The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 501 Aroma Association in Action

Chapter 501 Aroma Association in Action (Part [-])
The so-called dog slaughter operation is to fight against the aroma dogs when the aroma dogs in the aroma association come out to take revenge on the lovers, and arrest the members of the aroma association into the prison of the extraordinary academy.

"The activities of the Fragrance Association are very active this year. Even with the help of other associations, there is still a shortage of manpower. Therefore, I hope that Teacher Ling can consider it and join this operation. After all, you have become their target." Megan smiled. Said.

"Sorry, forgive me for refusing, I just want to spend today quietly." Ling Huohuo shook his head and said.

"That's such a pity." Megan shook her head and said, "But I welcome Teacher Ling to join us at any time."

"Well, if I change my mind, I will contact President Megan." Ling Huohuo said.

"Then I won't bother you, bye~" Megan waved to Ling Huohuo.


"Nello, let's go."


When Megan and Nieluo left, Xiao Yunyun looked at Ling Huohuo.

"Why didn't you join?" Xiao Yunyun asked puzzled.

"Do you know the strength of the Aroma Association?" Ling Huohuo turned around and asked.

"Strength?" Xiao Yunyun frowned and shook his head.

"I don't know, but it shouldn't be weak. It will be much safer to join this operation."

The strength of the Fragrance Association can only be guessed based on the information brought by Nero before. They are all squatting in the dark, and they have no way of knowing the specific strength.

"Yes, I refused to join this operation because I was not weak. Why did I join them? Report to the group to keep warm?" Ling Huohuo smiled and expressed his thoughts.

"It is impossible to predict the enemy's actions and strengths, and the Aroma Society is not an organization that can be easily manipulated. It has existed for so many years, and its background is not comparable to that of ordinary societies. Even President Megan came out to patrol in person, which shows that There are many problems, the first point is that the Fragrance Association is very strong, and the second point is that there are not enough people to participate in the so-called dog slaughter operation!"

"In addition to these, when talking to Megan, she emphasized that the Fragrance Association's activities are very intense this year. Things are abnormal, so we must keep our secrets. If you join this operation rashly, you may be killed in the end."

"Therefore, it is not a wise choice to rashly join this operation. Although it seems that the student union side is powerful, but if you think about it carefully, the student union side really does not have an advantage."

"That's why I rejected Megan's invitation." Finally, Ling Huohuo said.

"Oh? Why do you look at me like that?"

"Ling Huohuo, yes, I didn't expect you to have such an analytical mind?" Xiao Yunyun asked curiously.

Hongshuang and Ling Yuer also nodded.

They never discovered that Ling Huohuo could analyze the situation between the enemy and ourselves.

Doesn't Ling Huohuo usually just raise the sword directly?If you can beat it, it's OK, if you can't beat it, then... nothing more.

"What do you mean I don't have an analytical mind? I'm also a person who has been admitted to college." Ling Huohuo rolled his eyes.

Said himself like a fool.

"Well, the general always has such flashes of wit!" Hongshuang said with a smile.

Ling Yu'er nodded, "There is an old saying in China - a wise man will lose everything if he thinks a lot, and a fool will gain something if he thinks a lot. It's probably like this."

Xiao Yunyun giggled.

Ling Huohuo: "Come here with your heads, I'll show you a treasure."


The purpose and actions of the Fragrance Association, although it seems very silly, but I have to admit that the Aroma Association is indeed very confusing.

Except for the purpose, everything is unknown, not even the name of the leader.

"Then how do we deal with the current situation? We have already been targeted." Xiao Yunyun mentioned the members of the Fragrance Association under his feet.

"If you want to deal with the enemy, the best way is of course to break into the enemy!" Ling Huohuo showed a strange smile.

"Ling Yu'er, contact the monsters who can read memories and ask them to come here."



The Christmas celebration is still going on, but there is already an undercurrent in it.

A young couple hid secretly in the grove, and then there was the rustling sound of undressing.

"I hate it~"

"Hey hey, come on~"

"Don't touch there, ah~um~"


brush brush --

A few black shadows suddenly appeared, as if rushing out of the shadows, and quickly approached the two people who were making out.


When the two of them reacted, the black shadow had already rushed in front of them.

The two also saw clearly the appearance of the black shadow——

He was dressed in a black robe, and his head was covered by a pointed hood, revealing only a pair of red eyes.

"Couple dog!"

"You actually did such a mediocre thing in the woods!"

"I've never seen such a brazen person!"

Man: "WTF?"

Female: "Meow meow?"

The man and woman looked at each other, as if they could see the meaning in each other's eyes - I'm afraid they have encountered mental retardation!

"Hmph, no matter who you are, since you interrupt my good business, you must pay the price today!" The boy lifted his pants.

The momentum of the fifth level is released instantly.

No matter who is doing business, someone suddenly interrupts or yells something unclear to himself, it is not a matter of appointment.

The girl tidied her clothes hastily, but she also had a bad expression on her face.

Originally, I wanted to have some fun with my boyfriend in the woods, but I didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing. To be honest, I have the heart to kill!

However, the three men in black seemed to have no fear, but raised the sickle in their hands.

"The price? No, you are the ones who should be judged!"

The aura of the three people was released, and they were all ranked fifth!
The faces of the boys and girls changed.

Damn it!I'm not afraid of hooligans who are educated, but I'm afraid of hooligans with big fists.

Suddenly, the girl's expression changed.

"Wait, I seem to have seen their outfits before... They are, they are the fragrance dogs of the Fragrance Association! I saw it in the photo on the headline of the college!" The girl exclaimed.

"What?" The boy's expression also changed. For the Fragrance Association, he has only heard their names and never seen them, but he also knows how powerful they are, and it is also because he has never seen each other that he didn't recognize the identity of the other party at the first time. .

"You guys are knowledgeable, but - face the trial!" A black-robed man said with a strange smile.



The screams of a man and a woman echoed in the woods.

"No, something happened!" Megan and Nello, who had just walked out of the woods, heard the screams, and their expressions changed.

When they arrived at the scene of the incident, some members of the student union had already arrived.

"President, Vice President."


Megan nodded and looked around.

"What did you find?"

"I didn't see the victim. Although there were traces of fighting at the scene, there were not many. The strength of the two sides should be very different." One person said.

Megan frowned.

"Is it missing? Is that ceremony still going to be carried out?"

Those who are attacked will be captured by members of the Aroma Society and taken to a secret location to hold a ceremony called "burning".

Although the fragrance association will not kill people, it will cause great trauma to the couple's heart, and they will not even feel love anymore, and can only heal slowly through time.

However, if you want to carry out the "fire torture", you must gather a hundred couples.

Moreover, as long as the other party is saved before the "burning", the couple can be saved from harm.

"Nie Luo, keep the notification and let people disperse. We must find the location of the ceremony as quickly as possible!"


Megan looked to the sky.

Let's hope the Fragrance Association hasn't collected enough couples for a hundred couples.

(End of this chapter)

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