The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 698 Just applaud, don't ask too much

Chapter 698 Just applaud, don't ask too much (one more)
Zhonghai City.

Ling Huohuo stood at the window of his sword room, looking down at the outside.

"What are you doing?" Gabriel asked lying on the ground, looking like a salted fish.

Being led by Ling Huohuo without freedom, Gabriel felt that she could only lie on the ground and become a useless angel.

"Think about it." Ling Huohuo.

"What are you thinking about?" Gabriel raised her head curiously.

"You said... where is the devil?" Ling Huohuo frowned.

"Tsk, let him die..." Gabriel rolled her eyes, maybe only a lazy angel like her could say that about the Demon King.


Ling Huohuo remained silent. He had no doubts that one day the Demon King would descend from the sky, and then use the same fork as Vinette to bring Gabriel, a salted fish angel fork, to trial.

It's a bit exciting to think about the devil's trial of angels.

Ling Huohuo sighed.

The incident of the Devil's Rebellion reminded Ling Huohuo that the world is facing more than the end of the world, and there are many enemies from other worlds who are eyeing this world!
The goldfinch flew back from the outside with the green cotton bird and the three millet bird, interrupting Ling Huohuo's thinking.

The Goldfinch remained unchanged, it was still the same as when it was first met, and it still looked so ordinary.

Qingmianniao was promoted once by Toyotomi Xiuya, and its strength has reached the fifth level, and its ability is even stronger. Although Ling Huohuo can't use it, it is still so cute.

As for Sansu Niao, as one of the Hundred Ghosts, he has successfully broken through to the sixth level.

But I don't know why, whether it is the fifth-level green cotton bird or the sixth-level three-corn bird, it is still headed by the goldfinch, and there is nothing wrong with following the goldfinch as a younger brother.

I had doubts about the goldfinch Ling Huohuo, but no matter how I checked it, even if the elders of the demon clan looked at the goldfinch, they could still only see that it was a goldfinch that can be seen everywhere in the city, and even detailed wrote to Ling Huohuo:
[Animal Kingdom - Chordate - Aves - Passeriformes - Finch - Goldfinch - Goldfinch]

Full marks.

Every morning, the goldfinch will bring the fifth-level green cotton bird and the sixth-level three-cornet bird to swagger through the market and go out to look for food.

Ling Huohuo thinks, maybe this is the boss.

"It's time to eat!" Vinette's voice came from the kitchen.

"Here we come!" Gabriel stood up straight from the ground, turned around and ran to the dining table.

"Hey, wait a minute..." Ling Huohuo.

After eating, Vinette and Raphael were clearing the table.

Rogier was tasting the special dessert that Vinet made for her in the devil world.

Ding Ning was looking at something on the phone.

Gabriel was reclined, occupying most of the sofa, eating potato chips and watching TV.

As for Satania, for some unknown reason, the white dog confronted him.

Ling Huohuo was sitting at one end of the sofa, typing on the computer in the space Gabriel had left for him.

Since returning to Zhonghai City, Ling Huohuo and his group have been crowded in the sword room.

Seven people, one dog and three birds were squeezed into the room with two bedrooms and one living room.

Fortunately, Yi Qianqian still had her own reserve and didn't squeeze in.

Since coming to Zhonghai City, Yi Qianqian has gone to work on her family's property, and Ling Huohuo has never seen her.

Looking at the room full of people, Ling Huohuo felt that it was necessary to build a bigger house.

After my original house was destroyed, I never went back to look at it. I heard from Ling Tian that the land was restricted and it was necessary to rebuild the house.

Well, let's leave it to the woman who destroyed the house. With her team members, the house should be built soon.

The requirements are not high, just build an identical one according to the previous style.


After the meal, everyone sat together.

"I announce that the future club branch is officially established! From now on, everyone will be the first batch of members!" Ling Huohuo sat on the main seat.

"Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations..."

"Everyone applauds..."

clap clap clap...

Sporadic applause sounded in the room.

"What... what is the future club?" Vinette whispered to Raphael who was applauding with a smile on her face.

"I don't know, but it sounds very interesting." Raphael said with a constant smile.

Ling Huohuo suddenly announced that there was no explanation at all, and most people were confused.

"So we joined too?" Vinette continued to ask.

"That's probably what it means." Raphael said.

"But..." Vinette hesitated.

"Can you beat Ling Huohuo now?" Raphael still had a smile on his face.

"..." Vinette was speechless.

"Here!" Satania suddenly raised his hand, "What does that future club mean? Is there any benefit in joining?"

"Benefits? You will become the elders of this distribution." Ling Huohuo said seriously.

"What is the elder? Is it powerful?" Satania asked suspiciously.

"It's awesome!" Ling Huohuo nodded and said seriously.

"Oh~~" Satania exclaimed.

"So you're right to applaud, don't ask too much." Ling Huohuo.

Satania nodded seriously and sat down, then clapped his hands vigorously.

Gabriel glanced at Satania with contempt, and then looked at Ling Huohuo, "Are you mentally retarded? Who said you want to join that future club branch? Only mentally retarded people can join so easily."

"The so-called club is to play games and eat snacks!" Ding Ning said suddenly.

Gabriel's eyes lit up.

"Only the mentally retarded will join~" Ding Ning sighed and said with a teaser.

"Sorry, I'm retarded!" Gabriel said.

"..." Everyone.

This lazy angel is hopeless, God, take her!
In this way, the future club distribution in Zhonghai City was formally established.

Idle is also idle, Ling Huohuo decided to experience the fun of the game, maybe he can gain something from "The Lost World".


The seaside of Zhonghai City.

A figure crawled out from the bottom of the sea.

Well, it's a person.

The visitor shook his body, stretched out his hand and tapped the void a few times, the light flashed, and the messy figure became tidy again.

The visitor looked somewhat handsome, wearing a warrior's armor.

The figure clicked a few times in the void again, and the armor on his body turned into an ordinary commoner. Although it was still somewhat inconsistent, it was not as dazzling as the armor looked.

Fortunately, there was no one around, and no one noticed the strangeness of the figure.

The visitor looked around, took out a locator from the void, positioned it, and then nodded.

"That's right this time, it's the seaside of Zhonghai City!"

Looking at the city in the distance, the figure's gaze is somewhat deep.

"That IP should have been in this city back then, I hope we can still find that computer..."

Stepping forward, the figure slowly walked towards the city.

(End of this chapter)

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