The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 678 Rogier's "Stepmother" Invitation

Chapter 678 Rogier's "Stepmother" Invitation (Part [-])

Bai Yingying and Yi Qianqian sat at the table where the little girl was.

After walking in, the two people realized that everyone at the scene was some distance away from the table, and no one even touched the dishes on the table.

The little girl was cutting the steak, although she was simply cutting the steak, there was an unspeakable majesty.

Yi Qianqian wanted to ask questions, but was stopped by Bai Yingying, who signaled her not to speak with her eyes.

The little girl suddenly put down the knife and fork in her hand. It turned out that the steak on the plate had been eaten.

"As the protagonist of this banquet, it is really disrespectful to stay on the side." The little girl looked at the two of them and spoke slowly.

"Sorry." Bai Yingying didn't know how to respond, she was a little nervous, so she could only say these two words.

However, the little girl shook her head.

"I'm not blaming you, but I think other people are rude, but I've seen this kind of situation a lot, politics and interests are really annoying, but if someone dares to put me in the king's birthday party On the other hand, this king will tell them what fear is!" said the little girl.

That's right, this little girl who claims to be the king is exactly Rogier.

Bai Yingying and Yi Qianqian opened their mouths, but instinctively felt that they couldn't speak, not because they didn't know what to say, but because a mysterious force told them that they shouldn't interrupt!

This was Rogier's majesty, Bai Yingying and Yi Qianqian could not resist at all.

With his majesty alone, Rogier can influence the judgment and actions of the two of them.

It wasn't that Rogier was targeting them, but because sitting in front of Rogier, she would be affected by her own identity and strength.

"For the sake of my king's food today, I will give you a reminder." Rogier looked at Bai Yingying.

"Please tell me." Bai Yingying said nervously. She didn't know why the other party put so much pressure on her even though she was a child.

"You have been targeted by some bad things, enjoy your last life." Rogier said.

"What?" Bai Yingying and Yi Qianqian were both taken aback.

"What do you mean?" Yi Qianqian stood up with an angry look on her face.

Rogier was surprised, and then picked up Yi Qianqian carefully for the first time.

"Speak, what do you mean?" Yi Qianqian said.

"Qianqian." Bai Yingying pulled Yi Qianqian's arm nervously. She always felt that bad things would happen if she provoked Yi Qianqian.

However, to Bai Yingying's surprise, Rogier was not angry, but showed an expression of interest.

Rogier leaned back in the chair and raised a hand.

The waiter behind her poured her a glass of wine.

"Woman, do you want to be the king's stepmother?"

What the hell?

Both Bai Yingying and Yi Qianqian were shocked by Rogier's speech, and couldn't turn their heads for a while.

"The rare royal body, once awakened, will be crowned king. Only this kind of person is worthy to be the mother of the king. Although I heard that the father of the king already has a concubine, the king has never seen it. It's not someone who can be recognized by the king." Rogier took a sip of red wine, and then looked at Yi Qianqian.

"This king's father has countless strong men, and he is even more powerful. There are countless money and resources to separate one side. How about it? Do you want to think about it?" Rogier asked.

"Think about you big-headed ghost!" Yi Qianqian said angrily, "I don't want to be someone else's mistress!"

"Tsk, it's a pity." Rogier was a little upset, but it might be because of Yi Qianqian's "royal body" physique. Rogier was not angry, but handed Yi Qianqian a business card. The three big characters "Ling Huohuo" are clearly written.

"If you change your mind, just contact the king's father at any time."

"Okay, the time is up, the king should leave, goodbye."

After the words fell, Rogier's figure disappeared.

And the waiter behind her respectfully performed a court salute, which turned into a golden spot of light and dissipated. The waiter turned out to be condensed with energy!

"Wait a minute!" Yi Qianqian wanted to stop Rogier to ask about the situation, but Rogier had disappeared.

Both Bai Yingying and Yi Qianqian were stunned by the way Rogier and the waiter left.

"Who are they?" Bai Yingying said incredulously, the way Rogier and the waiter disappeared broke Bai Yingying's cognition.

Are there really superpowers in this world?

And Yi Qianqian frowned, and after a while, the word "Don't Chu" came out of her mouth.


"What?" Bai Yingying looked at her friend.

"Leave first." Yi Qianqian said with a serious face.

Because of Rogier's departure, this table has been noticed again, and a waiter has come to clean up the tableware that Rogier just used.

Yi Qianqian packed up the business card in front of her.

"Ling Huo Huo?"

Flipping through the business card, a black line appeared on Yi Qianqian's head.

"Where's the contact number?"

Bai Yingying: "..."

Well, this business card is the one printed by the White Emperor that time without a phone number. I don't know when Rogier got one.


Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning are advancing in the city.

Although the demon envoy is dead, the demon who made a contract with him has not been found yet.

With the death of the devil, the soul of the devil will be collected by the devil, and then the devil will start looking for the next prey!
If the demon is not found, what happened today will repeat itself. Not everyone is accompanied by an existence as powerful as Ling Huohuo, and tragedy is likely to happen at that time!
In this sensitive period, any possibility may become the fuse of chaos and cause irreversible consequences.

Especially the existence of demons who rely on rules to destroy other rules is even more harmful!
In any case, the problem of the demon must be solved before the demon finds the next demon envoy.

And the best way is to get the devil's spellbook!

The demon had just lost his demonist and couldn't be far away, and the demon's spellbook was probably in the young man's house.

Ding Ning directly retrieved the young man's information, and at this time the two were rushing to the young man's home.

Soon Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning came to the young man's home.

The young man's family is also a well-known local family, and there are many houses in the family.

The destination of Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning is a manor of their family in the suburbs.

Because according to the traces, that young man started from here.

But when Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning approached the manor, they discovered a strange phenomenon.

There was no light and no sound in the manor at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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