The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 672 Why Am I So Outstanding?

Chapter 672 Why Am I So Outstanding? (two more)
Ling Huohuo stood on the stage with a smile on his face.

The special effects just now are not means, but the power of technology!
At this time, it is trivial for the technology in the future city to achieve this step. In fact, even the real world has this kind of technology, but it is not very mature.

The reason why Ling Huohuo did this is because after studying it for a while, Ling Huohuo found that this is the only thing he can show to the outside world.

Could he still let himself kill someone in front of them to show these students?
Looking at the students who came back to their senses, Ling Huohuo spread his hands.

"How do you feel?" Ling Huohuo asked with a smile.

"This one……"


Some students shouted, which was agreed by most people.

"What was that just now?" someone asked.

Ling Huohuo clapped his hands.

Four fist-sized cube-shaped things flew to Ling Huohuo's side.

"My assistant, the White Emperor."

"Hi everyone, I'm Baihuang." Baihuang's voice came out, which aroused the amazement of all the students, even the leaders behind the scenes.

Is technology so advanced now?

In fact, the white emperor's body is not these four squares, these four squares are just for the students to see.

"What happened just now was done by my assistant Baihuang."

The students were amazed again.

"You may not believe it, but this is the truth. Three years ago, I was the top scorer in the college entrance examination, but today, three years later, I have become a mentor. The White Emperor is the result of the project I am in charge of." Ling Huohuo said, opening his eyes and saying talking nonsense.

The students gasped again.

But some leaders behind the scenes couldn't help frowning.

Science major?

Those who study the knowledge required for these high technologies are all science-oriented majors.

Beihuang University is a liberal arts college. Is it a little bit wrong for science talents to give speeches in liberal arts colleges?

"Next, this is today's theme—" Ling Huohuo pointed behind him.

The White Emperor controls the distribution of four blocks around, forming a screen of light.

The high-tech special effects make the eyes of the students shine.

I saw something written on the screen - "How can I become as good as me!"



Ding Ning: "..."

Cloud language: "..."

Ding Ning felt that he really believed in Ling Huohuo's evil!


Is Ling Huohuo excellent?Of course it's impossible. Although Ling Huohuo is very strong and has many subordinates, he doesn't think he has any advantages worth learning from others.

Because Ling Huohuo's life circle has always been in the state of "the big fist is the boss", no one cares about your character, but as long as you are strong enough, whatever you do is right.

When the strength is not bound by the rules and the fist is big, you can really do whatever you want.

Even so, Ling Huohuo still chose this topic.

Can there be advantages without advantages?

As Ding Ning said, after all, he has the title of "No. [-] in the college entrance examination".

Even if it is made up a few times, the credibility is very high.

Anyway, they don't understand themselves, what they say.

And with the manuscript written by Baihuang for him, Ling Huohuo felt stable.

The speech was going on, Ling Huohuo didn't have any good speech skills, but he couldn't hold back what he said and was attractive, and with the shocking opening before, and the White Emperor assisting Ling Huohuo, the whole venue was mobilized.

Soon, the speech came to an end.

"You have your arrogance, I have my lumbar disc, not very proud, but very prominent, arrange!"


"That's all for my speech. Next is the questioning session." Ling Huohuo stretched out a hand.

Although many students actively raised their hands, Yunyu did not.

Ding Ning thinks it's time to do it himself!

Ding Ning gestured to the staff with his eyes, and raised his hand gracefully, and the staff handed the microphone to him knowingly.

That's right, it's all inside stories, and Ding Ning's people are behind all of this.

The speech this time is mainly because Ding Ning wants to have fun, but Ding Ning will not be intimidating.

The best ending is that Ling Huohuo successfully recruited students, and Ding Ning also had a good time.

In fact, Ding Ning has prepared for the last and worst. If Yun Yu still refuses, he will make Yun Yu have to leave with Ling Huohuo.

As for the method, to be honest, as Ding Ning, there are many ways to make a person unable to stay in China.

When people are desperate, those seemingly bad choices become good choices.

As positions change, choices change.

Although Ding Ning will also take some risks, but those are trivial matters. If Ding Ning overturns, he is ready to hug Ling Huohuo's thigh, or even...betray masculinity~ shy~
Ling Huohuo's thighs look thick~
At this time, Ling Huohuo couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth when he saw Ding Ning standing up.

"Excuse me... does this student have anything you want to ask?" Ling Huohuo said biting the bullet.

Ding Ning showed a bright smile.

"Mr. Ling was the number one scholar in science back then." Ding Ning asked with a smile, with an innocent expression.

Although Yun Yu didn't know Ding Ning, but when he heard Ding Ning's question, he suddenly had a bad feeling.

"That's right." Ling Huohuo nodded.

"You are so outstanding now, so what happened to that top scholar in liberal arts back then?" Ding Ning was still innocent, with a smile on his face.

Yun Yu's heart skipped a beat.

It hurts, ma'am!

If you ask Ling Huohuo, just ask, why did you bring me along!
Yunyu was embarrassed.

The number one scholar in liberal arts and the number one scholar in science were sitting face to face. Although Yun Yu was excellent, there would be no harm if there was no comparison. Facing Ling Huohuo, Yun Yu felt that he couldn't hold his head up. That's why he didn't raise his hand to ask questions. Huo Huo recognized herself.

Yun Yu secretly looked at Ling Huohuo, and found that Ling Huohuo was also looking at him, and looked away after seeing him.

He really recognized me! ! !
Yunyu covered his face.

It’s over.


After hesitating for a moment, Yunyu was about to stand up, but at this moment Ling Huohuo spoke.

"Probably, I have a life that satisfies me..." Ling Huohuo said with a smile.

Ding Ning was taken aback.

Yun Yu was also stunned.

The speech is successfully concluded.


the next day.

Under the watchful eyes of the leaders of Beihuang University and some students who came after hearing the news, Ling Huohuo unlocked the bicycle on the school gate, and then drove Ding Ning away, leaving behind a big stare crowd.

The beauty is here, but what about the luxury car?
Yun Yu in the crowd watched Ling Huohuo leave with a complicated expression.

Ling Huohuo had approached her and wanted to invite her to join the Extraordinary Academy. Although she was shocked, she still refused in the end because——she wanted to live the life she wanted!
on the bike.

Ding Ning twisted the flesh on Ling Huohuo's waist.

"You failed the first invitation just like that?" Ding Ning puffed up his cheeks.

Ling Huohuo smiled.

"Nothing, just suddenly realized something."


"Everyone has to try their best to choose a life that satisfies them! Although Chaofan Academy is good, I can't just force Yunyu like this for my own selfish desires. That would be too despicable."

"Hehe, I am impressed by you for being able to say such a thing."

"That is, after all, I stand out."


(End of this chapter)

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