The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 644 Analysis and Speculation

Chapter 644 Analysis and Speculation (Part [-])
Ling Huohuo returned to his seat.

Du Xiaoxue looked at Ling Huohuo with a face of shock—a monster!The master who is unmoved by himself can be seductive!
The magic dragon looked at Ling Huohuo.

"that's it?"

"What's that?" Ling Huohuo was a little surprised.

"This is your so-called contact?" Molong asked puzzled, and recalled Ling Huohuo's actions again, and found that Ling Huohuo didn't do anything meaningful except teasing other people's girls.

"Of course it's not as simple as you think." Ling Huohuo pointed at the glasses on his face with his fingers. It was Baihuang. "If you want to play a role, there is also a distance limit."

"Then what did you find?" the dragon asked.

"No hurry, we'll talk about it later."

Du Xiaoxue looked at Ling Huohuo puzzledly, then at Demon Dragon puzzledly, and finally lowered her head obediently.

As a newcomer in the team, because he can't understand anything, he has to act obediently.

After staying for a few more minutes, Ling Huohuo left with Du Xiaoxue and Molong. Before Ling Huohuo left, he blinked at the beautiful boss. Grinding his teeth, he stared at Ling Huohuo, not daring to underestimate Ling Huohuo just because Ling Huohuo was young.

"Hmph, another playful young master." The boy snorted unhappily.

"You." The beauty boss shook her head, and ignored the boy,'s really interesting to see how the boy eats.

Ling Huohuo walked along with Du Xiaoxue and Molong, not saying the destination, but walking along a certain route.

Finally, by a river, Ling Huohuo stopped.

"It's here." Ling Huohuo said.

"This is..." Molong looked at Ling Huohuo.

"The place where the boys wore armor and fought just now." Ling Huohuo said with a smile.

"How do you know?" the dragon asked.

"Let's explain together. When the White Emperor approached the boy just now, he hacked into the boy's communication device. At the same time, he also retrieved the boy's information in the archives, found his home address and work address, and then planned Exit the line leading to the coffee shop, and finally retrieve the surveillance video of all lines, and after some comparison, this is the place where the boy is most likely to fight." Ling Huohuo simply explained.

"It's amazing." Du Xiaoxue exclaimed. As a modern person, she knows how much material and manpower it takes to achieve this step. That White Emperor is really amazing. I remember that White Emperor came from artificial intelligence.

But Molong didn't care much about Baihuang's ability, and looked at Ling Huohuo, "Then what are you doing here?"

"Don't you wonder what that boy is fighting with?" Ling Huohuo asked with a smile.

The magic dragon showed a moved look.

Ling Huohuo raised his hand, and another Rubik's Cube-like equipment appeared in Ling Huohuo's hand.

This is a breath collection device, which is generally used to collect the faint breath remaining within the range, and inside it is an information collection robot with a nanometer unit.

Ling Huohuo pressed the top of the Rubik's Cube, and a white thing flew out, spread, and disappeared.

Ling Huohuo didn't explain much, Molong was not interested in these high technologies, although Du Xiaoxue was interested, but she was obedient and didn't ask much.

Since becoming a walking corpse, what Du Xiaoxue has learned the most is not how to fight, but how to behave well.

When the robot was collecting breath, Ling Huohuo began to check the information he had just obtained.

That boy is called Nan Ye. He is 22 years old. He is an orphan. He didn’t go to college. He came out to work after graduating from high school. Now he works as a delivery boy in a restaurant. Although life is difficult, he has an optimistic personality and is very popular because He is handsome, and there is at least a company of rich women waiting in line to take care of him, but Nan Ye only has a beautiful boss in his heart, and he is very clean, but he doesn't show anything special.

Then there is the beautiful boss named Bai Xin. The Baihuang didn't scan her communication device near the bar. All he knew about her came from the file retrieval and the information in Nan Ye's mobile phone.

Bai Xin comes from a well-to-do family. She is 22 this year and graduated from university. She met Nan Ye when she was in junior high school. She was also in the same class in high school. She inherited the coffee shop at home. She is an ordinary beauty and her family has nothing special about her. The family is happy and harmonious.

In addition to these, Ling Huohuo also noticed three people. These three people are all from Nan Ye's address book. The reason why he noticed these three people is because the identity span between these three people and Nan Ye is a bit large.

When the White Emperor was investigating the identities and activities of the people in Nan Ye's address book, these three people, like Nan Ye, often went to the coffee shop.

Dongfeng, male, 24 years old, writer.

Xicheng, male, 24 years old, chairman of a certain company, eldest son.

Han Beibei, female, 23 years old, is a kendo instructor.

As for the remaining people, after investigation, there is nothing worth noting, and none of them have been to the coffee shop, but suspicion cannot be ruled out.

At this time, the robots all turned back and brought back information.

The collected breath was injected into the collector on the side of the Rubik's Cube, Ling Huohuo sensed it, and his eyes fluctuated.

Although it was very faint, Ling Huohuo could feel the breath of the demon clan!
Ling Huohuo didn't have much contact with the demons, but he had a deep memory, especially those demon generals and the elder of the demons.

The power of the demon clan is the Demon King Army. Although not many are active, Ling Huohuo dare not underestimate him, nor dare to relax his carelessness. It is the force that puts the most pressure on Ling Huohuo besides the end of the world.

Because that is the force that can destroy the world!
I didn't expect to find the breath of the demon race here, and I was still fighting with the armor user.

What are the demons planning?

Ling Huohuo wouldn't believe that Nan Ye's strength alone could deal with the demons. He could only say that those people of the demons were not serious!

Ling Huohuo frowned.

At this time, another message came.

"Oh? Did you find any blood?"

Ling Huohuo came to the location of the bloodstain.

"It's human blood, it should belong to Nan Ye. It seems that Nan Ye should have been injured before, but there was no wound found on his body before, so the truth is one more—this blood was spit out!"

Of course, it is not ruled out that Nan Ye has hemorrhoids. After the war, he squatted here for a while, unable to think deeply, and felt a little sick.

"Master." Prince Fudo Ming suddenly said.

"What's wrong?" Ling Huohuo was a little puzzled.

"This blood...I can feel the breath of our four clans. Although it is impure, the owner of this blood should be the descendants of our four clans!" Fudoming said, a little excited.

It's not easy, but I can still feel the descendants of my four clans. I thought that only the child of the Wind Clan was left, but I didn't expect there to be descendants.

"Which family?"

"Our fire clan!"

This is what excites Fudo Mingwang the most, my Fire Clan has no successor!
Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes.

"Did you feel anything on Nan Ye's body before that?" Ling Huohuo continued to ask.

"Well, no, that child doesn't look special, but it doesn't rule out being covered up. Don't your cow armor and the tiger armor of the Light and Dark Tiger Emperor both have the ability to cover up the breath? Besides, if you don't use the armor , you can't detect the breath of the armor, maybe those armors have the ability to cover up." Fudo Mingo speculated.

The underground tomb guarded by the four clans, and the sacred objects guarded by the four clans can drive the armor in the tomb. Now that an armor is worn on the descendants of the four clans, things become interesting.

"Coincidence? It seems necessary to see other people again."

(End of this chapter)

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