The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 548 Ling Yaoyao's One Dragon Service

Chapter 548 Ling Yaoyao's one-stop service (one more)
Sitting on Harrigan's body, leading Emily, Ling Huohuo and his party continued to move towards the Elf Forest. On the way, Emily also talked about the situation of the Elf Forest at this time.

The magic dragon followed behind Harrigan, rolling his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

What surprised Yilian Youmeng was that this time Ling Huohuo graciously allowed himself and Emily to sit in his luxurious chair.

"The front is the periphery of the encirclement of the demonized elves." Emily looked at the front and said worriedly.

"Harrigan, open the way!" Ling Huohuo shouted at Harrigan.

"Got it!" Harrigan exclaimed excitedly.

There are no strong people around the demonized elves, and Harrigan alone can kill seven in and seven out.

As for this kind of abuse, Harrigan, a wretched dragon, likes it the most.

Sure enough, he soon encountered the demonized elf.

Ling Huohuo looked at the demonized elf.

The skin of the forest elves is white, and according to Emily, the hair color is mostly green, beige and milky white, and occasionally there are colors such as yellow and blue, but they are all bright colors.

However, the demonized elf's skin was brown with black lines on it. Ling Huohuo found that these lines were very similar to the lines on his own body.

The lines on Ling Huohuo's body are transformed by the power of blood, and each line represents a layer of power, containing huge power.

The lines on the demonized elves are much lower level. Although they are also transformed by the power of blood, they do not represent power, but blood. Different creatures have different lines on the bodies of demonized elves.

The pupils of the demonized elves were crimson red, shining with a bloodthirsty light.

Although he possesses the beautiful appearance of the elves, he is completely disfigured by the evil spirit on his body, making him look extremely hideous.

And... the demonized elf actually ran naked? ? ?
Ling Huohuo's eyes politely swept across the chests of several female demonized elves, well, they also inherited the size of the elves, but there was still a gap compared to Emily.

However, these demonized elves don't seem to have as strong magical talents as the elves. On the contrary, their physical quality can fall ten blocks behind the forest elves of the same level.

Although these demonized elves are intelligent, their few IQs make their suitors kill them.

At the same time, the power fluctuations on the demonized elf also made Ling Huohuo serious.

It's not the same magic energy as the dragon.

It is the power of evil thoughts!

This is the second time Ling Huohuo has seen evil thoughts, but the evil thoughts on the demonized elves are somewhat different from the evil thoughts seen in the Amazon space last time.

These evil thoughts are very broken, but the evil aura in them remains. These evil auras are constantly promoting the evolution of these demonized elves. Not only the body, but also the soul and brain are constantly being stimulated. This is why the beasts transform into demonized elves. After that, there was wisdom.

It was forcibly opened by the evil breath!

However, this kind of counterproductive growth is also very expensive. The evil breath will affect the spiritual intelligence of the beasts. Without a firm mind, they will definitely turn into demons seeking to kill in the end, and how can these demonized elves whose spiritual intelligence is forcibly activated Have a firm mind?
At the same time, the evil breath is constantly eroding the bodies of the demonized elves, which also proves that the lifespan of these demonized elves has been greatly affected. The stronger they are, the faster they die!
The demonized elves in the periphery are generally fifth-tier, and sixth-tier and fourth-tier are rare.

Harrigan roared loudly, his stomach puffed up, and a mouthful of dragon's breath was sprayed out by it.

The terrifying red dragon's breath turned into a fire dragon, and all the trees and demonized elves on the way forward were turned into fly ash, and a raging fire ignited around it.

Harrigan's dragon breath pushed out more than ten miles directly, and a ten-mile corridor of flames began to ignite in the forest.

Yilian Youmeng stared at Harrigan's move with bright eyes. Is this power?The dragon hatched from my own dragon egg will probably be able to do this in the future, but when I see someone upset, I must take the dragon to the opponent's station to spit.

Ling Huohuo raised his eyebrows, this mouthful of dragon's breath was equivalent to Harrigan's full blow. Although it was not obvious, it did make Harrigan a little breathless, but he could replenish it soon, only the giant dragon How dare a race with superior physical strength dare to explode so casually.

If it's an elf or a human race, it's going to be big this time, so why don't you slow down for a while?The monster can use a few more big moves, but it is impossible to use it casually.

