The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 716 The Strategic Layout of the Demon King's Army

Chapter 716 The Strategic Layout of the Demon King's Army (Part [-])
The power of the void merged into Ling Huohuo's body and Ling Huohuo, causing Ling Huohuo to change in essence, or it can be said that the level of life has undergone a leap!

Evolved from life in the universe to life in the void!
And as Ling Huohuo evolved into a void life, Ling Huohuo felt that his strength had been greatly improved again.

Feeling the leap of his own life, Ling Huohuo felt that this could be done.

Ling Huohuo felt that there was a chance that he could let his ghosts also make a life-level transition.

Because the last time I took over my destiny, I practiced it, similar to returning to the basics, which also caused problems in the connection between myself and the ghosts. Fortunately, Ling Huohuo has mastered the fear, and it is easy to re-establish the relationship with the ghosts. got in touch.

However, although the Hundred Ghosts have all become sixth-order existences, but now that they bear their fate, the gap between themselves and the Hundred Ghosts has widened again.

Although because of fear, Ling Huohuo can share this fate with the ghosts, which will not only deepen his connection with the ghosts, but also allow the ghosts to help him.

It's like the devil king and the devil generals.

Not only became extremely powerful, but also had a deep bond.

But after some consideration, Ling Huohuo didn't do that.

He just chose to maintain the status quo and bear his own destiny, and Hyakki Yaxing remained as it was.

Because... this fate is fatal!

Ling Huohuo has a high chance of surviving, but the ghosts are not necessarily.

It is because of the importance that I don't want to put the ghosts in danger.

Demons themselves are very strong, but monsters are not. Monsters emerge from resentment, death, and obsession, and grow step by step from ordinary things. Even the birth of many monsters is itself a tragedy. It is formed by the condensation of things, so it is no wonder that monsters will retaliate against humans.

Not only monsters, but also other people in the future city. Ling Huohuo has not shared a part of his own destiny to others, and Ling Huohuo does not intend to let others share his destiny with him.

But now, with the emergence of the power of the void, Ling Huohuo saw the possibility of improving the monsters.

The monsters' backgrounds are not high, and they all carry all kinds of filth, so it will be more difficult to rise to the top in the future.

As Yabai said, existences such as monsters that are not very popular, and they are the existence of various filthy things, will be condemned by God in the future.

But Void Power doesn't seem to have such worries.

When Ling Huohuo was thinking about the possibility of transforming a hundred ghosts into a hundred ghosts in the void, the change on his side was completely over.

The altar regained its calm, the power dissipated, and the altar turned into fly ash.

Ling Huohuo knew that this was the end of the mission of the altar.

An inheritance entered Ling Huohuo's consciousness.

Ling Huohuo didn't check it directly, but put it aside to feel his new power.

What Ling Huohuo didn't know was that with the end of his side, his body also changed in the real world.

A flash of light flashed, and Ling Huohuo and Gabriel separated again, but they were both naked, with only a sheet covering their waists.

Both Jia Baili and Ling Huohuo were in a deep sleep state, no different from before, only a mysterious purple line appeared on Ling Huohuo's left face, across his left eye.

It looks mysterious and dangerous.

The goldfinch watched this scene, and flew away with the green cotton bird and the three millet bird.

Today's young people... temperance...


In The Lost World.

Ling Huohuo opened his eyes.

Completely stabilize your own gains.

Then Ling Huohuo looked at the group of... void creatures beside him!
That's right, including Ling Huohuo himself, all those present were void creatures.

No, there is one exception.

That's Mrs. Sakura who was caught.


Mrs. Sakura fell from the sky to Ling Huohuo's feet.

Ling Huohuo looked at Mrs. Sakura.

Mrs. Sakura sat on the ground and smiled reluctantly at Ling Huohuo.

To be honest, being watched by so many void creatures is quite nervous... fart!It's quite tense!

To be honest, Ling Huohuo was also taken aback by Mrs. Sakura.

First of all, the reason why Mrs. Sakura appeared here, and the appearance of Mrs. Sakura at this time.

There are people on the top and tentacles on the bottom. This is definitely not human.

"What are you?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"I'm not a thing." Mrs. Sakura blurted out.

"..." Ling Huohuo.

"Your identity." Ling Huohuo asked in a deep voice, his eyes under the hood staring at Mrs. Sakura quietly.

Mrs. Sakura met Ling Huohuo's eyes, and she found that Ling Huohuo's eyes were not divided into whites and pupils, but were all purple!
There is still a faint light.


"The Demon King's Army..." Speaking of this, Mrs. Sakura became confident, "I am a member of Lord Demon General! How dare you touch me?!"

Ling Huohuo was silent for a while.

You may not believe it, but I touched the chest of the magic general.

Ling Huohuo didn't have the patience to continue talking nonsense, so he stretched out his hand, grabbed Mrs. Sakura's face, and revealed Mrs. Sakura's eyes between his fingers.

The purple light in Ling Huohuo's eyes flourished, and purple meridian-like lines appeared on the left hand holding Mrs. Sakura.

"You... ah!!!"

Mrs. Sakura let out a scream, and a purple ray of light lit up in her eyes, which extended and flowed into Ling Huohuo's eyes.

This is Ling Huohuo's new ability.

Using the void ability can forcibly read the memory of other people, but the person whose memory is read is definitely not easy.

As the light dissipated, Ling Huohuo threw away the twitching Mrs. Sakura, but closed his eyes and began to read Mrs. Sakura's memory.

Half a minute later, Ling Huohuo opened his eyes with a clear expression.

"So it is."

Mrs. Sakura herself is only a human being, but for the sake of beauty, she turned to the demon clan and was transformed into this appearance.

It is said that he is a member of the Demon King's Army, but he is actually a chess piece outside the Demon King's Army. He knows little about the situation of the Demon King's Army, and he only fulfills the orders of the Demon King's Army to satisfy his own desires.

However, Mrs. Sakura is considered a relatively large chess piece. According to Mrs. Sakura's memory, Ling Huohuo also obtained the complete and specific identities of Mrs. Sakura's series of chess pieces.

But this is not good news.

According to the narration of He Yaobai, the elder of the Demon Race, the Demon King's army has always been fighting alone with the Demon King and the Demon General, and now they have begun to learn how to organize themselves. This is definitely not a good sign.

Today's Demon King Army is even more difficult to deal with!
Could it be that the Demon King Army learned something bad on Earth?

But things about the Demon King's Army need to be put aside.

Ling Huohuo looked at the void creatures surrounding him, none of them made a sound or moved.

How to arrange these void creatures is the main problem!

(End of this chapter)

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