Chapter 629 Car Accident Scene (Part [-])
All my friends are heathens take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don't make any sudden moves

Listening to the music from the DJ in the car, Ling Huohuo and the others drove a car on top of Qiuming Mountain...

Ling Huohuo rolled down the car window and pointed to the woman sitting in the passenger seat of the car next to her. She was an iceberg beauty wearing black-rimmed glasses.

"Last night I lost to an AE86, he used inertial drift to corner, his car was very fast, I only saw him with a signboard of a tofu shop, do you know, if you know who he is, please tell me He said, I will wait for him at Qiuming Mountain on Saturday night." Ling Huohuo.

Toyotomi Hiderei twitched the corners of her mouth.

Except for Feng Chen Xiuling, everyone else seemed to be surprised and smiled.

"I'm sick!" the woman cursed and closed the car window.

Ling Huohuo smiled and closed the window.

"Just now..." Toyotomi Xiuling wanted to ask Ling Huohuo the reason for what he did just now, but was interrupted by Ling Huohuo raising his hand.

"It's so boring now, of course I want to have some fun."

Yes, it's boring.

There is no such thing as Qiu Mingshan drifting.

At this time, Ling Huohuo and his party were blocked on the road and could not move forward.

After getting out of the airport, I got the car provided by Firefox, but I was stuck here before I drove far.

"Isn't it over yet?" Ling Huohuo pouted.

The traffic jam was not without reason, because there was a car accident ahead and the road was blocked.

The cars on the whole road were blocked, and a road had to be divided for the ambulance. The ambulance was in front, but for some unknown reason, the injured were not taken to the hospital for such a long time.

Under the perception of Ling Huohuo and the others, the wounded man's injury was not serious at the beginning, but it seemed that he had not received effective treatment. At this time, his injury was getting more and more serious, and he was already in danger, and the doctors did not dare to treat him. He moved the injured casually, as if he had called for help.

However, no matter how Ling Huohuo and the others perceive it, they can't find the reason for this happening.

"This may be fate." Toyotomi Hideyoshi sighed.

"Huh?" Ling Huohuo was taken aback suddenly.

"What's wrong?" The girls looked at Ling Huohuo.

"There are acquaintances!"

Just now, a very familiar aura appeared in Ling Huohuo's perception, and the strength was still at the sixth level!

However, Ling Huohuo couldn't remember whose breath it belonged to.

"Are you going to meet?" Toyotomi Hideya asked.

Ling Huohuo shook his head.

"left already."

The familiar breath just now disappeared in Ling Huohuo's perception, and ran to the distance, Ling Huohuo didn't intend to catch up.

If they are really acquaintances, they will meet in the future, and they will naturally know the identity of the other party by then.

After a while, there seemed to be commotion ahead.

"Did something happen again?" Toyotomi Hidetaka said.

"I'm idle anyway, I'll go ahead and have a look." With that said, Ling Huohuo got out of the car.

"Then we..."

"It's good for you to stay here. Something interesting happened earlier, just leave it to me."

The girls stopped talking and sat in the car honestly.

As Ling Huohuo left, the car fell into silence.

The girls looked at each other.

Suddenly, the magic dragon snapped its fingers.

"White Emperor, MUSIC!"

"Would you still love me if I were a DJ..."

The high-end car turned into a happy car, and the Baihuang thoughtfully turned on the flashing lights, and took out iced cocktails and snacks from his storage space.

Ling Huohuo was moving forward in the gap of the car at this time, but his eyes were fixed on the front.

The reason why Ling Huohuo got off the car was because Ling Huohuo felt the breath of the armor again!
Although he didn't feel the power fluctuations from the owner of the armor, Ling Huohuo keenly caught the breath of the armor left on the other party's body, which should be the appearance of using the armor just now.

And the aura of the armor on the opponent's body is not the tiger armor from last time, but a new armor!

This is interesting.

According to An Yue, they only got three holy objects, and only assembled a pair of armor, which is the tiger armor. So, what is going on with this armor?Which faction did it belong to?

When Ling Huohuo approached the scene of the car accident, chaotic and noisy voices entered Ling Huohuo's ears.

"Let me try it, I'm running out of time." A voice full of confidence.

"No, you can't take this risk. Do you have a medical license?" An anxious voice said.

"Let him try it, and I will be responsible if something goes wrong!" A hearty female voice made a decision.

The owner of the female voice seemed to be of high status, and no one around continued to refute, but there were some guesses about the relationship between the woman who spoke and the man who said he wanted to save someone.

"Thank you." The man.

"It's okay, I believe you." Woman.

"..." Ling Huohuo.

What is the situation of the protagonist's incident?
However, Ling Huohuo soon discovered that the person with the aura of armor was not the suspected "protagonist" in the center of the crowd, but a passerby on the edge.

He is a gentle-looking young man.

Although the light was dim, Ling Huohuo could feel that the other party was more concerned about the situation in the crowd.

As if feeling Ling Huohuo's gaze, the young man looked at Ling Huohuo, only to find that it was a half-grown boy staring at him.

The young man was a little puzzled.

Ling Huohuo showed him a mysterious smile, which surprised the young man, and he even had the urge to run away.

The young man hastily closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and when he opened his eyes again, he found that the young man who had just been staring at him had disappeared.

"What?!" The young man showed a shocked expression.

gone?when?How could it be gone?
Looking at the people around, they didn't seem to be acting strangely.

Could it be... did I see a ghost?

Youth retreats.

It is risky to watch, tonight is too weird, before I met a person who started fighting at the slightest disagreement, and now I met a young man who disappeared mysteriously, the wind blew up and slipped away.

Ling Huohuo disappeared?

of course not!

It is impossible to disappear, but is it not enough to take two steps to transfer the position?
During the time when the young man closed his eyes, the police dispersed the crowd, and Ling Huohuo was squeezed into the crowd. With his short height, it was naturally difficult for the young man to spot Ling Huohuo.

Looking at the fleeing young man, Ling Huohuo felt a little strange, but he didn't stop the young man.

I have already remembered the other party's aura, so it is not difficult to find him in the future. Moreover, if one armor appears, a second one may appear. If you keep your youth, you may be able to draw out the rest of the armor.

It would not be too late to deal with the armor after I found Rogier.

Ling Huohuo continued to observe the crowd center.

In the center of the crowd, that is, the scene of the car accident, three cars collided together, it was miserable.

The other injured people had been sent away, and only one middle-aged man with deteriorating injuries was left where he was.

Observing closely, Ling Huohuo felt something strange about that middle-aged man, but he didn't know the specific reason.

Ling Huohuo's eyes fell on the young man who wanted to save someone.

Young people look handsome and have a neat voice, which is easy to make people feel good, but it is also easy for people with evil intentions to target them.

Under Ling Huohuo's gaze, the young man took out a...

Ah, not one, but many silver needles.

(End of this chapter)

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