Chapter 734 Void Magic Stone (Part [-])
The opposite of the task level is the generous reward.

When the Abyss forces invaded, there was no Void Clan. Now there is the Void Clan. Ling Huohuo can judge that the Void Clan is not weaker than the Abyss forces based on the memory he got from the Void Sage. The possibility of a family victory is very high.

When the forces of the abyss come, Ling Huohuo can completely lead the Void family around.

Ling Huohuo said that he was not false at all.

And Ling Huohuo also took a fancy to the mission rewards, waiting for the arrival of the Abyss Devourer and Abyss forces.

And with the shattering of the Abyss Devourer's consciousness, the evil thoughts were quickly melted away. Finally, the evil thoughts disappeared, and the objects polluted by the evil thoughts fell out, and were also corroded by the energy of the void.

Items corroded by void energy have not yet been reversible.

Things that can be corroded by void energy are not too strong, and there is nothing special about them, but those valuable and powerful equipment are rarely corroded by void energy.

After all, the energy of the void has not yet reached such a perverted level. People in the Lost Land have also resisted the void, and they are still alive and well.

If you want to erode those powerful equipment, you may have to send those equipment into the depths of the void, but even the Void family dare not go to the depths of the void easily.

This is also the reason why the Void family lacks equipment.

The void family also tried to convert the material into void material and then forge it.

But the forging of void materials is fundamentally different from ordinary materials, and there are very few successful ones.

Moreover, there are only a dozen members of the Void family, and there is no extremely powerful forging master, nor can they research a mature forging system of Void materials.

However, the fusion characteristic of Ling Huohuo's void energy is a kind of abnormal ability.

Even if the level and quality cannot keep up with itself, as long as it is fused, it will change its own characteristics according to the nature of the things it fused with, making itself stronger in another way.


When the item fell into Ling Huohuo's hands, the system sound sounded again.

"Ding! Congratulations on getting the void magic stone: it was originally the abyss magic stone that carried the consciousness of the abyss devourer. It was corroded by the evil thoughts of the abyss devourer, and then it was eroded by the energy of the void, and the evil thoughts melted away. The abyss magic stone was transformed into a void magic stone... Abyss magic stones are extremely rare and precious, and now the void magic stones transformed into them are even rarer and more precious!"

"Function: It is an extremely rare material that can carry consciousness."

Ling Huohuo raised his eyebrows.

The Void Magic Stone is an irregular purple stone that exudes a mysterious light and looks extremely high-end.

"Bearing consciousness."

Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes.

Ling Huohuo knew what was going on, and all the materials that could carry consciousness were extremely cherished.

And the most common application of materials that can carry consciousness is to make clones!
Similar to the existence of an incarnation outside the body.

However, in the memory of the Void Sage, Ling Huohuo also discovered a special application of a material that can carry consciousness—that is, as the core of the base!

And when using this material as the core of the city, the owner of the consciousness entrusted in the material can descend his own consciousness into the entire city. In other words, at that time, the city is the incarnation of that person!

If the city undergoes special refinement or transformation, then the city will become an extremely terrifying incarnation outside the body!

For Ling Huohuo, this kind of thinking is unconstrained, and he never thought about it, but for the wise man in the void, it is only a small part of his knowledge.

Ling Huohuo deeply understood how important it is to have a person with rich experience by his side, no wonder those who have a grandfather by their side can have a good achievement in the end.

In fact, it's not that Ling Huohuo has never seen this kind of operation, the original Ping'an Jing was made into a part of his body by the mandrill.

But Ling Huohuo couldn't think of making a city an incarnation of himself based on the core materials of the base.

Experience affects a person's thinking.

However, Ling Huohuo still needs to consider the use of this void magic stone, and use it at the most suitable time. After all, there is not always an abyss magic stone that can be transformed into a void magic stone by himself.

Putting away the void magic stone, the garbage mountain was completely cleaned up.

"The next step is to build the house."

For building a house, Ling Huohuo has no good ideas yet, and Ling Huohuo is going to discuss it with other people.

After all, according to Ling Huohuo's aesthetics that was seriously biased by monsters, there is no guarantee of the style of the house that is built.

After calling the Blood Rabbit and Scythe Weasel into the city five-person meeting, they went offline.

At the dinner table, Ling Huohuo talked about building the house.

"Build a house? Of course it is to build a devil's castle!" Satania was the first to raise his hand and speak.

Everyone ignored her, let alone whether it can be built, if a castle of the same style as the devil's is really built, what if the devil and the devil are attracted here?
The old birthday star drank arsenic - looking for death?
You must know that the Demon King is likely to be in the Lost Land!

Only Tu Xiaoji blinked her eyes in confusion, she didn't know anything.

"It's fine to build an ordinary house, it's better to be able to connect to the Internet..." Gabriel said.

"Xiao Jia, do you want to play online games in the game?" Vinet said helplessly.

"I think an ordinary yard is fine. It would be even better if there is a yard where some flowers can be planted." Raphael said.

"It's a bit unrealistic. There are slums nearby, and the construction of the yard is likely to cause some NPC actions." Ding Ning analyzed.

The NPCs in "The Lost World" are all ordinary people. If you build a yard in a slum, isn't it waiting to make you feel uncomfortable?

"It's best to ensure safety and not be too prominent." Mai Shiranui suggested.

Yuyihu said with a smile on his face: "Then build a fortress, or kill all the poor people there, and use their bones to build..."

"Stop, stop!" Ling Huohuo hurriedly called to stop.

And Satania, who had been clamoring to be the devil king, was already trembling with fright at the words of the feather fox, and everyone looked black.

Who is going to be a demon?

Tu Xiaoji frowned at Yu Yihu without leaving a trace, and Yu Yihu also glanced at Tu Xiaoji.

"If you want me to say, directly occupy the Nine Infants City..." Rogier said, but was also ignored by everyone.

All of a sudden, everyone chattered into discussions, only the Kama Itachi did not participate in the discussion, after all

"Actually... I have a prop about a house here." Vinet said suddenly.


Everyone looked at Vinette.

Ding Ning seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly asked, "Could it be that extremely cherished stronghold item?"

Vinette scratched her head in embarrassment, "I don't know if Jane doesn't cherish it, but the introduction is indeed a stronghold prop."

(End of this chapter)

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