The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 491 Didn't You Really Want To Kill Me And Inherit My Property?

Chapter 491 Didn't You Really Want To Kill Me And Inherit My Property? (one more)

The three of Ling Huohuo stared at the door.

Soon, a figure appeared in front of the three of them.

Xiao Yunyun and Yin Ya were taken aback for a moment, then looked at Ling Huohuo.

If Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao looked similar before, they could still be distinguished, because Ling Huohuo's hair turned red due to the reawakening of blood, while Lin Miao's was still black, but now, Ling Miao's hair color is unexpectedly It also turned red!
At this time, Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao became exactly the same again!
If it wasn't for the different clothes, Xiao Yunyun and Yin Ya would have almost recognized Ling Miao as Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo looked a little excited at Ling Miao at this time, and immediately went up to meet him.

"Oh, the breakthrough was successful, let the second brother take a look." Ling Huohuo began to pat Ling Miao's body while speaking.

Ling Miao twitched the corner of her mouth, and retreated a little uncomfortable, but she was still slapped by Ling Huohuo.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yunyun and Yin Ya also walked up.

"Yes, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it." Ling Huohuo said with a smile.

Ling Huohuo just checked Ling Miao's state when he saw it, but didn't probe his body, because that would definitely involve Ling Miao's cultivation secrets, even if he was a real brother, it was impossible for the other party to check his body at will.

At this time, the strength in Ling Miao's body has stabilized at the sixth level, and there is no feeling of unstable foundation, and because he has just broken through, it gives people a feeling of new life.

At the same time, Ling Huohuo also discovered that the fire attribute of Ling Miao's strength was particularly active. Ling Huohuo remembered that Ling Miao had four attributes: earth, fire, wind, and water. Could it be that Ling Miao specialized in one?

"Ling Miao." Yin Ya called softly, also very excited, her eyes were a little moist, after waiting for three days, she was also very worried about Ling Miao.

Ling Miao looked at Yin Ya, showed a gentle smile, and looked into Yin Ya's eyes.

"I did it."

"Well, you succeeded." Yin Ya nodded her head emphatically.

"..." Xiao Yunyun.

Seeing the two people looking at each other affectionately, Xiao Yunyun suddenly felt like being abused, no, he also has a boyfriend!
Sure enough, can it only be said that the two are too dazzling?
"By the way, have your bloodlines awakened again? Have you transformed into a monster?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously. In fact, he couldn't help looking for an opportunity to interrupt the two people who were looking at each other, otherwise Ling Huohuo felt that he would blind.

Who knows, Ling Miao first nodded and then shook his head.

"What do you mean?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously.

"It is true that the blood has awakened again, but it has not transformed into a monster." Ling Miao said.

"What's that?" Ling Huohuo asked hastily.

"I'm still human," Ling Miao said.


"Although I awakened again, I didn't awaken the blood of monsters, but the power of the elements, and the control over the attributes is more prominent, breaking the shackles, and I can raise the power of the elements to a higher level, but because I What I control are the four elements, the awakening of this power comes step by step, now I only awaken the fire element, the other three elements need me to continue to practice." Ling Miao said.

"So that's the case." Ling Huohuo touched his chin and nodded.

It seems that the reawakening of the bloodline is not fixed. Even if it is the same bloodline, the awakening has branches. It is more like the division of arts and sciences in high school, which refines certain fields.

etc!If there are branches to choose from, is it still possible to study concurrently?Could it be that... the bloodline can continue to awaken?Remember Babai said that blood can actually be continuously tapped!
Suddenly, Ling Huohuo's heart became a little fiery. If the flame aspect in his blood was awakened, then his fire technique would definitely become very powerful.

One must have a sword in hand for one's swordsmanship strength, otherwise the strength will be weakened a lot, instead of having a sword in hand at all times, and it is still a sword in hand, and at the same time, with his current strength, he still can't achieve "non-sword becomes sword", This has always been a serious problem.

Because, during the time you draw your sword, fast enemies can definitely do a lot of things, and even sneak attack to kill themselves in seconds.

And if the fire method becomes stronger, even if there is no sword at that time, it depends on who is unhappy, just burn him directly, even if the opponent cannot be burned to death, it can be used as a means of fighting the enemy. What's more, when using flames, Ling Huohuo doesn't need to make any preparations at all!
Compared with using a sword, Ling Huohuo found it easier to use flames.

