Chapter 506 Amplification (Second Update)
The people who came to support quickly broke into the barrier.

And the barrier was instantly broken, revealing the situation inside the meeting place.

Members of the Aroma Society began to stir.

"Protect the president!"

Most of the members began to move towards Shilixiang under the command of the captains.

However, some people who mixed into the Aroma Association did not continue to mix among the members of the Aroma Association.

Most of them took off their robes, turned around and joined the support force of the student council.

Some of them secretly moved to other directions. For example, the four of Ling Huohuo sneaked close to the high platform of the fire.

At the same time, Ling Huohuo also observed the strength of the surrounding support troops.

There is not much difference between the members of the fifth rank and those below the fifth rank, but the combat effectiveness of the top ranks is great.

There are three of the sixth rank, and one of the seventh rank.

Not counting Shili Fang, who doesn't know the depth of his strength, the student union's support army is in an absolute advantage.

"It's the general~" Megan said with a smile.

"So what? Catch you, I'm the one who wins in the end, do it!" Shi Lifang snorted, and he and the vice president behind him, Qilixiang, rushed to Megan and Neluo immediately.

"Save people!" Ling Huohuo reacted immediately.

The four of them took off their black robes instantly.

"White Knight, activate - speed up the sprint!"

"Flame Queen, activate—accelerate the sprint!"

With two low shouts, two figures, one red and one white, rushed to the high platform in an instant.


When Shilixiang and Qilixiang wanted to catch Megan and Neluo, they found that someone rescued them first.

"Who?" Shi Lifang yelled sharply.

In the distance, a figure in white armor hugged Megan and fell aside, and beside him was a figure in red armor supporting the blue woman in armor.

Megan and Nieluo recognized Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun immediately. After all, the reason why Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun were able to obtain the combat armor was that they also contributed a lot behind the scenes.

Ling Huohuo put Megan on the ground.

"Teacher Ling, I didn't expect you to be here, thank you~"

Ling Huohuo nodded.

But he frowned, because he found that since he got on the high platform, his body had become a little strange, and he had a stronger desire. Ling Huohuo looked at the pink flame in the center of the high platform, and was a little dazed for a while.

"Teacher Ling?" Megan noticed Ling Huohuo's strangeness, and called Ling Huohuo, which brought Ling Huohuo back to his senses.

"Sorry, I was distracted, how are you doing?" Ling Huohuo asked.

Megan still kept smiling, but shook her head.

"It's very powerless, I can't resist what I do now~"

Ling Huohuo: "..."

On the other side, Xiao Yunyun raised his staff and pointed it at Megan, but fortunately, Nie Luo stopped him in time.

"Damn it, who are you guys?" Shi Lifang shouted again in a cold voice.

"You guys leave first, I'll stop them." Ling Huohuo looked at Shi Lifang seriously and said.

"No." Megan shook his head, "We must save other people here."

Saving people is Megan's responsibility and obligation, and she must fulfill it.

Ling Huohuo frowned.

"Then hurry up." Ling Huohuo said, "Yunyun, you bring Hongshuang and the others to help."

For the 99 couples, it is difficult to save Megan and Nieluo who are sealed by power alone, so they can only ask Xiao Yunyun and the other three to help.

Xiao Yunyun nodded without any objection.

Although the others fought against the reinforcements from the student union, neither Shilixiang nor Qilixiang could be dealt with by her.

It's still easy to save people.

"Surrender!" Seeing that Ling Huohuo still ignored him, Shi Lixiang rushed towards Ling Huohuo in anger, followed closely by Qilixiang.


Ling Huohuo snorted coldly, drew out the Jiaore sword, and faced Shilixiang and Qilixiang.

The three of them attacked together, Ling Huohuo took two steps back and made a muffled sound, obviously under the blow.

Qilixiang's strength is very strong. Although it's just a fight, Ling Huohuo can feel that Qilixiang's strength is above his own. On the contrary, Shilixiang's strength is not strong, but Ling Huohuo's momentum puts a lot of pressure on it.

"Support the president!" A few powerful people outside realized that Shi Lixiang had made a move, and hurried to the high platform.

However, a red film suddenly appeared on the high platform, blocking the people who came to support.

"Break it for me!" The seventh-level powerhouse shouted angrily, and hit the membrane with one blow.

Embarrassing, however.

The film just trembled, not moved at all.

But because of the trembling, the firewood near the film was blown away, revealing the magic circle with red light underneath.

"There is a magic circle!" Someone exclaimed.

"Hahaha! Didn't expect that!" Shi Lifang smiled frantically, not knowing why he was smiling so happily.

"I didn't want to use it at first, but... look at my trick, rise up! Family members of the Aroma Society!"

Shi Lifang slapped the ground hard, and the red magic circle started to work and gradually grew larger.

The pink flame in the center of the high platform began to shake violently, and layers of red power enveloped the surrounding members of the Aroma Society.

As the power of red shrouded, the members of the Aroma Society became more brave.

It was still the same strength just now, but after being shrouded in red light, the members of the Fragrance Association suddenly began to suppress the student union and other forces to fight.

"What a strong boost!" Ling Huohuo's eyes narrowed.

Although the ranks of the members of the Fragrance Association have not changed, their strength has at least doubled.

Seeing this, the three sixth-level and the seventh-level powerhouses had no choice but to temporarily give up attacking the film, and began to support others.

Although the difference in strength is huge, the tenacity of the members of the Fragrance Association has become extremely abnormal because they did not kill them. It is very difficult to make them lose their fighting power.

In addition to those members of the Aroma Society, there are also people who have also been boosted.

Shilixiang and Qilixiang's bodies were also covered in a layer of red.

Feeling her own strength at this time, Shi Lifang felt a little complicated in her heart.

Although he has strengthened himself, it is temporary. The power he collected with great difficulty should have been used for other purposes, but it was wasted here.

Simply enhancing strength is simply a waste of this kind of strength!
But he knew that if he lost today, not only would the collected power be taken away, but the core of the collected power—that special flame would also be taken away.

If the power is gone, it can be collected again, but if the flame is gone, there will be nothing.

What's more serious is that he will even be arrested.

When his identity is exposed, the Fragrance Association that he worked so hard to build will also exist in name only.

The anger in his heart gushed out, and Shi Lifang glared at Ling Huohuo. It was because of these people that the current situation was caused, and they had to pay the price!

"Come to fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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