The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 419 Hey, GM?Someone cheated!

Chapter 419 Hey, GM?Someone cheated! (one more)
Compared with ordinary swords, giant swords are larger and heavier, so they are more difficult to control, and it is difficult to make small operations.

However, in contrast, due to its huge size and mass, the giant sword has a greater attack range and power. It can even be used as a shield. When it attacks, it will cause extremely high damage. Once it hits, it will either kill or injure.

Ling Huohuo is not good at using giant swords, but this does not prevent him from dancing with giant swords.

Babai temporarily guides Ling Huohuo to use the giant sword in the small world.

It is unrealistic to take the initiative to attack, this will only expose Ling Huohuo to greater flaws, so Ling Huohuo faced the attacks of Elizabeth and Charlotte, mainly to see the tricks.

The giant sword was swung by Ling Huohuo quickly, with the power of the armor, Ling Huohuo didn't struggle to swing the giant sword.

In the process of fighting Elizabeth and Charlotte, Ling Huohuo discovered that the sword moves of the two were extremely similar, and they also had many coordinated skills, which made Ling Huohuo couldn't help guessing whether the two were from the same A teacher?
Although Elizabeth and Charlotte are also very powerful, they are still a bit inferior to Ling Huohuo. Every time they fight, the two will feel a lot of pressure. At this time, the two already feel a little numb.

Although Ling Huohuo didn't take the initiative to attack, his defense was very good. Elizabeth and Charlotte didn't even attack Ling Huohuo's armor, but were both blocked by the giant sword, which caused serious damage to them both. No small damage.

"Wind King Barrier!" A wave of magic appeared, and a gust of wind swirled and compressed the long sword in Elizabeth's hand.

Under Ling Huohuo's surprised eyes, the sword in Elizabeth's hand turned transparent and then disappeared.

"Is it magic?" Ling Huohuo's eyes were serious, and I found that when I saw the enemy's weapon, the defense would only become more difficult.

Seeing Elizabeth's actions, Charlotte drew back and backed away from Elizabeth and Ling Huohuo, obviously knowing what Elizabeth was going to do.

I saw Elizabeth let out a low cry, stepped on the ground with one foot, and heard a bang, Elizabeth had disappeared, but appeared in front of Ling Huohuo at some point.

"This speed..." Although Elizabeth and Charlotte's speed was fast before, there are still traces to follow, but just now Ling Huohuo found that he didn't see Elizabeth's movements at all.

Ling Huohuo couldn't tolerate Ling Huohuo's hesitation, and the giant sword in his hand slashed at Elizabeth, and when he was about to hit Elizabeth, a film that was hard to see with the naked eye blocked Ling Huohuo's giant sword, and Ling Huohuo felt the wind around Elizabeth. Flowing, and Ling Huohuo's attack only made Elizabeth's body pause.

Suddenly, Ling Huohuo sensed danger, and from the corner of his eye, he saw Elizabeth's wrist shaking.

Before he had time to think about it, Ling Huohuo put his hand on the left side of his head like a conditioned reflex, and only heard a clang, Ling Huohuo felt as if something had been cut on the hand guard.

"It's that sword!" Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes.

Although what happened just now only happened in an instant, it was more thrilling than the previous battle, and this was the first time that Elizabeth and Charlotte attacked Ling Huohuo, and Ling Huohuo almost overturned.

Seeing a miss, Elizabeth twitched her hand and swung it again. Ling Huohuo felt something attacking.

But Ling Huohuo had no other choice but to use a huge sword to protect his body, mainly to protect his head.

"Break it!" Elizabeth shouted, and quickly attacked Ling Huohuo.

Elizabeth's attack was extremely fast, and afterimages were formed in both hands. In just three breaths, Ling Huohuo didn't know how many swords he received, and countless attacks landed on the armor. Although it couldn't break the armor's defense, it still Ling Huohuo consumed a lot of physical strength, but fortunately Ling Huohuo's physical strength at this time is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

And with Elizabeth's attack, the land within three meters around the two of them seemed to have been plowed by a knife, and it was devastated.

