The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 659 Liu Suqing: What the hell did you bring the chapter with you?

Chapter 659 Liu Suqing: What the hell did I bring back? (one more)
Wang Xuan groaned in his heart, and hastily turned his body around.

Du Xiaoxue's attack struck, but it just brushed past Wang Xuan's body.

Wang Xuan fell to the ground, one of his sleeves was broken, and his arm was also injured.

Wang Xuan's face became serious.

And Du Xiaoxue also took back the long cannon in his hand, replaced it with a lightsaber, and attacked Wang Xuan.

The sword moves in Du Xiaoxue's body record the sword skills practiced by Iljes, one of the Twelve Demon Generals. Although they rely on systematic deduction and lack of flexibility and comprehension, the sword skills themselves are not simple and can be brought into play. The power is not weak.

As soon as Du Xiaoxue used the sword technique, Wang Xuan's expression changed.

Facing Du Xiaoxue's attack, Wang Xuan felt a little bad.

If I had known that Du Xiaoxue was such a cheating existence, wouldn't it be better to pretend to be a big-tailed wolf and collect some money before leaving?

Ling Huohuo looked at Du Xiaoxue who was entangled with Wang Xuan, and his face became serious.

After the battle between Du Xiaoxue and Wang Xuan, Ling Huohuo had a preliminary understanding of the power system of Taoism, and Baihuang also recorded the situation of the battle and began to analyze it.

However, Ling Huohuo could also see that it was impossible for Du Xiaoxue to win.

Wang Xuan was not simple, although he looked very embarrassed, but when attacking, it was a fighting method that relied on strength.

The borrowed force is not only Du Xiaoxue's attack, but also the force of nature!
As time went by, Ling Huohuo could see that all the forces in this world were targeting Du Xiaoxue.

Although Du Xiaoxue's individual combat ability is very strong, but in the face of Emperor Xuan's attack, in the end he could only drink his hatred and lose.

"This is the difference between the scientific side and the mysterious side." Ling Huohuo sighed.

The scientific side can only strengthen itself, and there are traces to follow, but the mysterious side has infinite possibilities.

One is to seek truth, and the other is to seek mystery. Although it cannot be said that one is better than the other, there is always a difference.

Ling Huohuo squinted his eyes, feeling the flow of power around him.

Compared with ordinary seventh-order existences, Ling Huohuo is stronger in his contact with the Dao Law.

Generally, only at the eighth level can one get in touch with the law of the great way initially. Even the magic dragon has not yet touched the edge of the law of the great way at the eighth level, but Ling Huohuo has already created his own way!

broken way.

What is a broken way?

Breaking the way is also the way, an extremely domineering way that can break through all obstacles, and you can only break the way if you see the way!
Therefore, while Ling Huohuo broke the Tao, his understanding of the Tao continued to deepen.

Facing the rhythm of surrounding forces, it is easier for Ling Huohuo to see through the surface and see the essence.

"Relying on the formation to drive the law, no, it's not driving, but influencing, twisting, and then erupting, using the power of nature, using the power of nature, it's really natural."

Ling Huohuo couldn't watch the show anymore, and Du Xiaoxue would be cold if he went any further.

I saw Ling Huohuo took out a package, and then scattered the powder inside to the entire venue.

"Damn it, Ling Huohuo is prescribing medicine!" the onlookers shouted.

"Shameless!" someone scolded.

Seeing the powder falling from the sky, Wang Xuanneng guessed that it was definitely not a good thing, and hurriedly held his breath.

Be silly, as long as you don't breathe or inhale, these powders won't have any effect at all, and with the Taoist technique, the breath is long, and you can hold your breath for a long time.

However, something happened that Wang Xuan did not expect.

When the powder fell on his body, it strangely penetrated into his body through the skin. These powders did not go through the respiratory tract at all!

Then, with a splash, Wang Xuan threw himself into the street.

The field was quiet.

It may be that the painting style has changed too fast, and the minds of the onlookers have not yet turned around.

After a while, everyone came to their senses, instead of cheering, there was a burst of discussion.

Although Ling Huohuo's performance comforted the people in the Miaojiang area, at least they didn't completely die in this link, but...

Why don't you feel happy at all?

At this time, Du Xiaoxue also canceled her transformation and returned to her original state.

Ling Huohuo fell to the ground, Du Xiaoxue ran behind Ling Huohuo and patted his chest.

"Mom, it's really exciting." Du Xiaoxue said with lingering fear.

Ling Huohuo: "..."

Although the battle mode will suppress Du Xiaoxue's humanity, it will not remember the mountains. The battle just now is really exciting for the usual Du Xiaoxue.

In this way, Ling Huohuo won the seven-in-four game, and the next game is four-in-two.

Ling Huohuo returned to the residence with Du Xiaoxue and the fifteen walking corpses, and continued to stay in the house.

But because of Ling Huohuo's battle today, the outside world started discussing it.

On the one hand, it is to lament the power of technology, and on the other hand, it is whether the technology and equipment can participate in this hero meeting.

Why should we compare our current strength with the technological weapons you spent money on to achieve our current strength through hard work?

And the battle of science and technology doesn't match the painting style of this Heroes Meeting!

After some discussions among the bosses, it was finally decided to ban Ling Huohuo from using everything related to technology!
When this regulation was issued, everyone felt that Ling Huohuo was going to be cool.

Liu Suqing personally came to inform Ling Huohuo.

Regarding Ling Huohuo, Liu Suqing's heart was very complicated. She originally thought that she was recruiting an ordinary talented child, but why did it happen?
Because of today's battle, Ling Huohuo became even more mysterious in Liu Suqing's eyes, but with Xuanyuanmen watching, Liu Suqing couldn't use violence.

Liu Suqing felt that Xuanyuanmen's protection of Ling Huohuo was far beyond their own duties, and they were not "guests" at all, but more like Ling Huohuo's subordinates. Thinking carefully, Liu Suqing felt that Ling Huohuo's identity was even more difficult.

What the hell did you bring back?
Because of Ling Huohuo, the Liu family was also under pressure, but the Xuanyuan Gate blocked it. Now the Liu family pointed the finger at Liu Suqing, which made Liu Suqing feel very uncomfortable.

For this reason, Liu Suqing deliberately spent 10 minutes planning her future life - hugging Ling Huohuo's thigh tightly.

As long as you have money, you can do whatever you want!

Liu Suqing knocked on Ling Huohuo's door.

"What's wrong?" Ling Huohuo opened the door.

With a plop, Liu Suqing hugged Ling Huohuo's thigh.

"Boss, please bring me!"

Half an hour later, Liu Suqing happily left with a check.

Ling Huohuo was sitting on the bed smoking a cigarette.

Certainly not an afterthought!

"Do you really want to send Liu Suqing to Mixia?" Toyotomi Xiuya asked, bringing a cup of tea to Ling Huohuo thoughtfully.

"Of course, why not? Although there is no shortage of Tier [-] powerhouses, there are not many powerhouses of Tier [-], which just happens to take care of the forces in the real world. The number of powerhouses in the real world is constantly increasing. If you don't prepare early, Accidents may happen, or even previous efforts may be for naught."

"The world is coming to an end, there is always nothing wrong with strengthening yourself and your forces." Ling Huohuo said with a sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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