The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 618 Light and Dark Tiger Emperor

Chapter 618 The Emperor of Light and Darkness (Part [-])
will die!

This is the judgment of the magic dragon at this time.

If it is a battle, facing the armored man who controls the power of law, the magic dragon is not an opponent.

However, if the magic dragon is really willing to work hard, the magic dragon guarantees that he will definitely bring the armored man on the opposite side if he dies!
In the short fight, the magic dragon can feel that the armored man on the opposite side has a lot of combat experience, but he has not experienced long-term training. Even if you don't have enough power, you can't kill the magic dragon directly!

And the magic dragon has been active for a long time. It is impossible to live on a dog at such an age. There are still some ways to suppress the bottom of the box.

The key question now is whether the magic dragon has the determination to go all out.

The answer is - no!
Nonsense, there is also Ling Huohuo who came with the magic dragon, and the magic dragon will choose to fight the armored man only when his head is pumped.

Although the magic dragon is crazy, he is not stupid, and he cherishes his life. Otherwise, he would not be able to compromise under Ling Huohuo, and even become a maid.

So, under the strange eyes of the armored man, the magic dragon ran away.

"Ling Huohuo, your dearest and most lovely dragon maid is about to be cut down, she is dying, help me! HELP! HELP!"

The September and Dark Moon, observed from a further distance, were also a surprise.

How did the dragon escape?This is not the same as the crazy painting style before!

The armored man also didn't know whether to chase or let go.

Maybe the magic dragon's summoning worked, Ling Huohuo walked out of the base with a few figures talking and laughing.

Ling Yaoyao and Fudo Mingwang returned to Ling Huohuo's body, and at this time Ling Huohuo was followed by Xiao Luoli and her party.

The moment Ling Huohuo and the others came out, the magic dragon pounced on Ling Huohuo, hugged Ling Huohuo's thigh, sandwiched one of Ling Huohuo's legs between his huge thighs, and watched with tears in his eyes. With Ling Huo Huo.

“My dear dalao please daidaiwo.”

Ling Huohuo: "Huh?"

Little Lolita and her group also looked curiously at the crying woman who suddenly appeared. Of course, it would be even better if she wasn't covered in blood.

The dragon's eyes turned quickly in one direction, frantically giving Ling Huohuo hints.

Ling Huohuo looked in the direction pointed by the magic dragon, and saw a man in black and white armor standing awkwardly in the distance.

"Wait, why does this armor look familiar?" Ling Huohuo rubbed his chin.

Ling Huohuo quickly analyzed the situation in front of him.

Ling Huohuo pushed the glasses, Edogawa Huohuo went online!
If you win, the magic dragon will not be like this, then there must be an accident, look at the corpses all around, and the armored man standing in the distance, then the accident should be that armored man combined with the appearance of the magic dragon , there is only one truth-the magic dragon can't beat that armored man!
Then, it's time to come to the rescue.

Ling Huohuo took a step forward.

"Hey, that man across the way."

The armored man looked at Ling Huohuo, shook the long sword in his hand, and did not let go of his vigilance. Although he couldn't see Ling Huohuo's body, the armored man knew that it was definitely not ordinary people who could make the magic dragon hug his thigh , will definitely be stronger than the magic dragon!

"What's the matter?" The voice was still neither male nor female.

"Let me ask you, are you the rescuer invited by the monkey?"

Armored man: "..."

Little Lolita and her party: "..."

Molong nodded, "That's right, he just wanted to save soldiers."

"You can call me the Tiger Emperor of Light and Darkness. I am not a rescuer invited by a monkey, and I don't know any monkeys." The armored man said.

"The Tiger Emperor of Light and Darkness? It's a big tone, then do you know who I am?" Ling Huohuo pointed to himself.

"Please speak." The Light and Dark Tiger Emperor made a gesture of invitation to Ling Huohuo.

"I am the Holy Infant of Huoyun Cave in Kusongjian... Bah! I am Ling Huohuo, the master of this woman, and she is my maid!"

