The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 519 You cheated, and she cheated too

Chapter 519 You cheated, and she cheated too (second update)
"The "Sword Code" is very domineering. It is like a fishbone lying across your strength, allowing you and me to fully exert our own strength. Because of the "Sword Code", it is actually very difficult to fully awaken your blood."

"Um, is that all the fault of the "Sword Code"?" Ling Huohuo asked, and Ling Huohuo suddenly discovered that the "Sword Code" didn't seem to be as beautiful as imagined.

"I can't say that, isn't what you got from the "Sword Code" weaker than the power of the blood? And comparing the two, the "Sword Code" is definitely more worth cultivating." Demonizing Ling Huohuo said.

Ling Huohuo was stunned, and thought for a while. Indeed, his foundation is in the "Sword Code", and the power of blood is purely icing on the cake.

Moreover, you must know that the "Sword Code" is the inheritance of the living god, the Sword God, and the power of his own blood is definitely not comparable.

"The existence of "Sword Code" is only a part, but according to my observation, "Sword Code" is impossible to erase your strength, but it will limit the power except for the power related to the way of the sword, but it is only a part, normally speaking, only It will make the first awakening of your bloodline power more difficult, and the power after awakening will be relatively weak, but it can be made up for the day after tomorrow, and it will not make you lose the other three attributes."

"The real reason why you lose the other three attributes is the remaining two reasons. The "Sword Code" is just an inducement. After all, when the power of the bloodline is awakened for the first time, if the power of the bloodline is weak, it is easy to be influenced by the outside world. Stimulating influence." Demonizing Ling Huohuo said.

Ling Huohuo nodded. If there was no "Sword Code", the power of his blood might have been awakened long ago. After all, Ling Huohuo has already said that he and Ling Miao are brothers or identical twins. Yes, when he awakened the power of blood, there was no reason why he couldn't awaken it.

Moreover, because the power level of "Sword Code" is high, it suppresses the power of one's own blood, so that the power of one's own blood was not strong when it first awakened, and then it was affected by the outside world and lost the other three attributes .

"Next, let's talk about the second reason. The second reason is that when your bloodline was awakened, your bloodline was mixed with other bloodlines. Do you still remember that girl and that weird butterfly?" Huohuo suddenly changed the topic and asked.

Ling Huohuo frowned and recalled, then nodded.

The girl is naturally the girl who fell from the space. At that time, I hadn't completely refined the sealing door, the space channel was open, and the girl was a space attribute. It can fall out of its own space channel.

And the butterfly burst out after fighting the black tentacle monster at the beach, and melted into his body.

Later, the butterfly entered the girl's body from his own body, and then his bloodline awakened.

"I don't know exactly what that butterfly is, and it doesn't exist in memory inheritance, but it activated your bloodline, and it also allowed you to exchange part of the bloodline with that girl, that is to say, after your first bloodline You were already a skewer when you awakened your power, and at the same time you made that girl into a skewer."

Ling Huohuo opened his mouth, why do you think this sounds weird?
"What is the blood of that girl?" Ling Huohuo asked.

The demonized Ling Huohuo shook his head.

"I don't know, I just exchanged some bloodlines, and didn't get any inheritance information, so you only get the power of space, but you can't use it well. In addition, the amount is very small, and the power of space is weak. Even the awakening The space sword intent is only a semi-finished product, if you didn't get the space power in the dragon corpse later, it would be difficult for you to control the space power well now." Yaohua Ling Huohuo said.

"Then what does the exchange of blood have to do with the lack of attributes?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Because you're impure..." Demonizing Ling Huohuo said.

Ling Huohuo: "..."

impure?joke!I will definitely be a proper innocent little virgin in this life!
"Well, it's because your blood is impure." As if seeing Ling Huohuo's little method, the demonizing Ling Huohuo emphasized it, and then showed a mocking smile: "There are so many female fairies around me, and Xiao Xiao Yun Yun, the real girlfriend, you are still a virgin up to now, if I didn’t know your physical condition and know that you are not gay, I would almost suspect that you are dead.”

"Is there something wrong with being a virgin? Huh? Is there something wrong?" Ling Huohuo shouted angrily.

"That's right, as long as you're happy." Demonizing Ling Huohuo said with a smile, "I just think you're quite embarrassing."

Ling Huohuo: "MMP!"

"Your blood is impure, and there is naturally a problem with the awakening of the blood. The energy level of the power of space is very high, and when it enters the body, it is the blood that has been developed. The power is naturally stronger than the four sleeping attributes in your body. Be strong, even though you have the four attributes of earth, fire, feng shui, you will still be suppressed, plus your own strength is not strong, if it is not because there are not many bloods for exchange, you may not even have any of the four attributes It would be interesting not to awaken, but to awaken the external space attributes."

Ling Huohuo listened quietly, and analyzed by himself—it doesn't seem like a bad loss to exchange the three attributes of land, geomantic omen and water for the power of space.

"Next is the third reason, and it is also the main reason why you awakened the fire attribute."

Ling Huohuo looked at the demonizing Ling Huohuo again.

"You were in Zhonghai City when your bloodline was awakened, and at that time, the sealed source of fire in Zhonghai City had just recovered, and the power of the fire attribute in the entire Zhonghai City was much stronger. After entering the state of harmony between man and nature, being stimulated by the outside world, relying on your own strength and the influence of the power of space, you can only awaken the fire attribute in the end, and you will become a fire dragon."

Demonizing Ling Huohuo finished speaking, and looked at Ling Huohuo quietly.

Ling Huohuo began to think, digesting Ling Huohuo's words of demonizing Ling Huohuo.

"It turns out that this is the reason why Ling Miao and I have awakened different attributes." Ling Huohuo said with some melancholy. He always thought that his fire attribute blood was very powerful, but only found out today that only a quarter of it had been awakened. It is a defective product.

"The fire unicorn bloodline you fused today is also of the fire attribute, and now your fire attribute is growing, and with the power of space, your bloodline is not weaker than Ling Miao's bloodline with four attributes." The demonized Ling Huohuo said.

Ling Huohuo felt relieved a lot, and suddenly thought of something.

"By the way, you just said that my other three attributes have been suppressed, right? Is there still a chance to awaken?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Huh?" Demonizing Ling Huohuo was taken aback.

"Can't you?" Ling Huohuo was a little disappointed.

"No, of course you can. I'm just surprised that you are so witty once in a while." Demonizing Ling Huohuo sighed.

"Is it really okay for you to say that? Aren't you just me?" Ling Huohuo said mockingly.

"That's not the same. I was born with your consciousness plus the power of bloodline plus inherited memory. Although I look the same as you and have all your memories, I'm not the same as you."

Ling Huohuo: "..."

Seeing Ling Huohuo's froze expression, the demonizing Ling Huohuo laughed happily.

"Okay, let's talk about the remaining three attributes. This is what I was going to talk about just now." The demonizing Ling Huohuo spoke again.

(End of this chapter)

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