The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 725 You can scold me, but you must not talk about my mask!

Chapter 725 You can scold me, but you must not talk about my mask! (one more)
When Ling Huohuo and his party went online, they had already arrived at the post station in Jiuying City.

When the caravan arrives in the city, if the player is not online at that time, his character will appear in the station outside the city after the player is online again.

Ling Huohuo and five people went online.

"What's the next plan?" Xuetu asked curiously.

At this time, Blood Rabbit and the others also knew about the situation in Jiuying City.

"I have already made a plan. You will follow the Kamaitachi to upgrade outside. I will go to find out the situation first. You know my ability and I will not encounter any danger. After I find a good foothold, I will send you Take it back." Ling Huohuo said.

The blood rabbit breathed a sigh of relief, but soon returned to normal.

Ling Huohuo nodded. Sure enough, the blood rabbit didn't want to participate in these chaos. Most importantly, he didn't want to expose himself.

Now that the eyes of the outside world are all focused on the situation in Jiuying City, it is hard to guarantee that no one will notice the blood rabbit.

Ling Huohuo looked at the weasels.

"Thank you."

"It should be." The three of them stood up and said.

After saying goodbye to the four of them, Ling Huohuo turned to Jiuying City alone.

Ling Huohuo changed into the original high-quality equipment, holding a sword and staff in his hand, and wearing a ghost mask on his face.

The evil ghost mask must be worn, this is prepared by the monsters for Ling Huohuo, if Ling Huohuo puts it in cold storage, Ling Huohuo will feel uncomfortable.

Moreover, for the ghost mask, Ling Huohuo is very precious, this is the proof of his friendship with the monsters.

Ling Huohuo's steady walk into the city gate also attracted the attention of some people. After all, the evil ghost mask is too attractive.

Some timid players distanced themselves from Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo looked at Jiuying City.

Nine Infants City is very prosperous and magnificent, even at the gate of the city can feel it.

But Ling Huohuo didn't just look at the surface.

This is the first time for Ling Huohuo to enter a sixth-tier city. There are fundamental differences between a sixth-tier city and a fifth-tier city. If you have an understanding of Jiuying City, it will be of great help to the future urban upgrades.

While looking at the scenery of the city, Ling Huohuo looked for clues related to the difference between the sixth-level city and the fifth-level city, guessing what the core of the base of Jiuying City is.

As Ling Huohuo was advancing, the commotion ahead caught Ling Huohuo's attention.

Soon a group of people gathered around, but fortunately Ling Huohuo played it by ear and grabbed the front row seat first.

There are two parties in conflict, or one person against one team.

"It's a broken bone and an empty excuse." Someone recognized the two main characters in the confrontation.

Ling Huohuo also looked at the two of them, well, they are both men, there is nothing to look at.

"Excuse Kong, why are you willing to go out today?" Gu Li asked, and the people behind him dispersed, surrounding Kong Excuse.

Sora made an excuse to look like a very calm man, he just glanced around and didn't show any panic.

"Nine Infant City is not yours, why can't I come out?" Kong said slowly with an excuse.

"Hey, if you come out, it will be difficult to go back." Bone Crack said.

"Why, you want to do something in Jiuying City?" Kong made an excuse and showed a playful smile.

Ling Huohuo noticed sharply that just now, two guards appeared around him with unfriendly expressions.

"Tsk, of course I didn't attack you directly. I want to challenge you. Do you dare to accept it?" Bone Crack said with a ferocious smile.

"Oh? Why should I agree to you? Could it be that a cat or a dog wants to challenge me, so I'm going to follow?" Kong said with an excuse, there was no need to look directly at the bone fracture.

"A cat or a dog?" Gu Li didn't get angry easily. He can have the position he has today, so he naturally has a certain city.

"Then I would like to ask, is there any one of you who dare to accept the challenge of me, a cat and a dog?" Bone Crack shouted.

The people around were silent.

There is nothing strange about Ling Huohuo. It can be seen from the equipment and aura of that bone crack that his strength is very good, at least much stronger than these onlookers. , Ling Huohuo can see that the empty excuse is stronger.

The strength of the two is about the same, but Dao with empty excuses is stronger than Dao with cracked bones.

In the realm of Ling Huohuo, it is easy to see what many people can't see.

If the bone breaks against the empty excuse, and the empty excuse loses, it can only be said to be a fake fight.

"Come on, stand up!" Gu Li shouted.

No one dared to move around.

In an instant, the aura of bone cracking reached its peak, like a king, which made people look sideways.

Ling Huohuo nodded without leaving a trace. This bone fracture is not simple. To be able to do things that bully ordinary players so aggressively, and even make people feel admiration instead of fear from the bottom of their hearts is definitely not something ordinary people can do. of.

"No, so, no excuses, you are my target!" Bone Crack said.

The bone fracture at this time is more like a lonely master, hard to find an enemy.

"Who said there is no more? Look over there, isn't there someone who stands up over there?" Kong made an excuse and pointed in one direction.

Gu Li and the others all looked in the direction of Kongshi's finger, and Ling Huohuo also looked... Fuck, Kongshi was pointing in his direction!

"Brother, I actually admire you quite a bit, why did you stand up?" Kong said in a distant voice with an excuse.

Ling Huohuo looked around, and suddenly found that the people around him were some distance away from him at some point, making him stand out.

No wonder I always feel that the surroundings are a bit spacious... Ah no, now is not the time to talk about this!
"Why are you so far away from me?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Because the mask on your face is really scary." Someone said, and the others nodded in agreement.

my day!

Ling Huohuo's hair was covered with black lines, and then he looked at the cracked bone, whose expression was not very good.

"Do you believe me when I say this is a misunderstanding?" Ling Huohuo shook his head, "Who made me always stand out in the crowd~"

"……"the masses.

"..." Empty excuse.

"..." Bone fracture.

I feel more like you have a herniated disc!

Although the mask on Ling Huohuo's face was very permeable, he still couldn't suppress the cracked bones and empty excuses.

Bone Crack looks at the empty excuse.

"It was a misunderstanding, do you have anything else to say?" Although Ling Huohuo was a little upset about the bone crack, he knew that if he did something to Ling Huohuo, the nature of today's matter would change. The strength of the excuse is false, not to discredit himself and his power.

Kong made an excuse to rub his head helplessly, and looked at Ling Huohuo.

"Brother, don't go out wearing such an ugly mask in the future. Look at people, it may be misunderstood."

You actually said my mask is ugly?
Ling Huohuo felt that his friendship with the monsters had been trampled on.

A faint will-o'-the-wisp ignited in the eye sockets of the evil ghost mask.

This time and space made an excuse to look at the bone crack.

"Okay, then I will accept your challenge, I hope you will not let me down."

Bone Crack showed a smile, and just about to launch a challenge, his face suddenly changed, because he didn't know when a hand was holding his shoulder.

Gu Li looked behind him, and was horrified to find that the opponent turned out to be the passer-by player who had just stood in the distance wearing a ghost mask.

When did he come here?Why didn't I find out?

At this time, other people also noticed that Ling Huohuo appeared behind the bone crack, and saw that the place where Ling Huohuo was just now was empty. how to move.

"Bone-cracked old iron, how about giving me this competition? I promise to give him a hellish experience!" Ling Huohuo behind the mask made a piercing voice, like a ghost crawling out of hell.

The bone cracks like falling into the cold abyss.

You can scold me, but you must not talk about my mask! ——Ling Huohuo
(End of this chapter)

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