Chapter 579
three days later.

future city.





Everyone who has just entered the future city will see such a spectacular scenery outside the future city——

Thousands of players, men and women, young and old, are all on the outskirts of the future city, following behind a sheep, sticking out their tongues, tilting their heads, and yelling "baa!"
But at the intersection where the future city entered the city, there was a long line of people in front of a stall selling roasted gluten.

"Come here, everyone, don't squeeze, first buy a bunch of roasted gluten, and then take a bamboo stick to the pasture to pick up the sheep, don't crowd, there are still a lot of roasted gluten..."

Ling Huohuo kept yelling, the corners of his mouth smiling almost reaching the ears.

Few people are willing to accept such a shameful thing as learning how to bray while herding sheep.

However, under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man!
Ling Huohuo increased the rewards for herding sheep a lot, directly rewarding Tier [-] materials!
Even ordinary fifth-level materials are definitely "precious materials" in the eyes of this group of players whose general level is only [-] or [-]!Reselling is a big price!
Then, countless enthusiastic players ushered in!

And Ling Huohuo also set the threshold for accepting the task, which is to buy at least a bunch of roasted gluten with two gold coins!
Although the two gold coins are expensive, they are nothing compared to the rewards after completing the mission. Therefore, with the terrifying number of players, Ling Huohuo earned more than 2 gold coins in just three days, which is simply a day. Enter the bucket of gold!

And with the increasing number of players coming to the future city in the future, the speed of making money will continue to accelerate!

What?Ling Huohuo lost?
No, no.

First of all, Ling Huohuo's first way to make money is to sell roasted gluten, and when the sheep are grown, they can also solve the food problem.

Secondly, for Ling Huohuo, a big landlord who owns the entire primitive wasteland, the fifth-order materials are still the common materials of the rotten streets, and they are all the price of cabbage, even for future urban construction.

For example, if you grab a lot of blue orange grass in the fifth-level area, Ling Huohuo will grow it according to the root. Looking at the players who happily left with a grass, Ling Huohuo showed a "kind" look Smile, anyway, none of the current players has been to the fifth-floor area, so it is naturally impossible to know that this kind of grass is not used to feed pigs.

And when the players know the true face of the blue orange grass, it will take at least a few months, and Ling Huohuo has already oiled the soles of his feet.

However, Ling Huohuo also sent out some pretty good ores.

It's not because Ling Huohuo has a good heart, because this is related to Ling Huohuo's second money-making route.

After getting good materials, players can either sell them or keep them for their own use, but at this time the players cannot process these materials based on their life occupation level. If they want to make them into weapons or armor, they can only find them in the future city. Life occupation NPCs.

However, Ling Huohuo secretly reminded those living occupations who opened stores in the future city to increase the price. The original manual fee of ten gold coins was increased to thirty gold coins. Income, the city's tax revenue will also increase a lot, which is simply flattering.

What?Anyone stocking up?Want to build your own in the future?

It doesn't matter, there will be a special equipment sales mall in the future city, and you can choose all kinds of equipment at will.

Moreover, there will be an assembly line production factory in the future city. Although the attributes of the manufactured equipment are inferior, the cost is much lower. Therefore, the price for external sales will also be lower than that made by the players themselves. Choice of weapons.

At the same time, as cheap equipment is sold to the market, the price of raw materials in the hands of players will definitely be suppressed, even ordinary people can understand the truth.

Those who want to hoard the goods can only sell the raw materials at a low price in the end, so that they vomit blood!

Therefore, players have only two choices, either go to NPC to build equipment after getting the materials, and get cheated now, or keep it in their hands, and lose blood in the future, and the future city will benefit in the end.

As for who will pay the bill in the end, that's beyond Ling Huohuo's control.

What, no interest in ingredients?

Do you want job transfer scrolls and rare skills?

At this time, the task system in the future city and the four satellite cities is not perfect. After all, it is the first time for everyone to face players, and they have no experience. This makes it difficult to obtain job transfer scrolls and rare skills, and they cannot even be found. Mission clues, during this time, Xiao Yunyun and the others were busy with this matter and were extremely busy.

As Ling Huohuo is the boss of the future city, these resources can naturally be used at will, and some of them are directly taken out by him as bait.

If you herd the sheep for a day, you will have a chance to get a job transfer scroll and a rare skill book. Those players who pursue these lean on them like sharks smelling blood.

But not all players have the opportunity to get these. Ling Huohuo has only sent out a job transfer scroll and a skill book so far, while the remaining players still get the materials in the end, and then repeat the above selection.

The only benefit of doing so is that more people are attracted to herd the sheep, and Ling Huohuo earns more.

As for those players who become stronger, what does it have to do with Ling Huohuo?
And those players who are still unmoved and feel at ease to brush monsters and upgrade, Ling Huohuo can only let them go.

Since I can't get their "heart", I have no choice but to let go, do it and cherish it.

Ling Huohuo, who used to be a player, can naturally catch the pain points of the players easily, and the player union who finds it profitable will also arrange a group of people to herd the sheep.

Although Ling Huohuo could predict that after a period of time, the number of players accepting the sheep herding task would be saturated, and there would be no endless growth, but it would not drop too much either.

After all, the task of herding sheep actually implies the nature of gambling. The final rewards are completely random, and it is very likely that they will become rich overnight. Steady profit but no loss."

Although some players will leave for various reasons, with the huge player base and the stable support of major guilds, Ling Huohuo's daily income will still be very impressive.

However, there were also some small episodes in the middle, such as a certain dragon collecting entry fees randomly, which almost scared the players away, and affected Ling Huohuo's "grazing sheep to make a fortune".

In the end, Ling Huohuo came forward and beat up Harrigan, and finally stipulated that Harrigan could only receive one gold coin for the entry fee, and then he and Ling Huohuo would each get half of it.

The task of herding sheep became popular, and there will naturally be more players who come to the future city to "get rich". Compared with the huge benefits, even the entry fee of a gold coin is not unacceptable.

Looking at the flocks of sheep all over the mountains and the players herding sheep, Ling Huohuo's heart suddenly became peaceful.

"Sure enough, the truth is plain and plain."

(End of this chapter)

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