The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 583 Ling Huohuo, why have you become shorter?

Chapter 583 Ling Huohuo, why have you become shorter? (one more)
Hearing the female player's tone of "there is someone behind me, you can do whatever you want", the other players were stunned and couldn't help but look at Harrigan.

This is the rhythm of the female player who wants to pick things up. I don't know what Harrigan, the gatekeeper dragon of the primitive wasteland, will say.

Harrigan put away all his gold coins without leaving a trace, and then pressed the alarm.

The alarm goes straight to Ling Huohuo, and only Ling Huohuo can receive it.

This alert is set up for when Harrigan encounters something he can't handle.

Harrigan felt it was time to use the alarm.

There are at least five people in this large group that it can't see through!There are more than a dozen sixth-orders like me, and I can't hold it by myself!
However, Harrigan also wanted to make a statement.

Flapping his wings, Harrigan soared into the sky, drawing the attention of everyone on the platform.

"Be careful, High Priest, it's a giant dragon!" The old lady in animal skin protected the female player behind her.

"Huh? A giant dragon? Hey, a living dragon, what does it taste like?" The female player looked at Harrigan with her mouth wide open, as if drooling.

Hearing the female player's words, Harrigan staggered and almost fell.

And those people in wild clothes looked at Harrigan with unkind faces when they heard that the female player wanted to eat dragon meat.

Harrigan shivering jpg.
Ling Huohuo, I'm about to be roasted!

The players also looked at the female player in shock.

What is this operation?Roast the dragon if there is a disagreement?Please add me, bah, I mean... well done!
For Harrigan, a blatant money-greedy dragon, the players don't have a good impression at all.

Really, the future city is probably the only one who has blatantly charged the entrance fee at the gate. If the original wasteland is indeed a place rich in resources, and it is a newly opened map, there may not be any players at all.

In fact, Ye Qiu should be responsible for collecting money.

Originally, Ling Huohuo and the others did not receive a door fee in their plan, until later Ling Huohuo saw an opportunity to take advantage of this place, and then the current situation came into being.

The future city is located in the primitive wasteland, and there is only one portal connected to the outside world. Although it is difficult to attack, it also limits the communication between the future city and other forces outside. There are not many opportunities to make money, and there are no If the development is good, there are no conditions for foreign trade. Although the primitive wasteland is rich in products, the residents of the future city can be self-sufficient, but the future city needs to develop and needs a lot of gold coins, so it can only find a way to make money.

Didn't you see Ling Huohuo went out in person? (funny)

Well, the truth is that Ling Huohuo thinks it's really cool to scam players' money!

Looking at the group of people with green eyes below, Harrigan felt like going to the bathroom.

Fortunately, even if the rescuer appeared.

The breeze blows.

A dense purple fog appeared around the high platform.

"Dancing?" The players looked around suspiciously.

However, when they looked at the purple fog, they shuddered and their spines went cold.

This purple fog is definitely not a good thing!

Harrigan fell to the platform.

With both feet on the ground, I don't panic, the most important thing is that my backer is here.

"My lord." Harrigan lowered his head against the thick purple fog.


The players swallowed.

City Lord?

Could it be that the master of the future city is coming?

The sci-fi appearance of the future city and the previous official publicity have cast a layer of mystery on the future city.

As for the person in the promotional video, who single-handedly fought against thousands of troops and finally killed them all, the players were very curious.

But so far no one has discovered the specific identity of that person. Some people speculate that he is the city lord of the future city, but no one has seen the city lord.

In fact, if the will of the world did not modify and edit Ling Huohuo, but instead put Ling Huohuo's real face on it, players would find that the strong man who wiped out thousands of troops with one man was the peddler who issued the mission of herding sheep at the gate of the city.

The one who arrived might be the strong man who could wipe out thousands of troops by himself, and the players were a little nervous.

The purple clouds rolled, like the might of the sky, vast and majestic, and then...


The imaginary power did not fall, and even the people behind the purple mist did not show up at all, as if they were hit on the back of the head when they were pretending to be aggressive, and there was only a bohemian, full of doubts in the dense fog— -"Ugh"?
The people in the dense fog seem to have encountered something extremely surprising.

Ling Huohuo in the thick fog was also extremely angry. He thought someone had come to make trouble, but when he saw a green female player in the crowd, he seemed to understand something.

Isn't that the mysterious Guo Xiaoyu who hasn't contacted for half a month?

Why did she bring a group of people here?

Could it be that... she wants to attack her future city?

No, no, Guo Xiaoyu's IQ shouldn't be able to produce such a high-end idea.

Let's ask again.

The purple mist gradually dissipated, and Ling Huohuo landed on the platform.

Of course Ling Huohuo was not wearing the peddler's clothes.

At this time, Ling Huohuo has handsome long hair, um... Ling Huohuo can still control the growth of his hair.

He was dressed in a bright red robe, with purple gold as the border and gold thread as the thread. A huge dragon was tattooed on the robe, which was gorgeous but not rustic. Two round ancient jades the size of fists were hung on both sides.

In short, it is a look that tells others "I am rich and attractive".

Looking at Ling Huohuo's clothes, Harrigan's eyes lit up immediately, gorgeous~
Ling Huohuo stood quietly with his hands in his sleeves, with an air of immortality.

However, Ling Huohuo is a monster.

"Hey, Ling Huohuo!" Guo Xiaoyu waved happily at Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo also smiled and walked towards Guo Xiaoyu.

"Be careful, High Priest!" The old animal skin lady hurriedly stopped in front of Guo Xiaoyu. She felt mortal danger from Ling Huohuo, and Ling Huohuo's posture before was not the kind of talkative person. The still very "immature" high priest, the old fur lady felt that even if she sacrificed herself, she would have no regrets!
"Oh, you little old lady, why are you so annoying today?" Guo Xiaoyu picked up the animal skin old lady who only reached her waist, turned around and put it aside.

"Hey, I'll take you shopping later." Guo Xiaoyu knelt down and patted the head of the old animal skin lady as if coaxing a child.

Then Guo Xiaoyu got up, ran up to Ling Huohuo excitedly, and looked at Ling Huohuo curiously.

Ling Huohuo looked at Guo Xiaoyu with a smile, hehe, Guo Xiaoyu with fishy lips, you are overwhelmed by my gorgeous outfit!

just wanted to talk...

"Oh? Ling Huohuo, why are you getting shorter?" Guo Xiaoyu said in shock.

Ling Huohuo's smile froze on his face.

Heartbroken, old iron!

(End of this chapter)

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