Chapter 428 Alchemist Doyle (Part [-])

The principle of equivalent exchange, the greater the price, the more you get.

At the cost of the entire New York people, all the people in the Alchemists Association were shocked. Is this to resurrect God?
And at the cost of the lives of people in New York, the US government will never allow it.

However, if they succeed in stopping their plan, the people of New York can be saved.

Alchemy does not mean that you can just draw an alchemy formation on the ground and shout "Explode, reality" can be used, but requires some external conditions.

The larger the alchemy array, the stricter the environmental requirements, time, location, and even the weather are all related.

Now that the location is known to be in New York, a group of elders from the Alchemists Association deduced it based on "Soul Alchemy" and finally determined the time--within three days.

Moreover, such a large-scale alchemy must require a long time and a lot of preparation, at least half a year.

Although they have already alerted the enemy, the group of people cannot easily change the location, unless they prepare for another half a year, and the prepared US government will never let the evil alchemist prepare smoothly.


After some simple exchanges, Ling Huohuo followed Rolf into New York by helicopter.

And Ling Huohuo also witnessed the prosperity of New York from the air for the first time.

New York City is one of the largest cities in the world, with 152 buildings over 228 feet (183 meters) and 98 buildings over [-] feet ([-] meters).

In order to prevent the evil alchemists from killing each other and creating terrorist attacks, the US government did not evacuate the masses.

Moreover, if the masses were evacuated, the various losses caused in three days would be incalculable.

The United States is not able to implement orders and prohibitions like China, and capitalists are always lucky.

However, the government has arranged a lot of police and soldiers patrolling in the dark, so that once an accident occurs, they can come forward to solve it as soon as possible.


The helicopter landed on top of the Empire State Building.

At this time, the interior of the Empire State Building has been vacated as Ling Huohuo's combat base.

The Empire State Building was once attacked by terror and collapsed. The current Empire State Building is newly built. However, it is facing a terrorist attack again, but this time it is a terrorist attack by an extraordinary person.

Ling Huohuo took Elizabeth and Charlotte off the helicopter and found that there were two other people present, an old man and a young man.

What is surprising is that the old man is at the sixth rank, while the man is at the fourth rank.

"Let me introduce, here are the instructors Ling Huohuo, Elizabeth, and Charlotte from the Extraordinary Academy, and here are Doyle Chester from the Alchemist Association, and his disciple, Hua Luo." Ruff introduced with a smile.

"Hello." Ling Huohuo shook hands with Doyle, and a hint of surprise flashed in Doyle's eyes.

Obviously, he found that he couldn't see through Ling Huohuo's strength. No matter how he looked at Ling Huohuo, he was an ordinary person. But, is it possible for an ordinary person to become a tutor of the Extraordinary Academy?
And he had already heard that there were three sixth-level students coming from the Extraordinary Academy this time!

"It turned out to be Instructor Ling from the Extraordinary Academy, who has known his name for a long time." Doyle said with a smile.

"..." The corner of Ling Huohuo's mouth twitched, when did he become famous?Besides, I have just arrived at the Transcendent Academy not long ago.

"Haha, you're welcome, Master Doyle, I've often heard of your name, even in Chaofan Academy." Ling Huohuo said with a smile, as if Doyle was really famous.

Elizabeth and Charlotte blinked, Doyle?who?So why don't we know each other when we are famous?
Of course, this is all pretense, and the Huaxia people will never be cowardly if they want to exchange pleasantries.

People carrying people in flowery sedan chairs, this is probably a business bragging.

Moreover, although Doyle does not show the mountains and does not leak water, Ling Huohuo can still feel the surging power in Doyle's body, full of explosive power.

This also made Ling Huohuo strange.

Only people who practice physical strength can have such active power, even if the power in Ling Huohuo's body is not so active, and the alchemist has always been a squishy mage?
Sure enough, Doyle smiled like a chrysanthemum when he heard Ling Huohuo's praise.

"I'm going to trouble Teacher Ling about this matter. Those three alchemists are simply a disgrace to our alchemist world. Teacher Ling doesn't need to worry about me, and don't show mercy. As for other miscellaneous fish, leave it to me, although I It's old, but it can still play some residual heat." Doyle said with a smile, looking very familiar with Ling Huohuo.

"No way, Master Doyle is still young and strong, and he won't be tired after chasing and hacking the three alchemists for ten streets, but don't worry, I will never let them escape. Leave it to me, I will Don't worry about doing business." Ling Huohuo assured, patting his chest.

Elizabeth and Charlotte rolled their eyes again, as if you, Ling Huohuo, were enough.

They felt that the appearance of Ling Huohuo and Doyle annoyed them, but they didn't speak when they thought of Ling Huohuo's threat.

"Haha, okay, I didn't expect you to find me hiding so deeply. Teacher Ling is not easy. After this time is over, Teacher Ling will be my friend of Doyle in the future. I, Doyle, will never treat my friend badly." , Tier [-] equipment will definitely find you a piece of top-notch equipment that suits you..."

Ling Huohuo smiled, but he didn't expect that a few words of business bragging would have such an effect.

One must know that the Tier [-] equipment in the mission rewards is not considered top-notch. Generally, the equipment given is ordinary equipment, and the price is naturally much lower than that of top-level equipment, not to mention that it is still suitable for Ling Huohuo.

Originally, Ling Huohuo was planning to sell the rewarded equipment for points after the mission was over, but this time it is no longer needed, not only can it be used, but it is also top-notch.

But Rolf, who was on the side at this time, couldn't stand it anymore.

Fuck your grandma, the sixth-level equipment is provided by our US government, and what you said is not a pain in the back.

"Cough cough." Rolf coughed twice hastily, interrupting the conversation between the two, and let the two chat further, not sure if Doyle had anything to promise, and in the end the US government would still have to pay.

As for not admitting it is impossible.

Now if you want to ask Ling Huohuo and them, you can't offend them.

And if the U.S. government does not recognize Doyle's guarantee, it will definitely give people the impression of being stingy and offend Doyle.

And it would be embarrassing if they asked Ling Huohuo and the others in the future.

"Guys, let's go talk first. There are surveillance cameras from all over New York. If necessary, you can directly contact the team sent by the Military Intelligence Department. I will try my best to satisfy everyone." Rolf said, simply put, "Don't talk It's time for you guys to work."

"Okay, then I will trouble General Rolf, please, Teacher Ling." Doyle stepped aside and said with a smile.

"Master Doyle first." Ling Huohuo said with a smile.

"Then I won't be polite." After finishing speaking, Doyle walked to the stairs, and Ling Huohuo followed.

Elizabeth, Charlotte and Hua Luo looked at each other, shrugged, and followed.

But before Ling Huohuo and the others walked downstairs, an explosion sounded suddenly in the distance, the flames burst out, and black smoke floated into the sky.

Everyone's face changed.

At this time, a soldier ran over.

"Report, there was an explosion in the Bank of America building, and extraordinary people appeared."

 I will prepare for the reader group this weekend, thank you for your support
(End of this chapter)

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