The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 514 Ai Luo's Thank You Gift

Chapter 514 Ai Luo's Thank You Gift (Part [-])
Ai Luo looked at Ling Huohuo, but the movements of his hands were not slow at all. He opened the gift box and pushed it in front of Ling Huohuo.

When Ling Huohuo saw the contents of the box clearly, his eyes straightened immediately.

"This is... so exciting!"

Seeing Ling Huohuo's expression, Ai Luo frowned, why did Ling Huohuo show such an expression?
Then she glanced inside the gift box.

I saw a set of purple cutouts, extremely attractive pot lids and small triangles lying quietly in the box.

Judging by the size of the pot lid, it is still no problem to cover two D-level rabbits.

Ai Luo: "..."

Ling Huohuo glanced at Ai Luo's chest, but couldn't tell, it was quite good.

The air was a little quiet for a while.


An afterimage flashed past, Ling Huohuo's eyes blurred, the gift box and the lid disappeared, while Ai Luo was blushing, holding a new gift box.

Ling Huohuo: "..."

This time, Ai Luo took a peek at the contents of the gift box before opening it, and after confirming that it was correct, Ai Luo looked at Ling Huohuo again.

At this time, Ai Luo looked very calm, as if nothing happened just now.

"Teacher Ling, please see the thank you gift I gave you."

Ai Luo opened the gift box.

Three things lay quietly in the gift box.

Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes, put down one hand and pressed the gift box, and looked at Ai Luo without acting stupid again.

"I took this job, but I still want to ask you something."

Ai Luo smiled.

Oh man.



In Ling Huohuo's mansion.

Ai Luo left after visiting Ive.

But there was another episode—Hongshuang once again took out a big-headed ginseng baby as a return gift and gave it to Ai Luo.

No, the big-headed ginseng baby has become more demonized, and it should be called the demon ginseng baby.

After some hesitation, Ai Luo still accepted the Yaoshen baby.

Ling Huohuo stood at the door of Yaoju and watched Ai Luo leave with the shaking Yaoshen baby who was making weird noises.


At this time, Ling Huohuo, Xiao Yunyun, Ye Cilang, Datengu, and Ling Yuer were sitting around the table.

On the other hand, Hongshuang was teasing Aifu, and Aifu's eyes were full of tears. I really don't understand why a sixth-order person would be bullied by Hongshuang like this.

Happy lay on the side boredly.

The goldfinch and bluebird landed on Happy.

The Sansu bird is eating the peanuts on the plate.

At this time, almost all the core members of Ling Huohuo's forces gathered together, looking like they were having a meeting.

And the few things on the table are obviously the protagonists of today.

They are three golden keys with the signs of Libra, Virgo, and today Aiello brings Capricorn.

There are three kinds of thank you gifts from Ai Luo.

Includes Capricorn key.

The remaining two are a sword will stone and a sixth-order swordsmanship book.

The sword intent stone is used to comprehend the sword intent, and it can also be stored in one's own sword intent so that others can comprehend it.

And the sword intent stone brought by Ai Luo is the sword intent stone with sword intent. The sword intent inside is the fire sword intent, which is a branch of the fire sword intent, which can make the power more violent.

Ling Huohuo himself has the sword intent of fire. If you use the sword intent stone to comprehend the sword intent of raging fire, even if Ling Huohuo's talent is not very good, it will not be slow to comprehend it.

Sword intent is very rare, and now there are very few people who specialize in swordsmanship, let alone those who practice sword intent. Therefore, sword intent stones have become very rare in the circle of extraordinary people.

But it is not precious, because if you don't specialize in swordsmanship, even if you hold the Sword Intent Stone, you can't understand it at all, and you can't feel anything.

However, the Sword Intent Stone is still very expensive, especially the Sword Intent Stone with Sword Intent.

Moreover, the Sword Intent Stone with Fierce Sword Intent is of great value to Ling Huohuo. If Ling Huohuo can comprehend it, then his strength will definitely increase again.

The sixth-level sword technique is called "Fire King Sword Technique". That's the way it is, it's tasteless to eat, but it's a pity to discard it.

However, Ling Huohuo still accepted it, and prepared to take a look at it when he had time, as a reference.

Moreover, the Capricorn key and the Sword Will Stone alone are enough for Ling Huohuo to help look after the children.


Xiao Yunyun observed the three golden keys, then took out the seven blue keys obtained under the Atlantic Ocean, and placed them on the table one by one.

There are ten keys in total.

Everyone knows about the golden key, which is related to the twelve golden doors, and each key corresponds to a god's inheritance.

However, up to now, Ling Huohuo and the others have not gotten a golden door.

As for the matter related to the Capricorn key, Ling Huohuo also asked Ai Luo, but he didn't get anything valuable.

Ai Luo also said that she didn't know, she got it during an expedition to the ruins, and she hasn't researched anything yet.

The reason why it was given to Ling Huohuo was because the golden key of Capricornus was given to Ling Huohuo as an extra head.

The Sword Will Stone and "Fire King Sword Art" are Ailuo's real thanks.

Although Ai Luo is not poor, most things cannot be given to Ling Huohuo for various reasons.

Moreover, at this time, most people in Chaofan Academy knew that Ling Huohuo's Yaoju was actually a resplendent mansion.

Ai Luo didn't think that Ling Huohuo would lack anything. It was difficult to impress Ling Huohuo with ordinary things, so he could only try with such weird things.

And the key of Capricornus is indeed the main reason for Ling Huohuo's agreement. By the way, Ling Huohuo has to go to the location of the ruins and is ready to take a look when he has time.

Ling Huohuo is very rich at this time, because the compensation owed to Ling Huohuo by the Lions Club and the third generation is also in place, plus the usual income and scattered income, at this time Ling Huohuo said that he is rich. It's not too much to get oily.

"Including Guo Xiaoyu's one, it should be four keys. I think it is necessary to put the search for the Golden Gate on the agenda." Xiao Yunyun said.

God's inheritance, who doesn't want it?
Ling Huohuo also nodded.

"However, it will be very dangerous, after all, it is the inheritance of God." Big Tengu analyzed.

"But it's very urgent. Those evil alchemists not only have the golden key, but also the golden door, and they have the support of the great gods behind them. Coupled with the news of the Demon King's Army that they have inquired about, they always feel that the world is about to fall into chaos." Ling Huohuo sighed, a little worried, if the world becomes chaotic, with the current self, it is impossible to easily stay out of it.

"Then improve your strength as much as possible, take advantage of this period of time to improve your strength and be prepared." Big Tengu said seriously.

"All preparations must be made, the golden key and the golden gate, the demon king's army, and the different world." Ling Huohuo said.

"If you want to improve your strength in a short time, the best way is to get the inheritance, and the golden key and the golden door should be the first priority." Xiao Yunyun said.

(End of this chapter)

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