The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 533 This is a brand new version you have never seen before

Chapter 533 This is a Brand New Version You Haven't Seen (Part [-])

a certain space.

The sword god who was stupefied suddenly moved his eyes, and the silver eyes without emotion flashed a trace of surprise, and the teacup in his hand was crushed in an instant.

But the "friend" who was kneeling on the ground and carefully pressing the sword god's legs trembled in his heart, and made a standard movement of covering his head and squatting in defense in his first reaction.

"Don't cut me, don't cut me..."

This "friend" is really the old iron who helped the sword god deduce Ling Huohuo, but for some reason, after getting the news he wanted, the sword god didn't leave, but stayed.

This "friend" also started the days of "smiling on his face, and his mother's criticism in his heart". In order to prevent the sword god from doing anything out of the ordinary, he even took the initiative to do servant work such as pressing his legs.

The Sword God didn't think it was wrong, because he didn't have a servant, and he didn't know that the leg pressing was done by the servant. He always thought that what his "friends" did was normal.

Facing the sword god who lacks common sense and has a touching emotional intelligence, it is unreasonable.

What's more, the sword god's silver eyes look at people without emotion, giving other people the feeling that everyone is looking at a dead person, and it is impossible to predict the sword god's thoughts. Give yourself the illusion of a long knife.

"The conscious path is really surprising." Through the "Sword Code", the Sword God naturally felt what happened to Ling Huohuo just now.

Sword God felt that it was necessary to face up to his successor, it really... surprised him.

Then the sword god looked at his "friend" who was crouching with his head in his arms.

"What are you doing?" Sword God's plain voice sounded.

Hearing the sword god's question, the body of the "friend" squatting on the ground trembled rapidly, and he didn't even dare to look up at the sword god.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, don't dare again, don't cut me, I was wrong, oh..."


The Sword God quietly looked at his "friend".

What?Can't understand what your "friend" is saying?
Experience told Sword God that it would be fine to just be silent at this time.

However, Sword God suddenly looked solemn, because he discovered a weakness of his "friend".

After being silent for a while, Sword God felt his head hurt a little from his "friend"'s "whispering".

Frowning, the Sword God finally spoke.

"Get up."

"Oh?" The "friend" of the Sword God stopped trembling, and looked up at the Sword God cautiously, "You really don't want to cut me?"

"Don't chop."


"Come and practice with me in the dojo."


"You have too much fat on your chest. It's better to exercise to lose it. At least make it smaller, otherwise it will affect your battle."

As a "friend", Sword God feels the need to help his "friend" eliminate "weaknesses".

"That's not fat! That's my pride! It can't be lost! Don't do such cruel things!"

A certain goddess wailed in shame and indignation!

Sword God: "..."

Goddess: "She is a girl!"

Sword God: "In my eyes, there is no distinction between male and female friends!"

Goddess: "¥%&*@"


Different world.

After the tiger turned into blood mist.

King Fudo Ming and Ling Yaoyao appeared immediately, guarding Ling Huohuo's side.

The light in Ling Huohuo's eyes quickly subsided, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Although the pupils were gold and silver rings, they didn't emit light anymore, but the fleeting white light made Fudo Mingo and Ling Yaoyao shudder.

will die!

Fudo Mingwang and Ling Yaoyao looked at each other, and they could see the shock in each other's eyes.

What happened to Ling Huohuo?What did he realize?
After the light in his eyes disappeared, Ling Huohuo's expression became flat, he closed his eyes slowly, and sat cross-legged on the ground.

I didn't practice, but entered a strange state, and my breathing gradually stabilized.

Fudo Mingwang and Ling Yaoyao did not easily investigate Ling Huohuo, because Ling Huohuo's state was unknown at this time, and others were not sure, so it was better not to intervene at will.

Therefore, Fudo Mingwang and Ling Yaoyao just watched Ling Huohuo, using superficial observations to size up Ling Huohuo.

But as time went by, Fudo Mingo and Ling Yaoyao's expressions became more and more serious.

Because, Ling Huohuo's aura is changing!

Before I perceived Ling Huohuo, I could perceive the vigorous and shocking vitality, and the momentum was like a giant beast.

But now, Ling Huohuo's body was full of sharpness and was extremely aggressive.

The giant beast disappeared. If you don't use your eyes, just rely on your perception, it is not a person in Ling Huohuo's position, but a sword!A sword being forged!
Ling Huohuo is gradually transforming from a wild monster into a cold sword!

There is no familiar smell at all, no, it should be that there is no smell of anyone, it is just pure cold, the cold is strange and suffocating.

The icy breath became stronger and stronger, Fudo Mingwang and Ling Yaoyao couldn't help but retreat a short distance away, this kind of icy breath was extremely harmful to spirit bodies like them, even if they stayed in the breath Within the coverage area, it will also make them feel uncomfortable and their strength will be suppressed.

Puff puff!
As if being cut into pieces by a thousand knives, the trees and grass leaves around Ling Huohuo instantly turned into shards.


A sword cry came faintly from Ling Huohuo's body, drifted to the surroundings, spread to the distance, covered the sixth-level area, reached the seventh-level and fifth-level areas, drifted over the demon city, and finally continued to spread far away. As if swearing his own arrival.

The eyes of Fudo Mingwang and Ling Yaoyao flashed strange colors.


At this time, the aura on Ling Huohuo's body began to fade rapidly, and finally became extremely ordinary, making Ling Huohuo look like an ordinary village killer.

It is in stark contrast to the publicity just now - it's really exciting to run after pretending to be aggressive!

"The gods are self-obscuring!" Fudoming Wang and Ling Yaoyao's eyes moved, and a word appeared in their minds.

It was originally a word to describe objects, but when used on Ling Huohuo, it feels inexplicably suitable.

Can Ling Huohuo at this time really be called a human being?

After a while, Ling Huohuo's body relaxed.

He took a deep breath and opened his eyes.

"It turns out it can still be like this!"

At this time, Ling Huohuo had an unconcealable joy on his face, because just now, Ling Huohuo finally broke his way!
It's not going out, it's not realizing it, it's just violently breaking it!

It's like Mr. Lu Xun said - "There is no road in the world. If there are many people walking, it will naturally become a road!"

Ling Huohuo raised his head and looked towards the sky. Lu Xun's figure seemed to be floating in the air, smiling at himself.


"Ling Huo Huo!"

King Fudo Ming and Ling Yaoyao returned to Ling Huohuo's side.

"How do you feel?" Ling Yaoyao asked curiously.

Ling Huohuo showed a big smile: "I am Ling Huohuo, with the way of swordsmanship, this is a brand new version that you have never seen before!"

Fudo Mingo: "..."

Ling Yaoyao: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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