However, to Elizabeth's disappointment, Ling Huohuo's "tortoise shell" was not blown. Even such an attack did not break Ling Huohuo's defense, and it really hit Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo also knew that the reason why he was able to defend himself was because of his equipment, but Ling Huohuo didn't have a weapon that could compete head-on with the long sword in Elizabeth's hand, so he could only use this kind of bug-like equipment, otherwise It's hard to say.

Elizabeth and Charlotte took a look at the long sword Babai in their hands. It was not a sixth-tier long sword, but a ninth-tier sword!There are also special power blessings.

Hearing this news, Ling Huohuo almost vomited blood. If Yingyu was really used, Yingyu wouldn't even have a chance to take it for repairs now, and she would have been so cold.

Ling Huohuo felt that when she had time, she should raise Yingyu's level and remake it.

Although the level of the swords in the hands of the two is the same as that of Yabai, it seems that the two swords have not been born with wisdom. The power of spiritual wisdom is that the sword that gave birth to spiritual wisdom is no longer an ordinary weapon, but can be regarded as a living being.

By the way, Eight Hundred said that there are nine hundred and ninety-nine other hanging like it.

Although Yingyu also gave birth to wisdom, but after all, the gap in strength is too great to beat.

Moreover, both of these two swords also contain a special power, which Yabai said is a kind of power similar to faith, usually a power exclusive to artifacts, Yabai does not have it, but there is still a difference in the power of the two swords of.

The two swords communicate with Elizabeth and Charlotte, so that they can use more powerful power, similar to recognizing the master, so only two people can use these two swords, and the armors of similar styles on the two are these two Those who carry the sword with two people are also indestructible.

However, at the same time, their own strength also limited the power of the two swords. The two did not fully control the two swords, so Ling Huohuo was able to persist for so long under the joint attack of the two.

Otherwise, Ling Huohuo would have been defeated long ago, exhausted and caught by the two of them.

Strip off clothes, whip, drip wax...

Thinking of this, Ling Huohuo suddenly didn't want to resist, but quickly shook his head, he was not an M.

In short, the combination of Elizabeth and Charlotte is not as easy to deal with as it seems, especially the two are still holding the ninth-level "artifact" like a hang-up.

But the strength of the two of them is just entering the sixth level of transformation.

As soon as you leave Novice Village, you are equipped with artifacts. You start with a knife, and you can pick up the equipment group. One knife is 999. Are you sure you will not be banned by the GM?
Hello everyone, I'm Zha Zha Huo, I like to play... Ahem, I'm crooked.

Without breaking through Ling Huohuo's armor, Elizabeth took a breath and quickly backed away.

Ling Huohuo also breathed a sigh of relief, Elizabeth's attack was too scary.

On the contrary, the crowd of onlookers gasped in amazement and then applauded.

The power of Elizabeth's move is obvious to all. Everyone is not a novice. Put yourself in the situation and think about it. The probability that you can stand after that move is [-]%, and the remaining [-]% is afraid that you will be completely cold .

Especially the people from Lion Club and Sanshi were extremely surprised that Ling Huohuo prevented Elizabeth's ultimate move and seemed to be unscathed.

The vice president of the Lions Club and the second leader of the third emperor frowned even more.

The reason why the onlookers applauded was because they were here to watch the excitement. They were naturally very happy to see such a wonderful battle.

Hearing the cheers of the crowd, Ling Miao raised her head, and Yin Ya who was lying in his arms also raised her head. That's right, Ling Miao was comforting Yin Ya when Ling Huohuo killed her.

As for Xia Ri, he turned around and whistled. While watching Ling Huohuo's battle, he helped Ling Miao and the others to guard their surroundings.

"What happened?" Ling Miao asked, frowning.

Although Yin Ya also looked puzzled, she could still see that her face was a little red.

"Senior, it's terrible. Instructor Ling actually prevented Elizabeth's big move." Xia Ri shouted excitedly from the side.


"No, if this goes on, even if you run out of energy, you won't be able to attack him!" Elizabeth said out of breath.

Charlotte narrowed her eyes, then made a decision and came to Elizabeth's side.

"I'll cover you, and you're responsible for giving him a killer blow!" Charlotte said.

Elizabeth didn't quarrel with Charlotte, because she knew that there was only one way now, and if it was her, Ling Huohuo would never give her a chance to use that trick.

Moreover, the sword in her hand is more destructive.

"Oath, victory!"

(End of this chapter)

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