The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 602 Lolita's Hand Tear

Chapter 602

"Here we come." Ling Huohuo looked in one direction, and at some point, Rogier appeared in that direction, standing on a streetlight with her chest crossed.

The reason why Ling Huohuo didn't stop Rogier was because he couldn't stop him, because they felt that after Rogier got angry, although the connection with him was still there, he couldn't use it to control Rogier up.

And through the connection between the two, Ling Huohuo could feel that Rogier could no longer listen to anyone.

Thinking about it, Rogier inherited the divinity and majesty of the oldest king, and being pointed at the face with a dagger is already the biggest provocation to the king, besides, the oldest king may not have a good temper Guy, Rogier is deeply affected, and it's natural to have a sudden outburst.

Ling Huohuo guessed that Rogier's idea at this time was probably to kill these six people. Although Hong Kai threw the dagger, Ye Chen was also responsible. What's more, they escaped under Rogier's hands. Rogier was furious. Naturally, he will not let any of these six people go.

The majesty of the king cannot be challenged.

This is probably Rogier's belief at this time.

What Ling Huohuo is now struggling with is whether to save these four people. After all, they have been colleagues with him for a while, but they are not familiar with them. Eliminate, even involve yourself.

As for Hong Kai and Hei Kai, it would be even better if they could be left alive. It doesn’t matter if there are no survivors, as long as there are some residues. In the future city, there are still many experts in this field.

For the children of the jungle, tracing is a basic skill.

As for another reason for not stopping Luo Jier, it was because Ling Huohuo wanted to take a good look at the strength, mainly Luo Jier, Ye Chen, and Hong Kai and Hei Kai.

Luo Jier's strength Ling Huohuo is not very clear yet, and wants to observe.

Ye Chen is Ling Huohuo who is very interested in his power. He is a spiritual practitioner and uses a sword. All of this is too similar to his previous self. Of course, he is still more handsome and powerful.

As for Hong Kai and Hei Kai, Ling Huohuo wanted to see what happened to these two imitation armors.

Yes, it is imitation.

Such power is definitely not accidental, and looking at the style of the armor, it looks more like a mass-produced type, which is definitely imitated according to the sacred armor. What Ling Huohuo is most curious about is how the above rules are imitated.

In addition, Ling Huohuo can be sure that Hong Kai and Hei Kai are definitely related to the team leader who was with Dr. Nan Bo in the underground tomb, and the forces behind them.

According to Dr. Nan Bo's narration, that force is extremely huge, and the secrecy work is also done very well. Even Dr. Nan Bo doesn't know any useful news. For such a long time, Ling Huohuo has never met anyone with that force again.

Suddenly, Ling Huohuo felt so annoying, the Demon King Army, the mysterious organization, the end of the world, why do you want to make a big deal on this day?Ling Huohuo suddenly wanted to go back to the future city and live a peaceful life with Xiao Yunyun in his arms.

However, just thinking about it, Ling Huohuo knows that what he bears on him now is not his own destiny, but the destiny of those who trust him.

Ling Huohuo bears a huge responsibility, and responsibility is the best catalyst for a man to mature.

At this time, the following situation has changed again.

Although no one noticed Luo Jier's arrival, Luo Jier is obviously not the kind of person who sits on the mountain and watches tigers fight. She wants to kill these people one by one with her own hands!

"Miscellaneous repair! It's really pitiful to dare to run away." Rogier said.

Ye Chen's group and Hong Kai and Hei Kai were startled, and hurriedly looked in Rogier's direction, and saw Rogier standing on the street lamp, golden all over, proud and mocking.

catch up!
Several people were startled, and suddenly remembered that they were being hunted down by Rogier!Why didn't you run just now?Have you lost your mind?
Several people suddenly regretted it.

"Struggle, ants, please me, and then...die!"

Ling Huohuo twitched the corners of her mouth, and Rogier's name for herself changed back again.

"Stop looking down on people!" Hong Kai exploded, he is obviously not the kind of person who can calm down, "You released so much power just now, I'm afraid it's not empty inside now, bluffing, Hei Kai, let's go!" Hong Kai drew a dagger again.

Hei Kai also raised his knife and followed. At this time, he and Hong Kai were on the same line. It was impossible to escape. We can only hope that Hong Kai's guess just now is true. This runaway loli is really inside. Empty, otherwise, hehe...

If Ling Huohuo knew what the two of them were thinking, he might spit out before leaving.

Rogier's sword energy comes from himself, Rogier does not have this power, it is empty, but look at me, does it look empty?

As long as Ling Huohuo is still strong, Rogier can release sword energy infinitely, because all that is consumed is Ling Huohuo's.

Hong Kai and Hei Kai rushed towards Rogier, but Rogier did not continue to release sword energy.

Hong Kai and Hei Kai were overjoyed, this loli really was empty!

However, Ye Chen and the others felt a little complicated. No matter which side Rogier and Hong Kai won, they would not have a good result in the end.

"Ye Chen, can you still use the trick that Biu just came over with?" The narrow-eyed man approached Ye Chen and asked, rubbing his hands.

Ye Chen looked at him contemptuously, but didn't speak.

I also want to teleport everywhere in biubiubiu, if I have this ability, I will go to heaven long ago!
No one noticed the mockery that flashed in Rogier's eyes.

In the blink of an eye, Kai Hei and Kai Hong rushed in front of Rogier, leaped high, and rushed towards Rogier.

"[Lolita's Hand Tear] activated!"

Ling Huohuo's ear rang again with a mysterious notification tone.

I saw Rogier stretching out a pair of pink and tender hands, and appeared beside Hei Kai at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye, and then... Tear!
Hei Kai and his armor exploded into a cloud of blood mist, and even the indestructible armor full of law power was shattered into slag.

Ling Huohuo was not surprised, this was his own power to break the way, unreasonable power.

In fact, there is no absolute strength of indestructible and breaking power, the difference is only the person who uses it. Obviously, Luo Jier is much stronger than Hei Kai, so Hei Kai is a tragedy. If the armor is worn on Ling Huohuo, it will be exhausting She couldn't tear apart even dead Rogier.

However, Ling Huohuo felt that it was necessary for him to go down and clean up Hei Kai's broken foam.

On the other side, Hong Kai, who saw this scene, felt as if he had misjudged something.

(End of this chapter)

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