The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 498 Christmas Celebration

Chapter 498 Christmas Celebration (Part Two)
Of course, Transcendent Academy celebrates Christmas, not in the religious sense, but purely for the holidays!
And in Extraordinary Academy, Christmas has become a festival of love.

Starting three days before Christmas, the entire Extraordinary Academy was filled with the sour smell of love.

"Ah, sorry, I almost forgot, we also have girlfriends." Ling Huohuo scratched his head in embarrassment.

After being single for so many years, suddenly having a girlfriend, I feel a little uncomfortable for some reason.

Ling Huohuo was not idle either, and directly called the Chiyan Rose Demon, who summoned countless fresh roses. There are two types of roses, one is ordinary roses that are directly stimulated by seeds, and the other is combined roses. The Flame Rose grows from a small part of the demonic power of the Chiyan Rose Flower Demon. Compared with ordinary roses, the Flame Rose is like a ball of flame, which is more coquettish and beautiful.

"Come on, get some for each person, go out and sell them, don't sell them too expensive, ordinary roses in the academy sell for five points, we will sell them for four points, and 'rare' varieties like flame roses will only sell for fifty points!"

Therefore, three days before Christmas, there were many more beautiful "flower fairies" carrying flower baskets in the Extraordinary Academy.

Roses are not only sold individually, but also "999", "9999", "99999" customized services.

Ling Huohuo's roses are not only cheap, but also a variety that has never been seen before, and the sales volume is very good.

In three days, Ling Huohuo has gained tens of thousands of points, and it seems to have broken through [-]. The speed of earning points is much faster than doing tasks, and there is no need to worry about being out of stock, and the cost is negligible, but Ling Huohuo The Chiyan Rose flower demon was not treated badly either, and she served delicious and delicious food, which made Chi Yanmei feel a little embarrassed.

And other people or forces in the Extraordinary Academy who wanted to sell roses for Christmas basically didn't sell anything.Naturally, he is also very unhappy with Ling Huohuo's "black and evil forces", and secretly wants to make trouble.

But after discovering that any flower girl fairies have the strength of the fifth level, they resolutely gave up.

No force dared to say that it could be safe and sound under the siege of so many fifth-level people.

However, Ling Huohuo didn't go well during this time.

On the day before Christmas, Nero brings a warning.

Of course it was not a warning from selling roses, but an organization.

There are three major cults in the Extraordinary Academy - Purple Royal Garden, Orange Light Orchestra, and Aroma Society.

In this festival full of love, Purple Imperial Garden and Orange Light Orchestra naturally secretly organize offline gatherings to share with their true love, you and me.

But they are called cults because they pull people by force!
But the Aroma Society is not so honest.

Inside the Fragrance Association is a group of people who can't find their other half. In the end, their mentality exploded and they began to retaliate against the society.

And on Christmas, the day of love, they are going to come out to do things secretly again.

And recently, the student union found out that people from the Fragrance Association began to meet secretly, and there might be activities, so they urgently notified all the people who left the order, and some people like Ling Huohuo also came to notify them.

Don't think that you can sit back and relax at the sixth level.

There is no distinction between being single and being single. There used to be members of the seventh rank in the Fragrance Association. That time, the blow to couples was fatal.

Moreover, don't think about hiding from the Extraordinary Academy for Christmas. Maybe there are informants from the Fragrance Association among the people who record going out. Unless you hide in the deep mountains and old forests, it is better to be alone outside than to be in a group in the Extraordinary Academy. Even more dangerous!

In order for couples to enjoy the festival well, the student union will also contact some like-minded organizations, or issue tasks to help arrest members of the Fragrance Association, and earn points.


Finally, Christmas is here.

Ling Huohuo let the monsters lie and let them play casually.

Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun stayed in the Yaoju, planning to go out together at night.

Today, the Extraordinary Academy has activities, organized performances and celebrations, starting at eight o'clock in the evening.

All was well during the day, but soon it was almost eight o'clock in the evening, the celebration was ready, and the number of people in the Transcendent Academy gradually increased.

And the undercurrent also began to surge...

"Attention all units, keep your eyes open, pay attention to the surrounding situation, and don't let a fragrant dog go!" Megan gave an order on the intercom.

Nero stood behind her.

"President, all arrangements have been made, and the celebration will start on time. Everything is going well."

"It's because of the success that we can't relax our vigilance. Who knows if this is not the plan of those people?"


Megan stood on the roof of the student union, looked at the brightly lit scene in the distance, and tidied up her clothes.

"Come on, let's go to the scene!"



Ling Huohuo was waiting outside the Yaoju, wearing ordinary casual clothes, the green cotton bird landed on his shoulder, the goldfinch landed on his head, and the three millet bird was looking for food on the ground beside him.

At this moment, Xiao Yunyun and the others were putting on makeup in Yaoju.

And the monsters also went to the celebration in twos and threes. There are not many activities inside the Extraordinary Academy, but every event is very exciting and cannot be missed.

"General, let's go play first!" Yizi said while riding the ground mouse, and at some point, the ground mouse became Yizi's mount.

"Well, be careful on the road." Ling Huohuo smiled and nodded.

Datengu also greeted Ling Huohuo on the other side, and then took Happy and set off.

"Haha, today I must find a little brother to bid farewell to being single!" Shiyi woman laughed, and ran to the people in the distance, making the surrounding monsters have black lines, and secretly pitied the "lucky guy" who was targeted by Shiyi woman ".

Wait until the monsters are gone.

Finally, Xiao Yunyun, Ling Yu'er, and Hongshuang also came out from inside.

Looking at the three women who came out, Ling Huohuo's eyes lit up.

Today Xiao Yunyun is wearing slim jeans and a white shirt. Although her figure is not hot, it highlights her femininity. The most important thing is that a pair of color matching looks like a couple with Ling Huohuo's clothes Pack.With light makeup on his face, Ling Huohuo couldn't move his eyes.

And Hongshuang behind her is wearing a red Japanese-style yukata, her hair is coiled up high, and she is smiling, as if she is Yamato Nadeshiko walking out of a picture scroll. Although Hongshuang always does some strange things now, But it still didn't affect her temperament.

The last Ling Yu'er was wearing a Han costume. Although she was not a master of the Han Dynasty, she had a very ancient charm on her body. After all, she imitated her first master, and she could completely control the Han costume.

Seeing Ling Huohuo staring at him with straight eyes, Xiao Yunyun felt secretly refreshed.

"Okay, don't be dazed, let's go quickly." Xiao Yunyun said.

"Oh." Ling Huohuo nodded hastily.

Xiao Yunyun held Ling Huohuo's arm, and the two leaned together and walked forward.

And Hongshuang and Ling Yu'er looked at each other, smiled, and followed behind Ling Huohuo.

(End of this chapter)

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