Chapter 592 Needs to be taught (two more)

After explaining to the elders of the forest elves, Ling Huohuo left New Moon City with the others.

Yingyu also left. Although Yingyue Sword Pool is her current body, after some operations that Ling Huohuo couldn't understand, she actually put the entire Yingyue Sword Pool into her own space, and then with Ling Huohuo left.

After returning to the future city, Ling Huohuo and Babai began to study how to deal with the situation of the little blonde loli.

Although the little blond loli doesn't like to see Ling Huohuo very much, and she takes Ling Huohuo as her mount every now and then, but Ling Huohuo can feel that the little blond loli has changed her attitude towards her. It's much better, at least I don't resist and can follow my side.


"Shut up, miscellaneous cultivator, don't call me such a shameful name, miscellaneous cultivator, in the temple!" Rogier shouted at Ling Huohuo, showing his little canine teeth.

"Okay Rogier, got it, Rogier."


Rogier activated [Loli's Tiger Fang], and Rogier fell into a frenzy.

Ling Huohuo calmly pressed Rogier to the ground, while Yingyu stretched out her hand and began to rub Rogier's hair.

"Hey, hey, good boy..."

Rogier gradually calmed down.

This is the power of Yingyu's sword cleansing, which can wash away the stolen goods and special status on the sword, and regular sword cleansing can improve the quality of the sword.

The power of the pure sword can naturally eliminate Rogier's berserk state.

Looking at Yingyu comforting Luo Jier, Ling Huohuo also sighed a little. He still remembered that Yingyu was also a loli half a year ago, but now she is more and more like a big sister who is intimate. Could it be that when it grows bigger, its mind will also become mature. ?
"Everyone said don't raise the bar, why are you still like this?" Ling Yaoyao looked at Ling Huohuo helplessly, and they all knew about Rogier's attributes.

"Well, I can't help it." Ling Huohuo took a sip of tea.

On the other side, Yingyu finally comforted Rogier, but it seemed that because of the static electricity caused by the friction, Rogier's hair stood up, and against a flying hair, she looked at Ling Huohuo.

"What are you looking at? Miscellaneous cultivator?" Rogier stared at Ling Huohuo angrily.

"No no no, puff~"

Sorry, Ling Huohuo really couldn't help it.

And Yingyu also stared at Baibai, and began to comb Rogier's hair.

One is the sword pool, the other is the sword, Yingyu and Rogier are inexplicably harmonious together.

"Okay, let's talk about Rogier's problem first." Yabai said.

"Why, is there any problem with Rogier?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Not only is there a problem, it's even bigger!" Babai said seriously.

"Oh? What's the situation?" Ling Huohuo came alive.

Ling Yaoyao and Fudo Mingo also looked at Babai.

After organizing his words, Babai said slowly: "It's not like there are no weapons like this that can transform into human form. I've seen them, and there are nine of them in the hands of Lord Sword God."

"What are these weapons?" Ling Yaoyao asked curiously.

"Sacred Artifacts, and... Super Divine Artifacts!" Eight Hundred said in a deep voice.

The three of Ling Huohuo looked at each other, unable to conceal the shock in their eyes, Yingyu on the other side also slowed down, and Rogier also paid attention to the conversation here.

"What... are those?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Sacred weapons and super-sacred weapons are weapons with the power of gods. They can already be called the pinnacle of weapons. They can destroy a world with one blow and can transform into human form. The nine weapons under the sword god, among them Six are divine weapon swords, and three are super divine weapon swords." Babai explained.

"So powerful?" Ling Huohuo clicked his tongue.

"That is to say, the sword god's weapon is a super divine weapon?" Fudo Mingo said.

However, Yabai denied his words.

"No, those nine artifacts and super artifacts are not the weapons of the Sword God, but the trophies of the Sword God. They are impressed by the heroic posture of the Sword God, and finally follow the Sword God. Do you want to be in human form? Begging for kisses and hugs every day is disgusting!" Babai said angrily.

The three of Ling Huohuo have black lines on their heads. This is a battle for favor with weapons. This is the harem of the Sword God!
"What weapon does the Sword God use?" Ling Yaoyao asked curiously.

"That's an existence that surpasses super gods. I don't know what it is. I only know that Lord Sword God has never really used it much." Babai said in a deep voice.

"Can it also be transformed into a human form?"

"No, I haven't even felt the existence of that sword's consciousness. Let's not talk about that, let's talk about Rogier's problem first."

"Let's talk." Ling Huohuo nodded.

"Rogier, a weapon that can transform into a human, definitely has something special about it. It's the reason why it didn't appear on the panel."

"It didn't appear on the panel?" Ling Huohuo raised his eyebrows, remembering that he also has something that cannot appear on the panel, that is the "Sword Code"!
"Yes, that is definitely the reason that can threaten the will of the world, so that the will of the world cannot write the reason on the panel."

"Then I will ask the will of the world now." Ling Huohuo said.

"No need, the will of the world can't be said casually. For this kind of existence, the will of the world can't be arranged arbitrarily." Babai said.

"Let me ask first..." Ling Huohuo contacted the will of the world.

To Ling Huohuo's disappointment, facing his own question, the will of the world did not answer, but gave Ling Huohuo a message - the treasure house of the oldest king has the answer Ling Huohuo wanted!

"It seems that it is necessary to go to the treasure house of the oldest king, but I don't know where it is." Ling Huohuo said.

"Okay, listen to me continue." Babai started talking slowly.

"For this kind of weapon with great potential, it can no longer be used like an ordinary weapon. If the weapon is cultivated by yourself, there is no problem, but Rogier was born like this, and has his own consciousness, so he must It needs to be guided by the user." Babai said.

"Guide? Heh, just this miscellaneous cultivator?" Rogier looked at Ling Huohuo with contempt.

Ling Huohuo waved his hand, and Rogier subconsciously covered her little butt.

Seeing this scene, Babai nodded.

"It seems that although the bond between you two is not deep, it is not submerged. If you can basically perceive each other's intentions, it will be much easier."

"Shut up, I won't be bound by this bug! I don't need a guide at all!" Rogier shouted!
"Stop making trouble. Look at you like this. You have no education at all. I feel ashamed that you are both a weapon." Babai said.

"Heh, what's the use of your weapon that can't even change people?" Rogier despised.

"Hey, I'm so angry, I'm going to beat her to death today!"

"Calm down, don't be as knowledgeable as a child, just keep talking, keep talking." Ling Huohuo stopped Babai with a wry smile.

"Well, well, I don't have the same knowledge as a child." Babai said.

Although Yabai is also Zhengtaiyin, she is definitely much older than Rogier.

"Hmph!" Rogier snorted coldly.

"How do I guide it?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously.

"Well, our method at the beginning was not suitable for this world, but according to the situation of this world, I helped you formulate a route. First, the first step is to familiarize yourself with the classics, such as the Three Character Classic, Disciple Regulations, Four Books and Five Classics Let's recite it first." Babai's voice said flatly.

The expressions of Ling Huohuo and the others froze, and they looked at Babai strangely.

Are you sure you're not taking personal revenge?

(End of this chapter)

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