The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 606 Ling Huohuo's Maid's Dream

Chapter 606 Ling Huohuo's Maid's Dream (Part [-])

Shout out.

Mai Shiranui groaned, opened her eyes in a daze, and found herself in a dark room.

Mai Shiranui seemed to hear someone talking, and it took a while before she heard it clearly.

"Second brother, I hope you can give me an explanation."

"Explain? What explanation?"

"What happened to the woman on the bed?"


"Don't play dumb for me! Where did you pick it up from!"

"This...remember the explosion on the overpass the day before yesterday?"

"It's hard to say..."

"That's right, I picked it up there."

"That's a person, not a kitten or a puppy, don't say it so lightly!"


"Hey, have you found out the identity of the other party?" Ling Miao asked helplessly, convinced of her second brother, but no matter who it was, when she returned to the room, she suddenly found that she didn't know when she was lying on the bed. An extra woman with a hot body will not appear calm, especially a man who already has a family.

Fortunately, Yin Ya is not here, otherwise she would really be hit by a hatchet.

"I found out, Mai Shiranui, the contemporary descendant of the Japanese ninja family Shiranui, who came to China this time to discuss business, but was attacked by unknown people on the way back, and now the Shiranui clan is offering a reward of [-] million for news of her. "Ling Huohuo said, after asking Firefox and using Toyotomi Hideya's relationship with Shiranui Mai, he has already found out.

In addition to these, Ling Huohuo also has a record of Shiranui Mai from childhood to adulthood. As the contemporary descendant of the Shiranui family, of course other forces are concerned about it. All information is recorded and can be retrieved at any time.

"Then why don't you send him back?" Ling Miao asked speechlessly.

"Why do you want to give it away? I don't lack that little money." Ling Huohuo said with a face of course.

Ling Miao covered her eyes, why did she suddenly feel that her second brother was so dazzling.

In fact, both Ling Miao and Ling Huohuo heard that Wu Shiranui had woken up, and they had been pretending to be asleep, but they didn't tell the truth.

At this moment, Wu Shiranui's heart was also tense.

The other party knew his identity, he was definitely not an ordinary person, and he was obviously not prepared to hand him over so easily after listening to the other party's words, but in his own impression, there was no such person.

After Mai Shiranui regained consciousness, she checked her body and was still wearing clothes. Although she was in good health and couldn't feel the previous wounds, she was still a little weak and her limbs were weak, so she was not suitable for fighting.

Now, Mai Shiranui is lying quietly, hoping to find out their identity or purpose from the conversation between Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao.

"Then why are you keeping her?" Ling Miao asked.

Ling Huohuo frowned, looking thoughtful.

"Second brother, you don't know how to deal with it." Ling Miao asked with a wry smile.

"Then do you have a solution?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Send back..."

"Impossible." Ling Huohuo shook his head, why send back the people he saved with his own strength?
Ling Miao reached out her hand, dumbfounded, and said that she had no choice but that her second brother had really posed a problem for herself.

To be honest, neither Ling Huohuo nor Ling Miao looked down on Shiranuiwu's fifth-level strength. Ling Huohuo had a group of fifth-level subordinates under him, while Ling Miao believed in his own strength more and accepted his subordinates. Impossible for now.

And Ling Huohuo didn't want to send Mai Shiranui back like this.

This made the two of them hesitate about Mai Shiranui's positioning.

"By the way, Mai Shiranui, do you know how to do housework? Cooking, washing clothes and so on." Ling Huohuo suddenly asked Mai Shiranui.

Mai Shiranui stood up with a wry smile, knowing that her waking up had been discovered, she no longer concealed it, but got up, and looked at Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao.

Two men who are [-]% similar, the younger one has some impressions, it should be the one who saved her that day, and the older one is the first time I saw them, Mai Shiranui found that she couldn't see through the strength of the two.

Mai Shiranui nodded, "I will, after professional training."

Ling Miao suddenly thought of something, looked at Mai Shiranui for a while, then looked at Ling Huohuo, "Second brother, do you want to take Mai Shiranui as a maid?"


Mai Shiranui raised her eyebrows. She has no objection to being a maid. As a descendant trained by the ninja family, she has a strong ability to accept and endure. She is just a maid. I don’t know how many times she pretended to be an assassin. up.

Inexplicably, Mai Shiranui felt relieved, at least she was safe for the time being.

"Yes." Mai Shiranui nodded with a smile.

"Maid?" Ling Huohuo was taken aback, then looked at Ling Miao with a strange expression, "O Doudou, tell me, have you awakened some strange attributes?"

"No." Ling Miao was a little puzzled.

"Then why do you think of the maid?"

"Because I remember that you used to be a cute maid, and you also had a maid dream. You once said that when you have money in the future, you must find a maid to serve you. Now, when you have money, you only need a maid."

"When did I say that?"

"Ten years old!"

"Fuck!" Ling Huohuo was convinced by Ling Miao's memory.

Shiranui Wu also twitched the corner of her mouth and looked at Ling Huohuo. She didn't expect Ling Huohuo's thoughts to be so precocious. At that time, she realized the goodness of a maid.

"Ahem." Ling Huohuo coughed in embarrassment, "Actually, I already have a maid."

"Oh? When?" Ling Miao was taken aback.

"it's been a while."

"Where is it? How is it?" Ling Miao asked curiously.

"In my base, there is a dragon maid~ Someday I will introduce her to you."

Ling Miao couldn't help applauding, but Wu Shiranui's eyes flashed a strange color. Are there really dragons in this world?
"By the way, what are you going to do with Mai Shiranui?" Ling Miao asked.

Ling Huohuo smiled and stretched out a finger.

"Take care of Rogier!"

Ling Miao's body trembled.

"Can I ask who Rogier is?" Mai Shiranui couldn't help asking.

"It's my daughter, she's ten years old this year, a very cute child." Ling Huohuo said with a smile.

Shiranuiwu looked at Ling Huohuo, she felt strange before, it was Ling Miao who looked older, but he was the younger brother, and Ling Huohuo was so young but he was the elder brother, and now he has a ten-year-old daughter , Mai Shiranui was very curious about Ling Huohuo's situation.

"I think we will definitely become friends." Mai Shiranui said with a smile.

"Wait, it's not as simple as you think..." Ling Miao said hurriedly, he had a deep understanding of Rogier's urination.

Mai Shiranui blinked her eyes suspiciously.

"Well, anyway, I don't expect you to be friends with her, just try your best, and it's already pretty good to survive."

Mai Shiranui suddenly had a bad feeling,
This is, the door was violently pushed open.

A cute loli with blond hair, wearing pajamas, and hugging a bear doll appeared at the door.

"Miscellaneous repair, I'm hungry! I want to eat supper!"

Ling Huohuo gestured to Mai Shiranui, indicating that this was Rogier.

Mai Shiranui blinked her eyes, and suddenly felt that it was not a good job to agree to take care of Rogier.

 Something happened yesterday, no update, I sent a leave note, hope you understand
(End of this chapter)

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