Chapter 413 Tripartite Talks (Part [-])
There are a total of three masters of swordsmanship recognized among the instructors of the Extraordinary Academy.

The first one is from China. According to legend, it is Jian Shixin, the successor of Jianzong, and Jian Shengdao is his descendant, grandson, but what he didn't expect was that Jian Shengdao actually enrolled in Ling Huohuo's swordsmanship elective course. But it made Jian Shixin sulky for a while, so Jian Shixin was also the person who disliked Ling Huohuo the most.

The swordsmanship used is Huaxia swordsmanship, which focuses on the coherence of stabbing, chopping, cutting, and teasing.

The second is Sasaki Toruma from Japan. It is said that he is the descendant of the swordsman Sasaki Kojiro and the descendant of Sasaki Iwaryu. However, he also learned a lot of other Japanese swordsmanship. A three-foot-three-inch long knife, the blade is quite long, and the attack range is large. The swordsmanship is mostly killing, and he is a very rigorous person.

Japanese swordsmanship, even the techniques of Japanese swords, are mostly interlinked with Chinese swordsmanship, but they are mainly chopping, and most of them hold the knife with both hands, and the chopping power is relatively strong.

The third is Alice, a British national, who is the swordsmanship instructor of President Megan, the mentor of the student council. She is a woman. Her age is unknown, but she looks very young and mysterious. She uses Western swordsmanship. She is very kind and has an elegant look. temperament.

Western fencing focuses on movements such as advancing and retreating, defending, sprinting, stabbing, etc., and pays attention to the flexibility of the wrist, making the swordsmanship changeable.

At this time, the three swordsmanship instructors were also meeting in secret.

The number of Ling Huohuo's students has increased, which is not a good sign.

Originally, they all had their own calculations and discussed how to deal with Ling Huohuo, but because they couldn't see through Ling Huohuo's true strength, they kept throwing tricks.

It's all right now, because of an accident, Ling Huohuo's strength was exposed, but he also gained prestige for Ling Huohuo. The number of recruited students increased rapidly, and today it rose to [-]. What about tomorrow?Three hundred and five or five hundred?
Students generally decide on an elective course, which will not be changed without accidents, but the same type is changed very frequently, and finally they will concentrate on the tutor with high voice.

Fortunately, the loss of other grades is not much, but the loss of freshmen is very serious. Among the 250 students who signed up for Ling Huohuo's course today, freshmen accounted for the majority.

Because freshmen have limited understanding of Chaofan Academy, they can only make choices through the Internet and collected information. After all, after the registration period, they cannot change the courses they reported. Of course, they must be carefully considered, and now Ling Huohuo has directly demonstrated his strength. , Compared with asking about it, freshmen are more willing to believe what they see with their own eyes, so they naturally enroll in Ling Huohuo's course.

Although the number of growth in the future will decrease, it is not a small amount when added together.

And if Ling Huohuo is really strong, after a year, Ling Huohuo will inevitably divide up part of the next freshmen, and the previous three-legged struggle will become a four-legged hegemony.

Moreover, there are still three days before the end of registration. In three days, they must find a way to solve Ling Huohuo's matter. It is impossible to make Ling Huohuo "cool", but at least they must reduce their losses to a minimum. lowest.

"What should we do now?" Jian Shixin put his hands in front of his eyes, posing in a standard Commander Ikari posture.

"I think go directly to him, fight with him, one-on-one, the winner will be the king and loser." Sasaki took a sip of tea and said.

The ancestor of his family, Sasaki Kojiro, was defeated after challenging Miyamoto Musashi, and the tradition of challenging has been passed down, until now it has evolved into this tradition of winners and losers.

However, even though he said it was a decisive battle, he always felt a bad premonition, so he could only sip some tea to suppress his shock.

"Whatever..." Alice seemed not very interested. She stirred the black tea in the cup with a spoon, casually took a piece of pastry from the pastry cart beside her, put it in front of her, and elegantly cut a piece with a knife and fork , put it in the mouth, chewed it twice, and closed the eyes, as if reminiscing about the taste of the pastry.


Looking at the two people in front of him, Jian Shixin sighed, these two people are hopeless.

Jian Shixin didn't let Ling Huohuo go so easily, after all, Ling Huohuo "abducted" his precious grandson.

"Actually, I think you should consider the matter of the Lions Club and III first." Ai Lisui said.

"That's right, Ling Huohuo has provoked those two associations, and the members of those two associations will definitely trouble Ling Huohuo, but it's time... to reap the benefits of the fisherman!" Jian Shixin said.

"Then what if they are beaten by Ling Huohuo again?" Ai Li said bluntly.

"..." Jian Shixin didn't know what to say.

If Ling Huohuo wins again, his reputation will definitely be huge. Not only will it not cause any impact, but his status will be even higher. By that time, this year alone, they will have nothing to do with the elective course of swordsmanship.

"This matter is very serious! I hope you can take it seriously!" Jian Shixin said.

"But... I still have an elective course of mind cultivation, and the enrollment situation is very good this year." Sasaki said, raising a hand.

"Well, this year I opened another noble etiquette course, and I may not have time to take care of the elective course of swordsmanship." Alice tilted her head and said with a headache.

After she received the news that "someone wants to establish a swordsmanship course" from Megan one step ahead of time, she went to inquire about Ling Huohuo's information, and after she found that she could not see through Ling Huohuo's strength, she came back and established a nobleman. Etiquette lessons, be prepared.

Moreover, because of Alice's elegant temperament, many students, especially female students, were attracted to sign up.

"..." Jian Shixin almost gritted his teeth.

What enrollment status is very good?No time for what?You guys have a way out, you just don't want to go through this muddy water, do you?
In fact, they all know that Ling Huohuo is different from other instructors. He is strong in himself and also shows off the limelight. Under the rules of Chaofan Academy, it is impossible to stop his fencing elective course from becoming bigger.

In fact, the one who suffers the most from Ling Huohuo's elective course is Jianshixin, and Sasaki Toruma and Alice will only be partially affected.

Because Japanese swordsmanship and Xifang swordsmanship have distinct characteristics, and according to their observations, Ling Huohuo's swordsmanship belongs to Chinese swordsmanship, which coincides with the characteristics of Jian Shengdao's swordsmanship. Naturally, Jian Shixin has the greatest influence.

And those who don't want to fight Ling Huohuo don't really want to get into this troubled water. As for the challenge that Sasaki Toruma said before...he just expressed his attitude. If the Lions Club and Sanshi can't deal with Ling Huohuo, he I will definitely not challenge Ling Huohuo.

"Hmph, then I'll go by myself!" Jian Shixin narrowed his eyes, his face was gloomy, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

In fact, he also has other elective courses, but as the successor of Jianzong, his pride does not allow him to give up the elective course of swordsmanship, and because of Jian Shengdao, he has always been hostile to Ling Huohuo.

There is bound to be a battle between the two.

(End of this chapter)

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