The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 598 The Wind Brought Bad Things

Chapter 598 The Wind Brought Bad Things (Part [-])
Startled by Ling Huohuo's "proud spirit", the shopping guide lady knelt down to Ling Huohuo.

After filling in the delivery address, Ling Huohuo took Rogier's hand and left under the watchful eyes of the clerk, the boss, and the onlookers.

(Good boy does not recommend imitation)

I am still very happy with the one-day purchase.

Dinner was served by Ling Huohuo, and the eight of them ate a western meal.

In fact, compared with Chinese food, Western food is not outstanding, and it does not have the rich cultural heritage contained in Chinese food. Most people can’t taste anything when eating Western food. At most, they can only taste it. Western food, and most of the western restaurants in Huaxia have been "Chinese".

Compared with Western food, Ling Huohuo still prefers Chinese food.

However, Rogier is different. For some reason, she likes western food very much, especially when drinking red wine while eating western food, and eating some desserts after the meal. To sum it up, two words - exquisite!
Among Ling Huohuo's group, no one could have a meal with Rogier.

Therefore, such a scene appeared in the western restaurant.

At a table, seven adults are eating steak.

On another table, a little girl was sitting in a baby chair, drinking red wine, and eating extremely exquisite food, and a waiter was behind her serving, a series of Western food was served on the little girl's table, and the little girl Wrapped around a napkin, eating extremely elegantly, as if a high-ranking emperor commanding everyone.

The people in the whole hall ate what was on the plate quietly, and no one would disturb the "emperor"'s meal.

Even the five girls at the same table as Ling Huohuo were affected.

Ling Miao looked at Ling Huohuo, pointed in the direction of Rogier, and showed a questioning look.

Ling Huohuo spread his hands, saying that he didn't know either.

In fact, Ling Huohuo had some guesses. Looking at the emperor's aura on Rogier, Ling Huohuo felt that this might be the influence of the divinity of the oldest king, but he just didn't know why he was released suddenly today.

Seeing Rogier's smiling and joyful expression, Ling Huohuo guessed that it had something to do with Rogier's mood?

And... God knows why there are child seats in western restaurants! ?The emperor who sits in a child seat and eats western food?Why do you think it's so inconsistent?
Looking at the momentum on Rogier, Ling Huohuo took the initiative to feel it. He didn't expect that Rogier had his own momentum. Ling Huohuo wanted to feel it and see if he could continue to improve his momentum.

After a simple dinner, Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao woke up the five girls who were affected by Rogier's influence, and then drove back to the villa.

As for the meal fee...does the emperor have to pay for the meal?The owner of the western restaurant didn't take any money from Ling Huohuo and the others, but enthusiastically gave Ling Huohuo and the others the child seat that Rogier sat in, and stuffed it into the trunk of the car.

It was completely dark outside at this time.

The two cars were driving one after the other.

Ling Huohuo, Luo Jier, Ling Miao and Ouyang Bingbing were in the same car, and Ling Miao was driving.

Ling Huohuo sighed a little, since he could fly, he seemed to have forgotten how to drive.

Rogier touched her belly with a happy expression on her face.

"By the way, if you eat so much, can you really digest it?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously.

For Rogier, Ling Huohuo has always been worried about the matter of being a sword but needing to eat to survive.

Rogier gave Ling Huohuo a contemptuous look, but said nothing.

The car got on the overpass, driving at high speed, and the neon lights flashed outside the window.

Ling Huohuo pushed the car window open a gap, and the wind blew on his face, making Ling Huohuo feel very comfortable.

In this situation, Ling Huohuo thought... he can't recite poetry, so let's say something coquettish.

"The wind brings bad things." Ling Huohuo said with a deep expression.

Ling Miao and Ouyang Bingbing shuddered.

"Goosebumps are rising." Rogier said unhappily.


There was a violent explosion ahead, and a huge, flickering mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

Ling Miao's eyes changed, he stepped on the brakes, and completed a handsome drift, dodging the cars in front of him, and stopped firmly on the side of the road.

Another car stopped in front of Ling Huohuo and the others, and the four girls in the car ran down. The driver was Wu Ling. It is said that he used to be an old driver, bah, he was a racing driver, and he drove very steadily.

Ling Miao's first reaction was to look back at Ling Huohuo.

"Second brother, did you feel anything just now?"

Ling Huohuo also had a bewildered face.

"No." Ling Huohuo said innocently.

"Stop messing around and tell the truth."

"I didn't, I don't know, the explosion in front has nothing to do with me!" Ling Huohuo shook his head hurriedly, he didn't take the blame for it.

"Okay, let's get out of the car first, the car can't drive out, it's too dangerous here, let's leave first." Ouyang Bingbing said.

At this time, the cars outside were already jammed together, and there was even a series of collisions. At this time, there was chaos on the overpass.

Rogier had been in a daze after the explosion.

After Ling Miao and Ouyang Bingbing got out of the car, Ling Huohuo found that Rogier hadn't moved.

"What's wrong?" Ling Huohuo asked suddenly.

Rogier touched her chin with her small hand, "There are two very familiar breaths ahead, but they are very faint, and I can't remember them."

Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes, "Get out of the car first."

Said, carried Luo Jier out of the car.

Eight people will reconcile.

"What should we do next?" Dongfang Ya asked nervously.

"Anyway, let's get out of here first." Looking at the billowing smoke billowing in the distance, Ling Miao made the safest choice.


There was another explosion in front, and several girls screamed.

"Ling Miao, you escort them away, I'll go ahead and have a look." Ling Huohuo said suddenly, without giving Ling Miao a chance to refuse, he hugged Luo Jier and left.

There is something Rogier is familiar with ahead, Ling Huohuo must go and see it.

Looking at the back of Ling Huohuo going away, although Ling Miao was curious, he looked at the five girls and finally sighed. He was still worried about the five girls.

"Okay, come with me, everyone hold hands, don't get separated."


At this time, the place where the explosion occurred.

Several scrapped cars were billowing with thick smoke, and the roads on both sides were blocked by car wreckage. At this moment, the area seemed extremely empty, but the thick smoke on both sides blocked the outside view.

Two figures in black armor stood in the middle of the road. In front of them was a black car that had stopped, and it was the only car that was intact.

The two armors looked extremely slender, covering the whole body, making it impossible to see clearly inside.

The two figures put down their clawed hands and walked slowly towards the car...

(End of this chapter)

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