The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 662 Strong Enemy Strikes

Chapter 662: Strong Enemy Strikes (Part [-])
"Twelve generals?" The Taoist robed old man squinted his eyes, "What a big tone."

However, the Taoist-robed old man did not find any information about the Twelve God Generals from his memory, but this did not prevent him from ridiculing.

Although the other party is of the seventh rank, but as an elder of Xuanyuanmen, he is also of the seventh rank, so why should he confess?
What's more, the other party has called at the door. If the conditions do not allow it, I would want to go up and tear the other party alive.

Taiyin laughed.

"I'm here today because of the "Tao Jing"." Tai Yin said.

"Impossible!" The Taoist robed old man shouted directly, his aura raised and became dangerous.

"Listen to me first, if you Xuanyuanmen obediently offer the "Tao Sutra", I can spare you from dying, otherwise, the whole school will be destroyed."

"Looking for death!" The killing intent on the Taoist-robed old man was soaring, Taoists don't shy away from killing, let alone killing demons?

But when the Taoist robed old man glanced at the disciples at Taiyin's feet, he still held back, no matter what, he had to save people first!

There are not many people in the Xuanyuan Sect, only less than a hundred people, each of them is selected and accepted into the sect, each of them is a talent and cannot be easily lost.

"It's really a pity." Taiyin looked at the Xuanyuanmen disciples at his feet, showing a mysterious smile.

The face of the Taoist robed old man changed.

"Wait a moment!"

A group of people rushed over from a distance, headed by an even older Taoist robed old man.

"Master." The elder standing at the door and facing Taiyin saluted the old man in the center, who turned out to be the master of Xuanyuanmen.

"Junior brother, please get up." The head of the sect said to the elder, and then looked at Taiyin outside the gate.

"Junior brother, what are he doing?"


At this time, everyone in Xuanyuanmen was moved and rushed to the gate.

On the one hand, he was worried about the situation of the sect, and on the other hand, he was also interested in watching the excitement.

I'm afraid it's not out of my mind to come to Xuanyuanmen to make trouble.

There are five people in the seventh level of Xuanyuanmen, 12 people in the sixth level, not to mention the fifth level and below, and at this time, the participants of the Qunyingmen are all in Xuanyuanmen, and they can't watch when something happens in Xuanyuanmen. Once they help, it will be a wave of terrifying strength.

Because of the incident at the entrance, even the people on the battlefield rushed to the main entrance.

At this time, the entire main entrance was crowded.

After listening to the elder's narration, the sect master looked at the disciple at Taiyin's feet, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

"How can I let my disciple go, I can spend money to redeem him, how about a million?" The head said.

The expressions of the people around are a little strange, why does this tone seem familiar?By the way, Ling Huohuo also spoke in this tone back then.

"How about using the Dao Jing as a ransom?" Tai Yin asked with a smile.

The master put away his smile.

"Could it be possible, Your Excellency, that you alone can threaten my entire Xuanyuanmen?"

"Who said I came alone?" Tai Yin said with a smile.

As soon as Taiyin's words fell, the entire sky darkened, and a terrifying evil spirit enveloped the entire mountaintop where the Xuanyuan Gate was located.

At this time, the complexions of the head and other strong men changed.

Because at the same time, there were ten seventh-level auras, dozens of sixth-level auras, and countless fifth-level auras and below.

"The next twelve gods, the sky, the old man, handed over the "Tao Jing" in a strange way, so as not to suffer from flesh and blood!" A flamboyant young man appeared beside Taiyin, with a bad look, and his body was the same. Surrounded by evil spirit.

"Black Moon Cavalry, Ghost Moon!"

"Black Moon Cavalry, Demon Moon!"

"Black Moon Cavalry, Han Yue!"

"Black Moon Cavalry, Sad Moon!"

"Black Moon Cavalry, Shangyue!"

"Black Moon Cavalry, Tomb Moon!"

"Black Moon Cavalry, Shen Yue!"

"Black Moon Cavalry, Fengyue!"

"Black Moon Cavalry, Heavy Moon!"

Nine people appeared one after another, they were human beings without evil spirit.

But these nine people are all seventh-level, and they come from a force that has intersected with Ling Huohuo - the Black Moon Cavalry.

Ling Huohuo estimated that it should be the black moon cavalry that An Yue belonged to.

According to An Yue, there are a total of 12 Black Moon Cavalry members, each with twelve kinds of abilities, so now except for An Yue, Yan Yue, and Zang Yue, the rest of the Black Moon Cavalry have arrived at Xuanyuanmen.

Ling Huohuo, who was hiding in the crowd, looked at the eleven seventh-level knights, not to mention the nine black moon cavalry, the two men under him were definitely monsters!
Moreover, Ling Huohuo was very familiar with the evil spirit on them.

The evil aura on different monsters has different characteristics.

Ling Huohuo recalled, but fortunately Ling Huohuo had not met many monsters, so he quickly remembered, but his face also changed.

"It's Mandrill!" The demonic aura on these two men's bodies has the aura of Mandrill, and there was also a Twelve Generals under Mandrill's men back then!
But isn't Mandrill dead?What happened to the twelve generals?Wasn't it Tier [-] last time I saw you?

Ling Huohuo still remembers that the Suzaku locked up in the future city is also one of the twelve god generals. After such a long time, there is no sign of improving his strength, so why is the twelve god generals he met this time seven? order?

When Ling Huohuo was thinking, the faces of the bigwigs in the crowd in Xuanyuanmen were not very good.

Although the top strength can compete with each other, the strength from the fifth level is far inferior. If they really match up, the final outcome can only be that the top strength is entangled together, and the younger generations will die cleanly!

"Master." A seventh rank from another force looked at the head of Xuanyuanmen and asked, "Then the "Tao Jing"..."

"The "Tao Jing" must not be lost!" The head said firmly, "The "Tao Jing" is not only my Taoist classic, but also related to the luck of the land of China. If it falls into the hands of demons, then it will be A disaster for the entire land of China!"

Ling Huohuo's ears twitched, is that "Tao Jing" so awesome?how much is it?I bought it!

Fortunately, Ling Huohuo didn't lose his wits when he asked this sentence.

But I kept an eye out, I really want to see such a special thing.

At this time, a little Taoist boy delivered a roll of emerald jade-colored bamboo slips to the head of the sect.

The head of the sect carefully put away the bamboo slips and put them on his chest.

Then the head of the sect looked at Taiyin opposite, and raised his index finger.

"The "Tao Jing" is here, come and get it if you have the ability, come here!!!!!!"

Ling Huohuo: "..."


On a mountain far from Xuanyuan Gate, cooking smoke billowed up.

A group of people sat and ate in the mountains, which looked like a picnic, but the food did not match the picnic at all.

Black tea, red wine, steak, foie gras...

On the side, there is actually a simple kitchen with all the kitchen utensils, and a man in a chef uniform is quickly preparing food.

The one who cooks is the ninth seat among the ten masters of Yuanyue, the alchemist, Ruishan Etsuya!
At this time, he was kidnapped by Yuyihu and became a special chef among the ghosts of Yuyihu, and his main task was to serve a loli well!
"Huh? Fighting?" Rogier looked at the hill where the Xuanyuan Gate was located in the distance, then took a sip of red wine, and then...

"Another steak, medium rare!"

"Completely O a few K!" Ezuya Ruishan.

(End of this chapter)

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