The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 508 I'm sorry, I'm strong enough, I can really do whatever I want!

Chapter 508 I'm sorry, I'm strong enough, I can really do whatever I want! (two more)

It was too late to think about what happened to the lovers, Shi Lifang attacked again, and Ling Huohuo had to fight again.

As time went by, Shi Lixiang became more and more difficult to deal with.

His gain increase is not a one-time increase, but gradually becomes stronger with the battle.

The strength has not changed, but the power has been increasing. At the beginning, he could fight head-to-head, but now even with the increase of the white knight, Ling Huohuo has only the fate of being blown away.

Fortunately, this kind of increase seems to only increase the strength, and Shili Xiang is still the same in other respects.

This made Ling Huohuo still able to fight Shili Xiangxiang.

But it also made Ling Huohuo consume a lot.

In addition to the consumption used to fight Shilixiang, Ling Huohuo also used to provide power for the white knight.

The white knight's combat analysis and acceleration and flying ability were of great help to Ling Huohuo, and Ling Huohuo did not relieve the white knight.

However, as the battle intensified, the White Knight's own energy reserves had long been exhausted. After all, using the White Knight's own abilities also consumed power. The more frequently it was used, the more intense the consumption.

Moreover, the technology of the battle armor is immature, and the energy reserves are not sufficient. Without the supplement of the user's strength, ordinary battles can be said to be good with the energy reserves of the battle armor alone, but it is difficult to last such a fierce battle for a long time.

At this time, Nero, whose power was sealed, faced such a problem.

Therefore, if the combat armor wants to be truly "universal with all strengths", there is still a long way to go.

Fortunately, Ling Huohuo's resilience is strong, and he has a lot of strength. The strength in his body is enough to maintain the battle and the consumption of the white knight.

The quantity is large, and the tube is enough!
But Ling Huohuo is not a perpetual motion machine. This kind of battle can last for a while. If it lasts for two or three days, it will almost be done.

However, Ling Huohuo was relieved that he had consumed a lot, and Shili Xiangxiang was not much better.

At this time, his speed dropped significantly. Although Ling Huohuo didn't dare to get close to him due to the terrifying power, Shi Lifang didn't want to catch up with him for a while.

"Don't run!"

"Why don't you run away? Wait to die?"

"Are you still a man, if you are a man, come down hard!"

"What's wrong with me, am I a man? It's impossible to try it on you anyway!"

"You... hooligan!"

"Be serious!"

"Don't run away, I, Shili Fang, will hack you to death today!"

"Come on, be happy, a little bit..."


Looking at the two who looked like children scolding each other, the lovers all had black lines on their heads.

"I feel that the speed of the ten-mile defense line has slowed down. He won't become weaker, is there a chance?" Hongshuang said suddenly, a little eager to try.


Shi Lixiang's saber air slashed past everyone and slashed at the barrier, causing the barrier to tremble violently. The strength can be imagined.

"This power is so terrifying..." Xiao Yunyun said in amazement, one must know that even under her full attack, the barrier would not be able to shake like this.

"Are you still going?" Megan asked Hongshuang with a playful smile.

"What did you say? Did I just say something?" Hongshuang looked innocently at Megan with wide eyes.

Megan looked at Hongshuang with a smile on her face.

Just smile at this time.

"Shilixiang's strength is getting stronger and stronger, but it seems that this is the case only in terms of strength, and the fluctuations in other aspects of the value are normal." Nero said looking at the data analyzed by the blue armed forces.

"It might be the reason for the increase. Who of you knows the strength of Shili Fang?" Megan asked with a frown.

Although it is because of the growth rate that Shili Fangfang has the current strength, but Megan dare not underestimate it.

The most important thing is that the growth rate on Shili Xiang's body is very troublesome!
The buffs on Shili Xiang's body are superimposed buffs, which will make certain aspects continue to be strengthened.

But generally speaking, this kind of increase has a limit, but the increase on Shi Lifang seems to have no limit, it is still increasing, and there is no sign of reaching the limit or disappearing.

Although it is only a one-sided enhancement, if this continues, if Shili Xiang's power reaches a certain level, no matter how fast Ling Huohuo runs, there is no possibility of winning.

But fortunately, the increase in this situation is only available on Shilixiang's body. Although the increase in Qilixiang's body has increased her strength, it has not continued to increase.

Although he knew that this increase came from the magic circle under his feet, but the magic circle could not be destroyed, and the increase would still exist.

"By the way, I remember that there was a couple who were at the sixth level. Were you captured by Shili Fang? Do you know the strength of Shili Fang?" Ling Yu'er said suddenly.

The lovers searched for a while, and soon found the sixth-level couple.

"That...although we are in the sixth rank, we were not captured by Shi Lixiang, but were captured by ordinary members." The man scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Ordinary members?" Everyone was stunned. The ordinary members of the Fragrance Association seem to be below the sixth level, so you two were arrested at the sixth level?I'm afraid it's not parallel imports!
"Actually, we didn't fight them..." The woman was a little embarrassed.

"What's going on?" Megan frowned again, always feeling weird.

The couple hesitated for a while, and finally the thick-skinned man stood up.

"Let's be honest, don't look at us in our 20s, but both of us are approaching 50 years old. We used to focus on cultivation and didn't think about relationship issues. We only recently met each other and confirmed our relationship. First love, I decided to get down to business tonight, you guys understand."

"Then I met a peddler who recommended us some...that kind of things and medicines, and told us that young people are playing this way, and we both wanted to try it, but who knew that the medicine seller was a member of the Fragrance Association , After taking the medicine, my head tilted, and when I woke up, I was hung on the stake!"

After the man finished talking about his experience in embarrassment, the woman buried her face in her chest.

After listening to the words of the two, the others did not speak for a long time.

At such an old age, with all my heart devoted to cultivation, and finally falling in love, it's really embarrassing to encounter this kind of thing.

Very sad story, but...why do you want to laugh so much?

A boy pressed the man's shoulder.

"Brother, leave a contact information, and my younger brother will recommend some things to you in the future. The quality and quantity are guaranteed, and you will definitely have fun with your sister-in-law!"



On the other side, Ling Huohuo's condition was not so good.

Shili Fangfang didn't run after Ling Huohuo anymore, but stood at a certain point, and simply used her strength to throw out the saber energy, and attacked Ling Huohuo with magic.

But Ling Huohuo had no choice but to dodge.

The two looked like they were hunting birds.

Ling Huohuo deeply felt the fear of being dominated by absolute power.

My strongest is melee combat, but the opponent uses terrifying power to suppress me, so that I dare not get close at all, and even the long-range attack of the flame is cut open with a single knife.

It can be said that Ling Huohuo at this time is simply overwhelmed!

Even now it's point-and-shoot!

I'm sorry, but I'm strong enough to really do whatever I want!

(End of this chapter)

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