The Light and Dark Tiger Emperor looked at Ling Huohuo with complicated emotions. He always felt that this person's brain was not working well. He didn't think he hadn't read "Journey to the West", did he?

"And then?" The Light and Dark Tiger Emperor asked.

"Tell me, what is the armor you are wearing? Why do I have a feeling of deja vu?" Ling Huohuo asked.

The Light and Dark Tiger Emperor was silent for a moment, then raised his head, "I won't tell you."

Hi, so angry.

However, Ling Huohuo also recalled what the armor was.

Tiger armor!
That's right, it must be Tiger Armor!
According to An Yue, the only matching sacred object and armor that the captain brought back at that time was the Tiger Armor!

However, what puzzled Ling Huohuo was why the tiger armor was black and white?

At that time, my cow armor had a little more red flame pattern, and it was still silvery white in general. It didn't look good. Why did the tiger armor change color?Everyone is armor, why can you tiger armor be so handsome?

It doesn't make sense!

"Do you want to fight?" The Light and Dark Tiger Emperor raised the long sword in his hand.

"Fight, fight..." Molong hid in the distance, shouting for Ling Huohuo.

"Then I won't bother you, let's take my leave first, and see you later." After finishing speaking, Xiao Luoli and her group also left quickly.

Ling Huohuo opened his mouth.

Do you want to fight?Of course I want to fight!

Ling Huohuo is very interested in the tiger armor. He didn't get the remaining sacred objects and armor. Now he has a complete tiger armor in front of him. Why should he give up?
"Demon Dragon, what power does he have?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"I don't know, in short, it's very strong! But I have confidence in you, come on! Huh~"

What do you want? !
Ling Huohuo glanced at the Demon Dragon, then looked at the Light and Dark Tiger Emperor again, and narrowed his eyes.

"I'm very interested in your armor."

"Come and get it yourself if you have the ability!" The Light and Dark Tiger Emperor shouted without any weakness.

The Sealed Gate floated up from behind Ling Huohuo, and the eyes of the ferocious grimace suddenly opened.

Queen Light and Dark Tiger retreated a distance.

clack clack...

The sealed door slowly opened.

bang bang bang...

A dull voice sounded.

A golden figure walked out from the sealed door.

After seeing clearly what the golden figure was, the Light and Dark Tiger Emperor became visibly surprised.

"This is……"


The golden bull appeared behind Ling Huohuo.

"Ox Armor, Bull of Heaven!"

Ling Huohuo said with a smile.


Within the Ling Group.

Although the Ling Group is a group under Ling Tian's name, because Ling Tian is not in the country, it is usually managed by the Twelve Demon Generals.

With various means, Ling's Group is developing rapidly and growing continuously.

in the chairman's office.

Eisfeldt was correcting documents in a wheelchair.

He can be seen with plaster casts on his legs and bruises on his face.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Esfelt said.

Bessie walked in with a smile on her face, carrying a tray with her left hand, on which was a pot of coffee.

Besiqi's right hand was in a plaster cast and was hung around her neck, and her neck was also fixed with something.

Esfelt deserves to be called the devil general who is closest to the devil king. Under his leadership, the two escaped from the brave man, but they also suffered a lot of injuries. No signs of getting better.

Bessie put the tray on the desk.

"Take a break." Bessie said with a smile.

"Yeah." Eisfeldt nodded. Ever since he fought with the brave man, his body has not been as good as before, and he tends to get tired easily.

After taking a sip of coffee, Eisfeldt nodded, and Bessie smiled.

Although they shared weal and woe, to Bei Siqi's helplessness, Eisfeldt did not show any love for him, but the friendship between the two became deeper.

Bei Siqi is also very helpless.

"By the way, what happened to the armor and holy objects?"

"It has been arranged. If there is no accident, that organization should have obtained all the armor and holy objects, and our existence will not be exposed." Besiqi said with a smile.

Eisfeldt nodded.

"I hope those people don't let me down, by the way, how is the game studio going?"

"everything is normal……"

(End of this chapter)

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