As for why Harrigan did this, do you have to ask?Of course it was pretentious!

Emily on the other side screamed.

"Ah!!! The forest!!! It's burning, it's burning! Put out the fire!!!"

Ling Huohuo: "..."

Harrigan: "..."

Yilian Youmeng: "..."

Ling Huohuo and Yilian Youmeng plucked out their ears, their ears hurt so much.

Harrigan also had a headache for a while, pretending to be cool for a while, he even forgot that there is a forest priest on his back, destroying the forest in front of the forest priest, isn't it just looking for trouble?

Emily was in a panic at this time, and she was about to jump down to put out the fire with her sacrificial attire.

In order to cover Emily's mouth and prevent Emily from jumping off the dragon's back and falling to her death in agitation, Ling Huohuo rubbed his head and was ready to make a move.

A flash of light flashed, and Ling Yaoyao appeared behind Ling Huohuo.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Ling Yaoyao and the face that was very similar to Ling Huohuo, Yilian Youmeng was dazed for a while,
Ignoring Yilian Youmeng, Ling Yaoyao naturally knew why Ling Huohuo asked her to come out, and looked at Ling Huohuo resentfully, meaning to say, "Why do you have to leave this tiring work to yourself"?
But Ling Yaoyao still didn't dismantle Ling Huohuo's platform.

Ling Yaoyao's attribute is the same as Ling Huohuo's, it has the water attribute, so it's easy to extinguish the fire, but because the range is a bit large, it takes a little effort.

Ling Yaoyao jumped directly from the giant dragon, causing Yilian Youmeng and Emily to exclaim, and hurriedly looked down.

"The real body of Faxiang!" Ling Yaoyao, who fell freely, let out a low cry, and the power in his body surged.


Huge power erupted from Ling Yaoyao's body, and the storm of disgust made Harrigan almost

Ling Yaoyao's body swelled, and finally, in the sky, it formed a [-]-meter giant condensed by golden power.

The appearance of the giant is very similar to Ling Yaoyao, but it is more powerful. It is not Ling Yaoyao's own slender figure, but it has become extremely powerful.

Ling Yaoyao has no entity, and a huge power burst out. Based on the size of Ling Yaoyao's own spirit body, it is difficult to achieve that kind of terrifying explosion. Even if there is huge power in the body, it will be affected when it is mobilized. At this time, The "true body of Faxiang" came into being as the times require, and it is the most suitable form for Ling Yaoyao to use power.

The same is true for Fudo Mingo, the bigger his body, the greater the power he can mobilize in an instant.

However, Ling Huohuo has no restrictions in this regard. Although he can also condense the dharma form, Ling Huohuo with a body can fully mobilize his own power even in a normal state.

Ling Yaoyao's Faxiangzhen put his palms together, causing a storm.

"Water method, the art of overturning the dragon!"

Ling Huohuo didn't learn any of the spells inherited from the blood lineage, and they all made Ling Yaoyao cheaper.

However, Ling Huohuo, who is destined to go his own way, can no longer use the techniques in the inheritance, at most he can learn some ideas about the use of power.

A huge stream of water condensed around Faxiang.

As if the dragon in the water flipped its body, it covered a large forest.

The flood poured, and the fire was gradually extinguished. At the same time, the nearby demonic elves were also killed by the pouring water, and a large number of them died.

By the time the water cleared up, there was already a mess within a radius of ten miles.

Faxiang pressed his hands to the ground, his strength surged.

"Earth method and earth dragon turn over!"

Boom boom boom! ! !
The whole land began to surge crazily, burying the corpse of the demonized elf and the surrounding mess, and soon became a flat land.

Fa Xiang didn't stop, but drank again.

"Earth and Water Linkage, Tree Plants Grow!"

Water grows wood, wood restrains soil, earth restrains water, and the cycle goes on and on. There are trees around them, which give birth to seeds buried in the ground. This trick is successfully launched.

A huge tree rose up, and in a blink of an eye, the clearing was restored to the same scenery as the surrounding forest.

Faxiang stood up, wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, and gave a thumbs up to the sky.

"Fire extinguishing, killing, burying, recovery, one-stop service, remember to give five-star praise!"

At this time, except for Ling Huohuo, Harrigan, Yilian Youmeng and Emily were stunned by Ling Yaoyao's operation.

(End of this chapter)

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