a fight here, I and others will be implicated. They don't want to be frozen in the ice. Except for the eyes, other parts cannot move move.

"If you have the ability, don't go away, big-breasted girl, cow, lewd meat... I will shoot you into a hornet's nest, I curse you, I curse your breasts to become smaller, no..."

Hearing the scolding voices behind her, Megan smiled triumphantly.

How can the barking of a defeated dog be heard?
"Call me whatever you want, do you blame me so much? However, if this happened today, you have to settle it with Ling Tutor when you have the opportunity."

What Ling Huohuo didn't know was that he provoked Megan, the school committee member, because of Yizi's "chest-hating" incident.

(End of this chapter)

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