The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 647 Can't Fight Little Monsters Even After Graduating from University

Chapter 647 Can’t Beat Little Monsters Even After Graduating from University (Part [-])
into the night.

On the roof of a tall building.

"Master, how long will we have to blow the wind?" Du Xiaoxue asked.

After feeling it, Du Xiaoxue could also feel the cold.

"It shouldn't be." Ling Huohuo rubbed his chin, lost in doubt.

Is Han Beibei so calm?
Not curious at all?
Do you really need to take the initiative by yourself?
"Let's go and see what's going on first." Finally, Ling Huohuo sighed.


into the night.

Many existences hidden in the darkness have also become active.

Xinxin Cafe.

Although the coffee shop is no longer open to the public at this time, the inside has not been completely closed.

Five figures shuttled among them, and a table was filled with meals.

Bai Xin came out of the back kitchen with two dishes in hand, and placed the dishes on the table.

Nan Ye and two men were sitting at the table, chatting.

Han Beibei then walked out with a plate of dishes.

Then Han Beibei and Bai Xin took their seats.

"You guys are real, and you don't even say you're here to help." Han Beibei said angrily.

"It's okay, I can't fight, but I can still do small things like cooking." Bai Xin said with a smile.

The three men smiled a little embarrassedly.

Apart from Nan Ye, there were two other men, one was wearing a shirt and glasses, and he had a bookish look on his body. He met Ling Huohuo at the scene of a car accident in Sichuan and Shu, and he was the writer Dongfeng.

And the other is a famous man, who looks a bit flamboyant, is the young master Xicheng.

"Sorry, I got a little involved in the chat." Dongfeng said embarrassedly.

"What are you talking about?" Han Beibei asked curiously.

"It's about the Northern Mastiff. We think it's necessary to have a good chat with him. We are both armor users. We must unite to deal with the Demon King Beast." Nan Ye said, and the other two nodded in agreement.

Hearing the name of Bei Mastiff, Han Beibei and Bai Xin frowned.

"It would be the best if we can unite together." Bai Xin said.

"But the character of the Northern Mastiff..." Han Beibei shook his head, and he had no hope of pulling the Snow Mastiff into his and others' camp.

The Demon King Beast is the monster that Han Beibei and the others have been fighting with, and it is not easy to deal with.

Thinking of this, Han Beibei thought of Ling Huohuo again.

Will Ling Huohuo have any relationship with Demon King Beast?

At this time, Bai Xin took out a tablet-like device and tapped it twice.

"According to the information provided by the Black Moon Cavalry, there should be twelve armors, and only people with special bloodlines can use them. The earliest armor users are Beibei, and the armor users that appear today are respectively."

"Beibei's tiger armor, Xicheng's snake armor, Dongfeng's sheep armor, Nanye's horse armor, Bei Mastiff's dog armor, and the suspected cow armor user Beibei encountered when she went to support the black moon cavalry last time. , This is the information we have obtained now, if the existence of the cow armor is true, then half of the armor has appeared at this time."

"An old legend says that when all the armor finds its owner, unexpected things will happen. I don't know whether it is good or bad. Therefore, our time is running out."

Bai Xin put down the tablet.

Several people nodded.

In order to deal with various accidents, they had to meet frequently and share information.

There is no insurance on the Internet, it is safer to talk in person.

"There is also the Black Moon Cavalry. I always feel that they have some kind of plan. They don't seem like good people. Moreover, the slaughter of the base of the Black Moon Cavalry by the Bull Armor is very strange and suspicious." Xicheng said.

Dongfeng nodded.

"You have said this sentence many times." Han Beibei complained.

"It's better to be careful. After all, it was the black moon cavalry who came to you and had to guard against it." Bai Xin's face became a little serious.

As the only person here who has studied hard, Bai Xin felt that he had to remind them.

Needless to say, Nan Ye dropped out of school after high school, and Dong Feng was similar, but he was good at writing and became a writer, but he was also a person who was full of writing and cared little about other things.

Xicheng has been in the shopping malls for many years, and he is vigilant enough. This is why he always feels that there is something wrong with the Black Moon Cavalry. After the armor, it becomes better after feeling the responsibility.

As for Han Beibei, he spent much more time practicing martial arts than studying. However, he has a good father who didn't go to university for a day and still has a diploma from a key university.

Sitting among these few people, after studying hard for four years, Bai Xin, who graduated from university, felt an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

However to no avail.

The few people around me don't rely on their academic qualifications to make a living.

A food delivery guy, a writer, a family business worker, and a gym owner.

And these four people have received extraordinary powers.

Bai Xin suddenly felt that his four years of university studies were a bit boring.

Even after graduating from college, you can't beat little monsters.

"Actually, there is one more thing." Han Beibei suddenly said with a serious face.

Several people looked at her.

"Today, I'm in the gym..."

Before Han Beibei finished speaking, there was a loud noise outside the coffee shop.

Several people hurriedly looked outside through the window. A man in snow-white armor was standing outside. The armor looked like a mighty dog.

"It's the Northern Mastiff!"

Nan Ye said, and was the first to rush out, followed by the others.

"Bei Mastiff, what are you doing?" Nan Ye shouted.

"You still have limited time here, this city is already in danger." Bei Mastiff said slowly.

"Dangerous?" Several people looked at me, I looked at you, and finally looked at Beimao suspiciously.

"I'm here to inform you that a large number of Demon King Beasts appeared in the city tonight. I have already dealt with five Demon King Beasts. There are more Demon King Beasts in this city. As for that, I will leave."

After finishing speaking, Bei Mastiff turned around.

"Wait." Nan Ye called.

The northern mastiff stopped in its tracks.

"what's up?"

"Let's go clean up the Demon King Beast together." Nan Ye invited.

"Hmph, you don't have the qualifications to stand with me." After speaking, the Bei Mastiff jumped up and disappeared.

"Hey, stop!" Xi Cheng yelled and was about to chase after him, but was stopped by others.

Dong Feng smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Although I don't want to admit it, Beibei is indeed much stronger than us, so Beibei can compete with him. It can be said that he is the strongest armor user that has appeared so far."

"Tch, I'm not bad, and I'll be that strong in the future." Nan Ye muttered softly.

"What?" Bai Xin looked at him.

Nan Ye's face turned red, and she turned her head away, "It's nothing."

Han Beibei looked in the direction that Bei Mastiff left.

"The strongest armor user?"

Han Beibei once again thought of Ling Huohuo who was wearing a golden armor. The first time he opened his mouth, he asked himself to do three tricks, neither dodging nor dodging. Both in terms of arrogance and strength, he was more than a step above Bei Mastiff.

Suddenly, Han Beibei became a little irritable.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's act quickly." After finishing speaking, Han Beibei left first.

(End of this chapter)

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