The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 426 I'm not in the same mood, it's hard to lead the team

Chapter 426 I'm not in the same mood, it's hard to lead the team (two more)
In order to repay the debt, Lion Club and III had to mobilize all members. As the "culprits", Elizabeth and Charlotte were no exception, and their pride did not allow themselves to escape.

And the two of them found a mission with such a generous reward, so they naturally wanted to participate.

However, after the two of them signed up, there was no third person to sign up.

The main reason is that Elizabeth and Charlotte have bad reputations. If one of them is one of them, it is still very reliable, but once the two of them get together, there will be some headaches.

Many people will inquire about their teammates before accepting a mission. After all, whether they can complete the mission, apart from their own strength and some objective conditions, the most important thing to pay attention to is the problems of their teammates.

I am not afraid of enemies like gods, but I am afraid of teammates like pigs.

And there is nothing to hide about these, as long as you ask, the staff will tell you.

Whenever the person who wanted to take on the mission found out that his teammates were Elizabeth and Charlotte, he gave up the mission decisively. Although these two people are very strong, they are not suitable to be teammates.

There is absolutely no good for these two people to be together. According to statistics, when they were students, when they had not broken through to the sixth level, the success rate of any mission that they participated in together was no higher than 50.00%. That is to say, after these two people joined the team This mission already has a half chance of failure.

Often, these two fight first before meeting the enemy.

This situation only got better after the two of them graduated. After all, after a while, they are both people with status and have a heavy sense of responsibility. Although they don't fight, they rarely cooperate. For the battle, the teammates don't know who to help, which invisibly increases the difficulty of the task.

Fortunately, the two will also avoid appearing in the same mission.

But this time, in order to pay off the debt, the two met again on a mission. The two were busy with the mission and had no time to care about their teammates.

They are from the UK, and they know a lot about alchemists. Alchemists are a kind of "crispy-skinned mages". There are only three sixth-level alchemists. If you push them hard, they will definitely crush each other into slag. Teammates, just leave the rest of the fifth order to the teammates.

For the two of them, this task was simply relaxed and enjoyable.

If it weren't for the vice president of the Lions Club and the second leader of the third generation, they already had missions, and they would also like to pull their deputy over to get two mission rewards.

But similarly, Ling Huohuo, who took on the task for the first time, didn't think about it.

So, the three who fought not long ago got together again, the difference is that now the three are teammates.


At this time, Ling Huohuo, Elizabeth and Charlotte stared at each other, not knowing what to say.

"Three, the helicopter is ready to take off at any time, are you ready?" the pilot shouted in the direction of the three.



Elizabeth and Charlotte snorted at the same time, turned their heads away, passed Ling Huohuo directly, and boarded the helicopter.

"..." Ling Huohuo opened his mouth, he must have been ignored.

Shaking his head and nodding to the pilot, Ling Huohuo also boarded the helicopter.

And the driver also opened his mouth. Two of today's passengers are not very talkative, so it's better not to talk casually, and tell your companions by the way.

Today Ling Huohuo is wearing a black lotus suit, which is covered with a bulletproof vest obtained in the Huaxia Military Region. This suit is Ling Huohuo's best equipment besides the cow armor.

Both Elizabeth and Charlotte wore the same style of blue combat uniforms.

Ling Huohuo felt that the two of them looked more and more like sisters except that they didn't look alike.

Soon, the helicopter slowly took off.

"Someone don't hold back." Elizabeth said.

"Hehe, I don't know who caused this situation today. If it was me, I would commit suicide and apologize." Charlotte said without showing any weakness.

Elizabeth's face froze.

"Then... it's not that someone is too weak, but such a strong inheritance can only exert such a little power, and in the end, I had to use such a great power."

Charlotte narrowed her eyes.

"Weak? I'm afraid that people who can't even control their own strength are weaker. They only know how to sway their strength roughly, just like a Tyrannosaurus rex."

"What did you say?" Elizabeth touched the long sword at her waist as she spoke.

"What? I want to fight! Stay with me to the end!" Charlotte looked at Elizabeth, and also touched the long sword at her waist with one hand.

When the two drivers sitting in the cab heard Elizabeth and Charlotte's words, the fat on their bodies couldn't help trembling.

They only have the strength of the second level. If the two big guys in the back fight and fall in the air, they will be miserable at such a high distance.

The two involuntarily held the parachute beside them.

Ling Huohuo, who had been closing his eyes to rest his mind, opened his eyes. If the plane was damaged by Elizabeth and Charlotte, would he have to run to New York by himself?
"Ahem, okay, stop arguing, let's talk about it after getting off the plane." Ling Huohuo said.

Elizabeth and Charlotte looked at Ling Huohuo with unkind expressions.

Originally, because of the previous incident, the two deliberately ignored Ling Huohuo, but they didn't expect that Ling Huohuo would take the initiative to intervene. The mentality of the two people who were not in a good mood was about to explode in an instant.

"Oh, by the way, think before you speak, you two together can't beat me." Ling Huohuo said casually.

What Elizabeth and Charlotte had just said was swallowed back by the two of them. What Ling Huohuo said was the truth, and the whole academy knew it, and they couldn't refute it at all.

"If you make trouble again, I'll throw you down." Ling Huohuo continued with a smile.


Finally, Elizabeth and Charlotte had to let go of their sword hilts and fell silent.

Seeing that the two women couldn't fight, the two drivers wiped off their cold sweat and secretly thanked Ling Huohuo.

"Also, no matter what conflicts you have, you are not allowed to quarrel when you are doing tasks, you have to listen to me!" Ling Huohuo continued, if the two of them fight during team battles, it will be fun.

"Why should I listen to you!" cried Elizabeth.

Charlotte also looked at Ling Huohuo.

"Just because you owe me money, when will you pay it back?" Ling Huohuo blinked "innocently".

Elizabeth and Charlotte choked, and their teeth were about to be bitten off.

The cause of the previous incident was that they troubled Ling Huohuo, and the academy thought it was reasonable for them to compensate Ling Huohuo.

They really wanted to compensate Ling Huohuo. It was okay if Ling Huohuo didn't say anything, but they got even angrier when they said it. The list of losses listed by the Student Affairs Office was enough, and with the compensation Ling Huohuo wanted, It's just worse.

After the compensation for the academy's losses, they should pay back Ling Huohuo's compensation.

So... so angry.

The two had no choice but to look at each other unhappily again, and after taking a glance at Ling Huohuo, they closed their eyes, and let their eyes be out of sight.

Ling Huohuo looked at the two who were still arguing and sighed.

If you are not in the same mood, it is not easy to lead the team.

(End of this chapter)

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