The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 623 Live Signing Contract

Chapter 623
With the popularity of "The Lost World", the value of the star players in it has also continued to increase.


Lu Sheng, an up-and-coming and hot rookie player, has not yet signed a contract with any studio or club, but it is said that many large clubs have been eyeing him, and they are ready to take him into the bag.

"Mr. Lu, this is our sincerity, are you satisfied?" A middle-aged man said with a smile.

Lu Sheng frowned, a little unaccustomed to the other party's fake smile, but he still endured it.

Jiuyao Club is one of the hottest big clubs in the capital at present. There are a group of young masters behind it, they are very public, which makes Jiuyao's reputation not very good. However, it is very attractive to young and indulgent people who also want to be noticed. young people.

Lu Sheng glanced at the people around him. At this time, he was in a hotel surrounded by reporters or some staff members. There were several people in Jiuyao uniforms standing beside him, and one of them was holding a mobile phone in his hand.

That's right, it's live right now.

For publicity, but also to show off.

The people around are all from the Jiuyao Club in Beijing.

Today Jiuyao contacted Lu Sheng, ready to sign him. Lu Sheng just looked at the contract. The signing fee is 6000 million, and the other benefits are pretty good. If there is no accident, Lu Sheng will sign the contract. After all, he needs the money now, but The attitude of the other party made Lu Sheng very uncomfortable, and he was a little worried about the future.

Although Lu Sheng is also a young man, he is not very impressed with Jiuyao, a club that has always been showing off and being too public. In a place like the capital, publicity is fine, but it must have that strength.

The foundation of the Jiuyao Club is not deep, and there are a group of second-generation ancestors behind it. If it is their parents, it is okay, but if it is them, they don't even understand themselves. How can they manage the club well?So next time, sooner or later something will happen!
However, Lu Sheng needs this money very much at present, because he has a sister who is seriously ill. Although the income in "The Lost World" has given him the ability to treat his sister, it is far from enough, and he needs more money. !
Lu Sheng, who had been dependent on his younger sister since he was a child, couldn't just watch his younger sister die young.

At this time, the signing also attracted many people to watch.

For "Lost World" players, it is not uncommon to see sky-high signing fees. The current highest is 10 million, and the top ten easily break through 6000 million. No.19 is [-] million, and Lu Sheng's is [-] million. The signing fee is nothing, although it is a bit high, but considering that Lu Sheng is only [-] years old this year, he can be regarded as a young genius, and with his current achievements, the price is very reasonable.

Regarding Lu Sheng's upcoming joining Jiuyao, many people are watching the changes and watching the development of the situation.

Some clubs felt a little regretful at this time, regretting that they hadn't made the move earlier and let Jiuyao take the lead. They were still very optimistic about Lu Sheng.

However, they also had a glimmer of hope. If Lu Sheng refused, did it mean they still had a chance?


Ye Qiu was also watching this scene in front of the screen. He knew about Lu Sheng's situation. To be honest, Ye Qiu was very excited about Lu Sheng, one of the top assassins in the future!Climbing to the top of the myth, the strength is extremely strong!

Moreover, Lu Sheng is a very stable person, but he is proficient in wretched style, rough and steady, which is difficult to deal with.

In the future, Lu Sheng was signed by Jiuyao, but it was not all smooth sailing.

The reason lies in the Jiuyao Club.

Although the Jiuyao club is developing rapidly, under the indulgence of several second generation ancestors, Jiuyao offended a force called "Ling's Group".

Because of the friction in the game, players under Jiuyao severely injured the members of the "Ling's Club" under the name of Ling's Group, stabbing a hornet's nest in one fell swoop.

Originally, Ling's Group could only be regarded as a very ordinary company, with some influence, but not too much. The second generation ancestors behind Jiuyao didn't look down on them, so they didn't make any apology, so they offended Ling group.

It was this seemingly ordinary group that exploded with a strong aggressiveness.

At that time, everyone knew that in addition to the "Ling's Club" under Ling's Group, there was also a very strong mercenary squad. The players who blocked Jiu Yao in the game were only twelve people, but they overwhelmed Jiu Yao. The players couldn't breathe, and Ye Qiu thought he couldn't do it.

The Ling family didn't give Jiuyao Club any way to survive. Even in reality, they were trying to get Jiuyao to death, and they had an astonishing background.

Then Jiuyao used some unconventional methods, which seemed to have brought back some disadvantages, but this was also the beginning of Jiuyao's demise.

I don't know what happened later, but Ye Qiu never heard about those second-generation ancestors again. Soon after, the shares or companies owned by those second-generation ancestors' parents were also merged into Ling's.

As a result, Ling's Group has become a top consortium, and the Ling's Club under its name has also become a top club.

Therefore, Ye Qiu was still very afraid of the Ling family. This was a lurking tiger, no, it should be said that Brother Pingtou (Honey Pot) was more appropriate. He didn't look threatening, but he was extremely vicious.

Moreover, this incident also affected many contracted players of Jiuyao. Most of the players disappeared and never heard of the news again. Lu Sheng was one of them. Therefore, Lu Sheng disappeared for five years, five years After the comeback, there was a later myth.

How many five years can life have?If it weren't for Lu Sheng's outstanding talent, he might have been lost in the crowd like other players. However, in the five-year gap, in order to achieve his later status in the future, he would have to pay a huge price.

Although Ye Qiu wanted Lu Sheng very much, and wanted to make Lu Sheng no longer tragic, Ye Qiu couldn't intervene at this time.

Because he knew that Lu Sheng had a sister who was seriously ill and needed the money to save her life, and the money did save Lu Sheng's sister. That's why Lu Sheng didn't leave, even refused The reason why Ling's invitation was finally affected by Ling's.

Lu Sheng is a very affectionate man.

At present, Ye Qiu has some strength, but he can't take out this money all at once. Ye Qiu can't kill Lu Sheng because of his own strength. All he can do is to find a way to help Lu Sheng when he falls down in the future.

All eyes were on the signing.

This is also the first live broadcast signing. If the signing is successful, then with the influence of this live broadcast, it will represent that the game will completely break away from the scope of leisure and entertainment, or in other words, "The Lost World" will completely break away from The category of games and games has become a product that can truly affect the world!
Ye Qiu knew that in the future, this would be the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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