The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 642 A Big Gift Package Delivered to Your Door

Chapter 642 A Big Gift Package Delivered to Your Door (Part [-])
After performing a "perfect" performance, Ling Huohuo bowed to the audience, and then took Du Xiaoxue out of the venue, followed by ten walking corpses jumping around.

The exhibition match continued.

Ling Huohuo left with Du Xiaoxue and ten walking corpses.

According to the rules of the Liu family, the unowned corpse will belong to the person who enlightened the spirit after it becomes a walking corpse.

However, except for the walking corpses used as cannon fodder, few people would enlighten corpses on a large scale, let alone high-level enlightenment. It's useless to have many corpses, and there's no money to cultivate them. Even cannon fodder needs care!
Now Ling Huohuo has fifteen cannon fodder walking corpses, five of which have undergone simple transformation, and the other ten have just been enlightened, and there is only one walking corpse of advanced enlightenment, which is Du Xiaoxue.

Turning to a place where there was no one and no cameras, Ling Huohuo kicked ten walking corpses into the small world again.

Du Xiaoxue was still the only one by his side.

This kind of high IQ, good-looking, and capable subordinates are the most likable.

"Master, where are we going next?" Du Xiaoxue asked.

"Young model in the guild hall!" Ling Huohuo snapped his fingers.

"???" Du Xiaoxue.

Columbia has lost and can still be a young model in the clubhouse. The owner is indeed a rich man.

Wait, why did I say Colombia?

Of course, Ling Huohuo was joking when he said that the young model in the guild hall.

The exhibition match will go on for two more days. As long as Ling Huohuo continues to participate in the next battle match, Rogier will definitely appear in front of him on his own initiative.

Although the three "geniuses" of the Liu family mainly participated in the battle, in line with the principle of openness, as long as they pass the test, anyone can participate in this battle, but the Liu family put all their bets on their own. The body of the three geniuses.

So Ling Huohuo became less anxious.

Taking advantage of this time, Ling Huohuo felt that he should relax.

Originally, I took Rogier out to play, but some accidents happened, and the time to relax became less and less.

Ling Huohuo also released the magic dragon.

His own freedom is not restricted, Ling Huohuo can arrange it at will.

As for Toyotomi Hideya and Toyotomi Hideling, they left together as sisters, the purpose of which was of course to find the feather fox.

Although Luojier will appear in front of Ling Huohuo in the future, Ling Huohuo did not see the figure of Yuyihu. If they follow Ling Huohuo, they may not be able to meet Yuyihu, so they will go out to look for it by themselves.

After finding Yuyihu, he will send a signal to Ling Huohuo, and then ask Ling Huohuo to solve Yuyihu.

The two of them still know about their weight.

With the two maids, Molong and Du Xiaoxue, Ling Huohuo began to wander around Licheng.

Du Xiaoxue knew about the magic dragon, and she was also very curious about the magic dragon, but she had heard that the magic dragon was a dragon, but she had never seen the magic dragon turn into a dragon.

After a day of shopping in Licheng, Ling Huohuo took Du Xiaoxue and Molong to a coffee shop to rest.

The location of the coffee shop is relatively remote, the name is Xinxin Cafe, the decoration is also very simple, and the passenger flow does not seem to be much.

What surprised Ling Huohuo was that the boss turned out to be a girl in her 20s, who looked young.

The coffee is also made by the boss himself, and the taste is not bad.

"There are quite a few superhumans in Licheng, but none of them are really eye-catching." Molong lay on the table and said boredly.

In the past, the magic dragon was on the way of fighting except for fighting. Since meeting Ling Huohuo, except for salted fish, it was on the bed of salted fish. Occasionally, a fight could not make her enjoy herself at all. Recently, the battle with the light and dark tiger emperor made her Feel the long-lost blood.

Thinking of this, Molong couldn't help but think of the Light and Dark Tiger Emperor again. He didn't know when he would meet him again. Although he couldn't beat him, as long as Ling Huohuo was around, he couldn't die.

I like this kind of wave and skin the most, but it just feels like I can't die.

Ling Huohuo shrugged noncommittally after hearing Molong's words.

At this time, all the extraordinary people in Licheng came to participate in the Miao Jiang Heroes Meeting.

Although some existences above the fifth level were discovered today, most of them were only at the sixth level, and there were quite a few of the seventh level, but based on the aura they showed, Ling Huohuo felt that they could hold them with one hand. They rubbed against the ground, and these people had nothing to pay attention to.

As for the stronger one, Ling Huohuo didn't perceive it.

Only Du Xiaoxue looked confused, haven't you been shopping, eating, and shopping today?When did you go looking for the superhuman?And why did I also go shopping with you, but found nothing?
"However, this matter must also be taken seriously. The reason behind the abnormal surge in the number of transcendental beings in the real world is definitely not simple. If it is the influence of "The Lost World", the effect will be produced too quickly. The will of the world The time for my analysis is not so fast, there must be a push behind it." Ling Huohuo shook the coffee cup in his hand, but found that the coffee could not shake and almost spilled, so he could only put down the coffee cup in embarrassment .

With the recent surge in the number of extraordinary people, as well as those armor users, and the two black moon cavalry with the same name, the real world has become more and more lively.

Presumably the countries and the Extraordinary Academy will not watch the world become chaotic.

Ling Huohuo let out a long breath.

There are so many things in this world, and it's impossible for me to take care of them all. Let's take care of the unresolved things at hand.

The matter of Rogier and Yu Yihu, the matter of the future club, and the matter of the monsters trying to break through.

By the way, there is also the matter of the Extraordinary Academy. I haven’t contacted the Academy for a while recently. The main reason is that I don’t want to listen to my operator’s “Yo come, yo go” in my ear. I have to calm down every time I finish the phone call with her. After a while, I suddenly regretted not replacing her.

Also, I haven't done the task given by the academy yet, so I have to think about finding an opportunity to do it.

All in all, although I can't control the affairs of the world, I can't be cowardly when something happens.

At this time, a person pushed away from the coffee shop and walked in. Feeling the breath of the other person, Ling Huohuo looked at the person who came in.

A handsome boy in a small shirt, with a necklace around his neck, has an aura very similar to Ling Miao, oh, by the way, this aura is called "the aura of a male god".

The boy walked to the bar, smiled and chatted with the boss, looking very familiar.

Ling Huohuo and Molong looked at each other, and they both understood the meaning in each other's eyes - the breath of the armor!

Are all the gift packages delivered to your door now?

(End of this chapter)

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