The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 496 Beauty, please put down the 98K in your hand

Chapter 496 Beauty, please put down the 98K in your hand (second update)

The explosion and wind pressure lasted for two to three minutes.

When the flames dissipated, only charred land and ruined venues remained.

The monsters, Xiao Yunyun and the others had already seen the bad situation and ran away.

And as the venue was destroyed, sirens sounded.

Many figures rushed to Ling Huohuo's direction immediately.

What?Someone is bombing the training ground?take me one!
The blade of the Jiaore sword disappeared, and Ling Huohuo held the hilt of the sword and stood on the spot, panting violently.

The move just now directly emptied [-]% of Ling Huohuo's strength, and his body felt very empty.

The white knight returned to its white color, and the armor was still steaming, and there were some cracks.

Although Ling Huohuo successfully split Ling Miao's skills, he was still scratched, but the white knight did not completely defend against Ling Miao's attack, resulting in damage.

"Damage area: 37%"

Has reached the middle level of damage.

Looking at the damage statistics, Ling Huohuo smacked his lips. If this is confirmed, the white knight may be broken, and it cannot be repaired at all, so it will be sent for recycling.

And this is just because of brushing an edge!
"Obviously just broke through to the sixth level, but you can hit the seventh level of attack, worthy of the name of breaking the law." Ling Huohuo praised, but no matter how awesome you are, I will still win!
Although Ling Huohuo successfully broke through Ling Miao's skill, it was because Ling Miao who released this skill was only at the sixth level. If Ling Miao was actually at the seventh level, Ling Huohuo's ashes would probably be cold.

Although this move can exert the power of the seventh level, Ling Miao was directly hollowed out, and was lying on the ground softly at this time, with the appearance of "almost a waste wood".

If it weren't for Ling Miao still panting and blinking his eyes, Ling Huohuo would have thought that Ling Miao was lying dead.

Ling Huohuo put away the white knight, walked to Ling Miao's side, kicked him unhappily, and picked Ling Miao up, ready to be sent to the hospital.

"Ling Huo Huo!"

"Ling Miao!"


Xiao Yunyun and the monsters rushed back.

The explosion just now made them startled, and they had a deep understanding of the horror of the sixth level.

"I'll leave it to you to deal with the aftermath. We're going to the hospital."

After explaining, Ling Huohuo carried Ling Miao away.

Yin Ya and Xia Ri wanted to catch up, but were stopped by Xiao Yunyun.

Xiao Yunyun shook his head.

"Ling Huohuo wants to stay with Ling Miao for a while, so let's not bother them."

Yin Ya looked at Xiao Yunyun strangely, wondering how Xiao Yunyun knew what Ling Huohuo meant, could this be the legendary "husband and wife are of the same heart"?
But Yin Ya and Xia Ri believed that Xiao Yunyun would not lie to them, so they nodded in the end, and together with Xiao Yunyun dealt with the members of the Academic Affairs Office who rushed over.

Nonsense, you blow up other people's schools, they will definitely come and see!



Ling Huohuo threw Ling Miao on the front desk, which shocked the beautiful nurses behind the service desk.

Fuck, what is this?Someone came to the hospital with a dead body?Could it be that this is the legendary medical trouble?How dare someone make trouble in the hospital of the Extraordinary Academy?Don't know if there is anyone above us?Wait, the point is, which mentally retarded doctor cured a person and died without destroying the corpse or killing the victim?
Lying on the front desk of the hospital, Ling Miao, who was staring straight at the ceiling, was heartbroken.

Brother, take care of yourself, I feel ashamed even if you are not ashamed!Why put me on the front desk?

When the little nurse was thinking wildly and Ling Miao was breaking down, Ling Huohuo smiled kindly at the little nurse and stretched out two fingers.

"Come to a ward with two beds."

"Huh? You're not here to make trouble?" the little nurse asked suspiciously.

"Choose something?" Ling Huohuo was taken aback.

"Ah, it's nothing." The little nurse smiled and put down the 98K in her hand, and picked up the form.

"Please show your identity, and I will arrange it for you."

"Okay, here is my tutor card, help me arrange a better ward."

"Okay, wait a moment..."


Soon, the little nurse arranged a good double room for Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao, and then notified two doctors to help them check up.

It's better to check after the battle, otherwise it is easy to have some problems that you can't find yourself.

Fortunately, after the doctor's examination, the mother and child are safe... Bah, the two brothers Ling Huohuo have no major problems. Both of them are out of strength. Ling Miao's is more serious and needs to lie down for two days.

The doctor prescribed some potions for the two to restore their strength, and then left.

Ling Miao simply didn't care about Ling Huohuo's affairs, closed her eyes after the inspection, and began to rest.

Ling Huohuo also lay on the bed, resting, recalling today's battle by the way.

When Ling Huohuo woke up again, it was already night.

"Ah, I slept so soundly." Ling Huohuo stretched.

But found that Ling Miao beside him had woken up early. Although Ling Miao was still a little weak at this time, he was already able to move freely. In terms of resilience, professions that strengthen the body such as the bloodline awakener have more advantages .

At this time Ling Miao was eating oranges and watching TV.

The TV inside the Transcendent Academy can accept any channel from any country in the world, and there are even free adult channels. I have to say that this is very satisfying for most single Transcendents.

"Get up, how do you feel?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"It's okay, my body is still a little weak, and I can't recover well for the time being because of too much power consumption at one time." Ling Miao shrugged.

Using skills beyond strength, such sequelae are only mild. Compared with those skills that lose an arm at every turn, or shorten lifespan, simple loss of strength is indeed very light.

However, Ling Miao knew that within three days, he should not think about regaining his strength.

This is the first time that Ling Miao has used his skills with such full strength. Among other things, it is really cool!
"A simple competition, why use such a terrifying skill?" Ling Huohuo asked seriously, "Don't you really want to kill me and inherit my property?"

"..." Ling Miao twitched the corners of her mouth, "Stop joking."

"In addition to my properties in the Extraordinary Academy, I also have dozens of manors in other countries." Ling Huohuo added.

Ling Miao was silent.

"To be honest, I was really moved."

"Sure enough, you have changed!" Ling Huohuo shouted in horror.

"Stop making trouble." Ling Miao smiled.

To be honest, Ling Miao really wanted to know how Ling Huohuo managed to accumulate such a large family fortune. Based on what he knew about Ling Huohuo, it would be impossible to steal it, but it would be unscientific to say that he earned it himself. what!
"Well, I just want to know why you use that skill. It should be the first time you use it with all your strength. Although you are simply losing your strength now, you must know that such a powerful skill will definitely cause serious damage. Haven't you thought about the consequences?" Ling Huohuo practiced again seriously.

After hearing Ling Huohuo's question, Ling Miao fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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