The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 608 Supporting the Studio

Chapter 608 Supporting the Studio (Part [-])

As more and more people enter "The Lost World", more and more powerful forces are focusing on "The Lost World". Although there are many civilian players, those who stand at the top, except for a few lucky ones, Most of them are rich and powerful.

Facing the major forces, without support, I can only be an ordinary player enjoying the game.

However, the dream of Ouyang Bingbing's five girls is naturally impossible to just be an ordinary player, otherwise they would not have established a studio shortly after the game was released.

There are many opportunities in "The Lost World", and they are becoming more and more important in the present world. What they want is to become that kind of real strong, seize the opportunity!

Instead of forming a group to collect money and holding hard-earned money like it is now.

Their original plan was to save some money, then expand the size of the studio, and climb up step by step, so they lived frugally.

However, the plans cannot keep up with the changes.

With the update of "The Lost World", the strife between various forces has become more serious. In order to strengthen itself, the most direct way is to annex!
Now their studio is facing this situation.

Six players with good strength, including five beauties, naturally attracted the attention of some interested forces.

The five girls who didn't want to work for others naturally refused, and what they faced next was the suppression of these forces!
They are few in number, without financial support, and without absolute strength, they are naturally powerless to parry.

Fortunately, this is just the beginning, and they still have the ability to persist for a while, but if this continues, they will only face two endings: surrender or retreat.

Therefore, they are now looking for people to invest in them. As long as they have money, they can recruit people, and finally they will be able to contend with the forces that suppress them.

Although the forces suppressing them are small, they are not small. After some rough calculations, it would take at least [-] million to resist those forces!

However...they still haven't.

This is very embarrassing.

Although their family backgrounds are good, but due to some reasons, it is currently impossible to ask for money from their families, let alone a number as large as [-] million.

If they asked their family for money, the whole studio would be branded with their family, and everything would return to the original point. Their future would still be at the mercy of the family, which a few girls couldn't bear.

And at this moment, Ling Miao recommended his second brother, Ling Huohuo, to five girls.

With the mentality of giving it a try, the five girls asked Ling Huohuo, and the answers they got surprised and surprised them!


Ling Huohuo and Luo Jier sat on one side, and five girls sat on the other side, while Ling Miao and Shiranui Mai stood by and watched the development of the matter.

At this time Ouyang Bingbing was telling their situation.

Ling Huohuo nodded from time to time.

The final summary is: Five young ladies of the family wanted to rewrite their destiny and set out to start a business together, but encountered malicious pressure. When they were desperate, a wise and mighty man appeared in front of them...

"Although there are some problems with the modifiers, the general content is like this." Ouyang Bingbing said, although there appeared such untrue modifiers as "wise and powerful", who made them ask for Ling Huohuo now?Endure it!

"I probably understand the meaning." Ling Huohuo nodded.

"Actually, I have a better solution." Rogier suddenly said.

"What?" Everyone looked at Rogier.

"When playing games, those people have a body in the real world, right?" Rogier asked.

The crowd nodded.

Rogier's eyes narrowed slightly, as if they were glowing blood red, and she scratched the neck with her hand.

"Kill them all!"

Ouyang Bingbing and the five girls were shocked instantly.

Ling Miao shook her head with a wry smile.

But Mai Shiranui's eyes on Rogier changed.

I thought this child was different before, and sure enough, there is definitely something wrong with this child!

And Ling Huohuo pinched his chin.

"No, absolutely not! And Ling Huohuo, don't act like you're really starting to think seriously!" Dongfang Ya shouted.

"Okay, then this plan is temporarily dismissed, so let's make it a backup plan B. If you fail, you can consider plan B." Ling Huohuo said.

The five girls looked at each other and confirmed each other's eyes—absolutely, absolutely, absolutely must succeed!

Ouyang Bingbing took out a plan that was sandwiched between her and handed it to Ling Huohuo.

"Mr. Ling, this is the plan we have made in the past two days. It contains the budget and our ideas. Please take a look."

"You don't have to be so polite." Ling Huohuo smiled, Ouyang Bingbing acted like a businessman once he got serious, which made Ling Huohuo a little uncomfortable.

Ling Huohuo picked up the proposal, flipped through it, and nodded from time to time.

Everyone didn't bother Ling Huohuo, and let Ling Huohuo look at the plan quietly.

Ten minutes later, Ling Huohuo was still reading the proposal.

Rogier felt that his neck was a little stiff, and looked at Ling Huohuo.

"By the way, do you understand?" Rogier asked.

Ling Huohuo looked like Rogier, and smiled, "I don't understand."

Others felt like they were going to vomit blood.

"Why do you keep watching if you don't understand?" Ling Miao asked with the corners of her mouth twitching.

"Then why can't you watch it?" Ling Huohuo blinked.


Wu Ling felt that he couldn't control his unicorn arm.

But fortunately, Ouyang Bingbing stopped him, so there was no bloodshed.

Ouyang Bingbing took a deep breath and calmed down the prehistoric power in his body.

It should have been thought a long time ago that the brain circuit of Ling Huohuo, who was able to pick up people from outside, is definitely not so normal. Now Ouyang Bingbing hates himself not for not discovering the truth, but for discovering it too late.

That's right, with Rogier attracting attention in front, everyone subconsciously ignored a key issue - Ling Huohuo is Rogier's father!
"Then do you know what Mr. Ling has in mind?" Ouyang Bingbing asked tentatively, "Can you invest?"

Ling Huohuo threw away the plan in his hand and smiled.

"Investment is fine. Anyway, I don't have much money to spend. Not only can I invest, but I can also send people to you. I also know some star players in the game, which should be of great help to your future development."

Ling Huohuo stretched out a hand.

"I will give you [-] million US dollars, and I will also give you a manor as a venue, and I will also give you hundreds of players as your foundation. Star players, let them help you, I can do so much for now."

Several girls smiled and looked a little excited.

Ouyang Bingbing is not a fledgling little girl, but this time it is her turn to hesitate.

"Then what is Mr. Ling's request? Why does he support us so much?"

Ling Huohuo took a look at Ling Miao, "After all, this is my brother's studio, so it should be regarded as support for my brother. When they deal with you, they are dealing with my brother. After all, it's my shit and piss. Big brother."

Ling Miao's expression froze a bit, what do you mean by feeding him a handful of shit and urine?I didn't eat those!

Ouyang Bingbing took a deep look at Ling Huohuo, smiled and stretched out his hand.

"Have a great time working together and hope we won't let you down."

"That's a happy cooperation." Ling Huohuo held Ouyang Bingbing's hand and smiled.

The lost land in the future will definitely be dominated by the natives of the lost land and players in the real world. With the current development, in the future, players will definitely occupy half of the sky.

Ling Huohuo can guess what the stronger players will do, or the same sentence, he used to be a player, and knows the urine of the players!
It is necessary to brush the boss to explode the equipment, but unfortunately, Ling Huohuo himself is also a boss!

In order to deal with this situation, it is necessary to foster a player force!
The ability to intervene in missions is limited, but it would be much simpler and more direct if you directly give orders as the big boss in the real world.

Although Toyotomi Hideya is also doing this, but who cares about the number of people under him?

Although the world is coming to an end, it is still necessary to ensure his own safety before the end of the world. He can live every day, and he does not want to be killed by the players to sacrifice the flag before the end of the world.

 No water, no water, no water from tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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