"Okay, let's go to Yaoju first, the celebration banquet is almost ready." Xiao Yunyun said.

On the one hand, Ling Huohuo actually remembered something, and on the other hand, Ling Miao and Yin Ya were still looking at each other affectionately. Xiao Yunyun felt that if he didn't speak, the three of them would continue.

"Celebration banquet?" Ling Miao asked suspiciously.

"Of course it's to celebrate your successful breakthrough." Yin Ya said with a smile, her tone a bit mischievous.

"So that's the way it is, thank you for your hard work." Ling Miao scratched Yin Ya's little nose.

"..." Xiao Yunyun.

I really don't want to eat this dog food!

Moreover, it was Xia Ri who prepared the celebration banquet for you, you are going to cry like Xia Ri!

In order to hold a celebration banquet for Ling Miao, Yaoju changed its previous appearance and was decorated more glamorously.

A banner was hung in Ling Huohuo's house - "Warmly celebrate Ling Miao's successful breakthrough to the sixth level"!
Looking at this banner, Ling Miao felt a little ashamed for no reason.

Although Ling Miao comes to Ling Huohuo's place once a week on average, after all Ling Huohuo is his own brother, visiting is a must, and Ling Huohuo always asks Ling Miao to come to Yaoju for dinner, but since Ling Huohuo came to Yaoju After returning from the second mission, Ling Miao still feels shocked every time she comes to Yaoju.

After all, there are not many mansions with gold paving the way and jade as the pillar!
Today Ling Miao was the protagonist, so he naturally sat in the main seat, with Yin Ya by his side, and Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun on the other side.

Xia Ri also sat at a table with them.

Because of Ling Miao, Ling Huohuo also met Xia Ri, and both sides are familiar with each other.

The monsters brought up all kinds of delicacies.

This time Ling Miao's celebration party was organized for him by Ling Huohuo. No one else was invited, and neither were the monsters. Knowledge helped him.

Although Ling Miao is Ling Huohuo's younger brother, and the monsters know each other well, at most the monsters can look at Ling Miao more and maintain basic respect for him, wanting them to respect Ling Miao as much as they respect Ling Huohuo, That is impossible!

Even if Ling Miao and Ling Huohuo look the same, that won't work, and the monsters can easily distinguish the two, after all, the monsters are all related to Ling Huohuo.

"To celebrate Ling Miao breaking through the sixth level, cheers!" Ling Huohuo raised the wine glass in his hand and said loudly.

"Cheers!" Others shouted happily, raising their glasses.


I had a very happy celebration dinner.

Everyone is not a good drinker, and they are not drunk.

"I'll change into my clothes later, and I'll take you to take a bath in the underground hot spring." Ling Huohuo snapped his teeth with a toothpick, and belched to Ling Miao.

Ling Miao twitched his lips. He still knew about the underground hot springs, and he had been there before. It was full of energy, and it was a good place to practice. I really don’t know how my second brother built it. Ling Miao will be shocked once - her second brother is the real rich man!

"It's really rich." Ling Miao couldn't help sighing.

"It's a trivial matter." Ling Huohuo waved his hand, a little embarrassed, thinking that Ling Miao also had a chance to become a local tyrant.

If Ling Miao knew that because he came to school, he had inherited dozens of manor houses from his ancestors, he didn't know how he would feel.

Suddenly, Ling Miao looked at Ling Huohuo seriously.

"Second brother, I need your help for one thing."

"What's the matter?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously, looking at this face that was almost exactly the same as his own, he said that he believed it and some people believed it.

The others also looked at Ling Miao.

"Although I have broken through to the sixth level, I am still not very clear about my own strength. I hope to fight against you. I will show all my strength. Please second brother also show all my strength!" Ling Miao said sincerely .

What the hell!

Ling Huohuo was startled.

Ling Miao finally couldn't help but want to shoot herself?
"Battle?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"That's right." Ling Miao nodded.

"You really don't want to kill me and inherit my property?"

"..." Ling Miao.

"..." Yin Ya.

"..." Xia Ri.

"..." Xiao Yunyun.

(End of this chapter)

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