Chapter 433 Dangerous Thoughts (One More)
Ling Huohuo rubbed his neck and suddenly felt a little bored.

Peggy approached Brother Snake Biting with a gun and checked.

"The little man suffered severe burns, and he would not survive unless he was rescued. The big man...had severe damage to key parts and needed surgery to remove it."

Although she was a woman, seeing the big man's injury, Peggy also felt some pain in her crotch, and pinched her legs involuntarily.

After the inspection, Peggy looked at Ling Huohuo. Just now, Ling Huohuo just moved a few times casually, using a skill that didn't look very strong, but unexpectedly caused such strong damage.

"They all fainted, and they couldn't wake up in a short time."

"What should we do now? As far as I know, there are more than ten of them, and they are not the leader. The leader should be even stronger." Hua Qingyu thought for a while, then said, and then looked at Ling Huohuo.

"How is your recovery?" Ling Huohuo asked Peggy.

"I can move, except that I can't fight, there is nothing serious." Peggy said, if it weren't for her own strength of the fourth level, and her recovery ability is good, it would be impossible to recover like this.

After all, she was already affected by the explosion of the helicopter, and was pressed down by Ling Huohuo as a pad, so it was already a shame that she didn't break her waist.

"Okay, by the way, Ms. Hua Qingyu, continue the topic just now, do you know the situation of the group of people below?" Ling Huohuo asked Xiang Hua Qingyu.

Hua Qingyu nodded, and said slowly: "When I just escaped, I took a look at it. There are at least 15 people in the group below, and they are all very strong. They don't have uniform clothes. The leaders are three men. Looks like a lot of prestige."

To make Hua Qingyu feel that the strength is strong, it must be at least the fourth level, Ling Huohuo secretly thought, it seems that the people below are still very powerful, and these two fifth-levels are also destined to be younger brothers, and there are still very high Prestige, then it is very likely that the leader is at the sixth level, after all, they are both at the fifth level, even if they are stronger, it is impossible to completely overwhelm other people who are also at the fifth level.

The three leading men are all of the sixth rank. Why does this setting sound familiar?
Ling Huohuo and Peggy obviously thought of this aspect and looked at each other.

"By the way, Miss Hua Qingyu, do you know what power they use? I think you should know what power I'm talking about." Peggy asked.

Hua Qingyu smiled and nodded.

"I know what you want to ask. There are several kinds of power they use, such as fire and ice, and sand just now, but there are only a few people who use these powers. Most people use the same kind of power. But I don't know the power they use, I only know that they can transform one object into another, and I saw with my own eyes that some of them transformed a pipe into a pistol." Hua Qingyu said.

"Switch?" Ling Huohuo raised his eyebrows.

"Alchemy!" Peggy suddenly said.

"What is alchemy?" Hua Qingyu looked at Peggy.

"Alchemy of one substance into another substance, conservation of mass, replacement of equal value, this is alchemy." Peggy said, her face was a little serious, and she didn't expect that the alchemist they had been guarding against was here, so that is It is not good news to say that the other party has three sixth-orders, but Ling Huohuo has only one sixth-order here.

"Have you heard what they're going to do?" Paige asked.

"That's not clear." Hua Qingyu smiled helplessly. She took advantage of the chaos to peep at these things. If she really inquired about the other party's purpose, she might have died long ago.

"It's troublesome." Peggy murmured, then looked at Hua Qingyu.

"Do you have a phone? I need to contact the headquarters. We don't have a communicator on us."

Hua Qingyu shook the phone in his hand.

"There is a mobile phone, but there is no way to make calls here, and the mobile phone has no signal." Hua Qingyu said.

"So have you tried it?" Peggy asked.

"No, it's too dangerous." Hua Qingyu shook her head.

"Then why don't we go down and have a look?" Ling Huohuo said suddenly.

"No!" Peggy said.

Peggy rejected Ling Huohuo's proposal.

"Our strength is too small to be suitable for a frontal breakthrough." Peggy explained.

And Hua Qingyu also nodded, she didn't know the comparison of strength between the two sides, but the other side obviously had a large number of people and was superior in number, she didn't want to just die so casually, in case they fell in love with her beauty...

Thinking about it, Hua Qingyu looked a little bad.

"No, I absolutely can't let them take away my first time!" Hua Qingyu suddenly clenched her fists and shouted.


Ling Huohuo and Peggy looked at Hua Qingyu with black lines all over their heads. Why did the woman who looked normal have a sudden change in her style of painting?
Ling Huohuo sighed.

"I still think it's good to go on. The fact that these two people came here proves that they already know the existence of the valve, and that they can find it proves that they have the means to monitor our position. I just solved these two people, and they must have known Now, if they wait to die, they will probably make arrangements." Ling Huohuo said.

Peggy frowned.

"It's still too dangerous, and the other party may also set a trap when we make a frontal assault." Peggy said.

Going forward may not be able to beat the game, and staying in place may be counted.

At this time, Peggy felt that no matter whether she advanced or retreated, she seemed to be at an impasse.

Ling Huohuo touched his chin.

"Actually, I have another method." Ling Huohuo said suddenly.

"What method?" Peggy looked at Ling Huohuo.

"Why do you have to go inside the building?" Ling Huohuo said.

"Huh?" Peggy and Hua Qingyu were taken aback.

And this kind of operation?


At this time, the outside of the Bank of America building was covered with thunder, and the wind howled.

The sky over New York was darkened by piles of dark clouds.

The whole of New York looks like the end of the world.

The changes in New York made New York citizens and officials feel bad.

Under the evacuation of the army and the government, the citizens of New York City were evacuating in all directions at this time.

And because of the supervision of the army, and the fact that the government had prepared a backup plan for evacuation, everything was proceeding in an orderly manner.

Rolfe looked at the Bank of America building with a binoculars in the distance, frowning.

Sighing, I didn't expect such a big thing to happen before the evil alchemist was found, which caught people off guard.

Because of the weather change, all electronic equipment in New York City went on strike. They could only move the war room to a place closer to the bank building, and they could only issue tasks by shouting.

Fortunately, Rolf knew that ordinary soldiers were useless, so he asked them to help evacuate the crowd.

At this time, surrounded by Rolf was the 12-man team from "MI[-]", his deputy Captain Fury, and Master Doyle's disciple, Hua Luo.

Master Doyle, Elizabeth, and Charlotte had already approached the Bank of America Building, looking at the inside of the Bank of America Building vigilantly, with vigilance on their faces, because they felt tremendous pressure inside the Bank of America Building.

"It seems that the crowd will evacuate in a while." Hua Luo said.

But Rolf frowned.

"What's the matter? General." Captain Fury asked.

"It's not normal," Fury said.

"What's abnormal?" asked the captain of the 12-member team.

"The citizens of New York were sacrificed by the evil alchemist, but now the citizens want me to evacuate safely, why the evil alchemist didn't move at all." Rolf said.

"It may be because of the changes in the Bank of America Building that the evil alchemists did not expect that such a large-scale weather change might have a great impact on their alchemy. There is no possibility of success, and naturally there is no need to take action." Hua Luo said.

Rolf nodded.


But his frowning brows did not loosen. For some reason, he always had an ominous premonition.

Looking at the New York City under his feet, Rolf was in a trance.

"I'm afraid New York City won't be here after this time."

Rolf was taken aback, when did I have such a dangerous idea?

(End of this chapter)

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