The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 448 Compensation arrives in the account

Chapter 448 Compensation Arrives in Account (Part [-])
Daitengu sat in the steam room, his lower body was covered with a white towel, and his wings trembled slightly behind him.

He doesn't like to take a bath because he doesn't like to get his wings wet.

Beside the big tengu, a few monsters who also don't like water are enjoying the steam, silently.

Sweat oozes from the skin, condenses into droplets, slides down the shapely muscles of the big tengu, and falls to the ground.

Tick ​​tock...tick tock...tick tock...

"Huh!" Big Tengu exhaled, and slowly opened his eyes.

The stone door of the steam room was violently pushed open, and a tall figure appeared at the door of the steam room.

The figure walked in.

The figure was wearing a white vest, the muscles on his body were bulging, and the aura on his body fluctuated, and he couldn't fully control it, precisely because he had just broken through to the fifth level, and he still couldn't fully control the swelling power.

And this figure is no stranger to the demons, it is a two-faced Buddha.

Big Tengu looked at the door and said slowly, "What are you looking for?"

The Two-faced Buddha was taken aback, then shook his head.

"No, I'm just going to work."

But the big tengu stood up, and the bath towel on his body fell to the ground, and then the big tengu walked towards the Two-faced Buddha, with fighting intent in his eyes, and said, "No, no, no, you must be looking for something."

Sensing the fighting spirit of the big tengu, the Two-faced Buddha showed a ferocious smile, and pulled his vest away with force with both hands.

The big tengu and the two-faced Buddha collided and pushed each other hard.

"Finally someone broke through to the fifth level, and someone can practice with me." Big Tengu said.

"It just so happens that I also want to try the power I just broke through!" Two-faced Buddha said.

The two monsters looked at each other and smiled, saying nothing.

(The above dialogue is from Wang ♂ Zhi ♂ Jian ♂ Body)


With the help of the hot spring, the strength of the monsters improved rapidly. In just one day, more than 30 big monsters broke through to the realm of the demon king.

And five days later, the number of monsters who broke through to the realm of the demon king reached a hundred.

The reason why the monsters can break through so easily is that before being sealed, the monsters were either the overlord or the one who caused the disaster, and their strength was not weak. Many of them were about to enter the fifth level before they were sealed.

After the unblocking, it recovered for a period of time, and it was only a step away from the fifth step.

The fourth to fifth ranks are all in the Transcendent Realm, which is different from the Metamorphosis Realm. Breakthroughs in the Transcendent Realm only require a simple accumulation of strength.

The hot springs contain a lot of gentle energy that can be directly absorbed, and the light sister of energy is not low, breaking through nature is a matter of course.

What's more, Ling Huohuo spent [-] points to buy a healing pill and the treatment of the sweat steam room to fully recover the shortcomings left by the big tengu because of his forced breakthrough to the fifth level.

At this time, the strength of Ootengu is also growing rapidly.

Ling Huohuo looked at the list of more than 100 fifth-level demon kings under his command, and felt a little bloated.

Hongshuang looked at Ling Huohuo with a smile on the side, and she also successfully broke through to the fifth level.

Harpy is still happily digging holes, and its strength has also reached the fourth level.

In addition to these, another member has been added to Ling Huohuo's team - slime!

That's right, it is the degradation of King Slime Transformation. Although there is still a realm, but it has been emptied of strength.

Under Babai's suggestion, Ling Huohuo did not kill the Transformed Slime King. After all, as long as the Transformed Slime King is kept, it can be reused and obtained a large amount of slime juice with energy, so there is no need to worry about the future .

The transformed Slime King is only the size of a basketball, with a blue transparent body, soft, and looks very cute, and Xiao Yunyun put a restriction on the core of the Transformed Slime King, without permission, the transformed slime The king cannot devour other items and convert them into energy.

For the time being, King Slime Transformation exists as a pet in the "Demon House", and has the same status as Happy, but the difference is that the more obedient and cute King Slime Transformation is more liked by monsters, even if it is a big tengu. Occasionally, when others can't see, he secretly poked and transformed King Slime's soft body twice.

Transformation King Slime's IQ is indeed not high, and he quickly accepted the status of a pet.

And it was Hongshuang who raised the Transformed Slime King.

However, what bothers Ling Huohuo is that since Hongshuang started raising the transformed Slime King, there are always strange noises coming from her room at night, which affects other people's rest, especially the male creatures. rest.

Ling Huohuo began to doubt whether it was the right decision for Hongshuang to raise and transform King Slime.


After a week of leisure, the compensation for Ling Huohuo's mission finally arrived.

First of all, in terms of points, the academy directly compensated a huge sum of 50 points.

According to the remaining energy, the academy analyzed that the accident this time turned out to be of the eighth order. Although the other party didn't kill Ling Huohuo and the others for unknown reasons, Ling Huohuo and the others could be regarded as walking around the gate of hell.

Therefore, the compensation of 50 points is not too much.

Ling Huohuo originally had 20 points in the account, but because of the hot spring and the big tengu, he spent 15, leaving more than 5 points. Adding 50 points, Ling Huohuo now has a total of 55 points.

In addition to these, the academy also compensated with a sword suit worth [-] points.

Including clothes, pants, shoes and most importantly weapons.

Ling Huohuo finally had a sixth-tier long sword.

The long sword does not have a name, it is considered a good sixth-order long sword, and it is a high-quality product, but what disappointed Ling Huohuo, the long sword did not give birth to a sword spirit.

Ling Huohuo got used to it for a while, and gradually became familiar with the long sword.

The problem Ling Huohuo has now is that he doesn't have a top-notch long sword that suits him.

A swordsman without a sword is no different from a tiger with its teeth pulled out, not to mention that Ling Huohuo has not reached the realm where flying flowers and falling leaves can become swords.

Therefore, a good weapon is really important to Ling Huohuo.

Although Yabai is high-level, it is the sword of the sword god, and even if Ling Huohuo uses Yabai, it will not be able to exert the power of Yabai at all, so it is better for Yabai to fight by himself.

To put it simply, Ling Huo Huo is too good and slows down.

Therefore, Ling Huohuo must find a way to get a weapon that suits him, and the sixth-order long sword in his hand can only be used as a transitional weapon.

But Ling Huohuo had no choice but to follow fate.

Then there is compensation from the US government.

The accident was caused by the limited information they provided. Although New York City was destroyed, the U.S. government had no choice but to admit it.

The U.S. government was partially responsible for this accident and compensated Ling Huohuo for many precious materials.

Compared with the Extraordinary Academy, the advantage of external forces is that they have a large place, more people, and more resources collected, which is why they can afford to hire people from the Extraordinary Academy.

Ling Huohuo had no idea about these materials, and handed them all over to Xiao Yunyun.

(End of this chapter)

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