The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 700 Village Head Widow Li 198...

Chapter 700 Village Head Widow Li 198... ([-] more)

Added friends with other people, and after chatting for a while, Ling Huohuo closed the chat page.

In Xinshou Village, Ling Huohuo can only play by himself.

Ling Huohuo walked out of the birth point holding the staff.

Find the village chief...

Take the novice task...

kill chicken...

Delivery task...


Good luck, have chicken tonight...

Repeating the boring novice tasks, the day passed like this.

For other people, the novice task might be interesting, but for Ling Huohuo, killing chickens made him feel nothing.

The upgrade mechanism in "The Lost World" is not that simple.

In one day, Ling Huohuo had only reached level three.

It takes about ten days for most people to reach the tenth level, and Ling Huohuo's speed is already considered fast.

If "Lost World" hadn't been the first holographic game with high playability, this upgrade speed would have already dissuaded a wave of people.

The next day, Ling Huohuo went online.

Then continue to receive the task in Novice Village, and then go to the Novice Village to brush wild monsters.

In the novice strategy made by some players, it is said that receiving tasks in the novice period is the fastest way to upgrade, but it is very boring and lacks the fun of adventure. After the novice period, you will have the experience of spawning monsters and receiving tasks. The ratio will be about the same.

At the end of the second day, Ling Huohuo rose to level five, and Ling Huohuo learned the first life skill - "Plucking".

After that, Ling Huohuo began to collect herbs while killing monsters.

On the third day, Ling Huohuo reached the sixth level.

From the third day onwards, Ling Huohuo could only upgrade to one level per day on average.

The surroundings of Xinshou Village are very safe, and there are more monks and less meat (more players, less wild monsters), which also means that there are no high-level monsters that Ling Huoxiu can manipulate and level up.

After all, "The Lost World" was made on the basis of the real world of the Lost Land. There can be no dangerous things near the village, and it is impossible for the world consciousness to get out of its wits and make some Easter eggs. The BOSS is refreshed in Novice Village nearby.

In that case, the player experience is there, but what do the locals in the Lost Land think?
Finally, on the morning of the eighth day, Ling Huohuo reached the tenth level!

Level ten means that Ling Huohuo has finally bid farewell to the novice period, can enter the town, and has changed jobs for the first time!

In fact, Ling Huohuo deliberately slowed down the upgrade speed yesterday, just to be able to enter the town during the day today, because the town will close the city gate at night!

"Young man, I am very pleased to see you growing up. This is a letter of recommendation and a small gift from me. Go to a bigger city and see a wider world." The old village head said to Ling Huohuo Said.

Holding the letter of introduction and gift box from the old village head, Ling Huohuo left Mingyue Village.

To go to a larger city, you need to take the official road. If you are lucky, you can take a villager's carriage. If you are unlucky, you can only walk there, half a day's journey.

Unfortunately, Ling Huohuo didn't board the villager's carriage.

But before leaving, Ling Huohuo opened the gift box given to him by the old village head.

The old village head will give a gift box to the player when they reach level ten, so this gift box is called the "Graduation Gift Box", which is a gift to commemorate the graduation from Novice Village.

Generally speaking, there are two things in the gift box given by the old village chief—a skill book and a piece of bread.

Skill books are generally general-purpose skills, which are skills that can be used in every profession, but they are generally life-related skills, such as mowing, cutting, mining, etc. Few lucky people can develop their own professional skills.

The bread is prepared for the player to replenish physical strength, and the supplemental physical strength is to allow the player's game characters to have enough physical strength to reach the town.

Ling Huohuo opened the gift box and was taken aback.

Because there are three things in the gift box!

A skill book, a piece of bread, and a spar.

Ling Huohuo first took out the skill book.


Well, life skills are not very good, but at least they are better than "Mowing the Grass" which I don't know what to use. I learned it.

At this time, Ling Huohuo has two life-related skills, "Mining" and "Picking", one for mining ore and one for picking herbs.

Put away the bread and eat it on the road. In the past two days, Ling Huohuo also got milk and honey, which can be eaten with bread on the road.

Then Ling Huohuo picked up the last spar and checked its attributes.

"Employment spar: The old village chief has seen your extraordinaryness and specially prepared a gift for you. With this spar, you can hire a villager as a subordinate in Mingyue Village at the lowest price. The price depends on the employment object. It is also different, after the employment, the player needs to give the village a certain amount of salary every month, when the player stops paying the villagers salary, the employment relationship will be automatically terminated, and the village name will return to Mingyue Village, and the player will not be able to hire the villagers of Mingyue Village in the future."

"..." Ling Huohuo.

What the hell is this?Do you think I have good talent and let me hire the villagers in the village?
What's the point?
I always feel that you are solving the employment problem for your village.

Ling Huo was stunned to hire spar, and then looked at his backpack.

Just right, a silver coin.

"Should be able to hire a good villager."

A silver coin is considered a lot of money in this village.

Now Ling Huohuo is a newcomer player alone, not the all-powerful strongman. At this time, being able to hire a villager will bring a lot of convenience to Ling Huohuo's subsequent games. This is why many villagers are hired in other ways. players confirmed.

After choosing to use the employment spar, all the villagers clearly marked the price in Ling Huohuo's eyes——

"Vegetable farmer: 100 copper coins, blacksmith: 500 copper coins, carpenter: 300 copper coins, little boy: 10 copper coins, laborer: 100 copper coins, Li Widow: 198 copper coins..."

Because only one villager can be hired, Ling Huohuo chose the coachman after some selection. The coachman brings his own carriage and horses, so the hiring price is a bit more expensive, 700 copper coins, which means that he will have to pay the coachman 700 copper coins every month in the future, but There is also fodder provided, and the fodder fee is at least 100 copper coins a month.

Ling Huohuo got into the carriage.

"Set off."

"Okay, sit still!"

The coachman whipped his whip and lashed the mule's buttocks, and the mule moved forward.

The carriage is very simple, it is an ordinary wooden cart, and it is usually used to transport firewood, but Ling Huohuo is sitting on the cart with a smile on his face.

Although I missed the villager's carriage to the city, I hired one myself.


Staggering, walking all the way, the half-day journey took two hours to arrive, and Ling Huohuo didn't expend any physical strength at all.

Qingfeng City.

Qingfeng City is much larger than Mingyue Village, and has a huge city wall, which seems to be much safer than Mingyue Village.

On the way, the coachman also told Ling Huohuo a lot about Qingfeng City. Before coming, Ling Huohuo already had a general understanding of Qingfeng City.

(End of this chapter)

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