Chapter 738 Goodbye Ye Qiu (Part [-])
Lu Sisi was about to leave, so it was impossible for the others to wait.

However, Ye Qiu asked the security guards to welcome the people who would pick up Lu Sisi. After all, from Guo Xiaoyu's words just now, Ye Qiu could tell that among the people who came to pick up Lu Sisi was probably Lu Sisi's fiancé.

Soon, Guo Xiaoyu who ran out first came in with three people.

The three are two men and one woman.

When Ye Qiu saw the leader, he frowned, he always felt that the other person looked familiar.

That's right, the three people who came in were Ling Huohuo, Wan Huan and Bai Yingying.

In Ye Qiu's impression, he was familiar with the young version of Ling Huohuo, not the normal version of Ling Huohuo, so naturally he didn't recognize Ling Huohuo immediately.

At this time, Guo Xiaoyu is like a husky who hasn't seen his master for a long time... Well, a husky will forget his master if he doesn't see his master for a long time, at least Guo Xiaoyu still remembers Ling Huohuo.

It is worth mentioning that Guo Xiaoyu has already reached the eighth rank!

Seeing Ling Huohuo, Guo Xiaoyu looked very excited.

But Lu Sisi looked very calm, just nodded with her.

Regarding the relationship between the two of them, Ling Huohuo and Lu Sisi seemed very calm. After all, the agreement made by their four unreliable parents could not make the two of them take it seriously.

The two can only be regarded as friends, but they just have the status of a child relative. If they want to really become a couple, it depends on fate.

Lu Sisi's strength has risen to the fifth level, which is a great improvement, which is due to the inheritance of the sword god.

But Ling Huohuo could feel that Lu Sisi's improvement was not in terms of energy, but in the way of swordsmanship. At this time, Xiao Yunyun had already embarked on a path of pure swordsmanship.

Therefore, without a little vision, one would not be able to see Lu Sisi's strength.

A pure breakthrough in the way of the sword will also make Lu Sisi's sword stronger.

Speaking of which, Guo Xiaoyu and Lu Sisi joined the Shinhwa Club because of Ling Huohuo. In the beginning, Guo Xiaoyu and Lu Sisi joined the Shinhwa Club as undercover agents.

Ling Huohuo entered the Shinhwa Club and looked around. He had to say that the building of the Shinhwa Club was really upscale, and among the crowd, Ling Huohuo recognized Ye Qiu at a glance.

Compared with the first time they met, Ye Qiu at this time was less ostentatious and more calm, and his aura was more like a leader, while Ye Qiu who met for the first time gave Ling Huohuo the feeling It's more of a lone ranger temperament.

In addition to these changes, Ling Huohuo also saw Ye Qiu's strength - the seventh rank!
Ling Huohuo didn't know if Ye Qiu had the strength before, and to what extent, but now the strength of the seventh level already means that Ye Qiu is no longer an ordinary person, and Ling Huohuo can feel that Ye Qiu has just broken through to the seventh level. Level, and just recently, does this have something to do with Ye Qiu's level improvement in the game?

When Ling Huohuo was massaging Ye Qiu, Ye Qiu was also looking at the three of them.

Wan Huan and Bai Yingying were obviously followers, and what surprised him was that both of them were extraordinary, but their strength was not strong. As for the person walking in the front, Ye Qiu found that he couldn't see through it at all, but Ye Qiu didn't dare to underestimate him. Look, Ling Huohuo, who is the leader, always gives Ye Qiu a familiar feeling.

Ye Qiu stood up with a smile on his face, came to Ling Huohuo, and stretched out his hand.

"Owner of the Shinhwa Club, Ye Qiu."

Ye Qiu's etiquette is in place, making it difficult for people to argue.

"Instructor of Transcendent Academy, Ling Huohuo." Ling Huohuo reached out his hand to Ye Qiu.

Wan Huan and the few people who knew the Transcendent Academy looked at Ling Huohuo, not sure why Ling Huohuo had to name the Transcendent Academy in front of Ye Qiu. Could it be that Ye Qiu was any different?

Of the people present, only Guo Xiaoyu could see through Ye Qiu's strength, but Ye Qiu couldn't see through Guo Xiaoyu's strength, but obviously, she was not the kind of person who cared about other people's strength.

Ye Qiu's expression froze.

Ling Huo Huo? !

this name...

Ye Qiu stared at Ling Huohuo, the two faces overlapped, and he found that the similarity was extremely high!

what is happening?
The others also noticed the same thing about Ye Qiu, showing puzzled expressions.

"What's wrong? Is there any problem?" Ling Huohuo asked with a smile.

"No, it's nothing, sorry, I was distracted." Ye Qiu said awkwardly, then withdrew his hand.

"Let me introduce you." Guo Xiaoyu patted Ling Huohuo's back, watching Wan Huan and Bai Yingying's eyes twitch, girl, do you know who you are photographing?

"This is my deskmate in high school, and also the fiancé of the legendary Lu Sisi, they have a baby relationship~"

Everyone looked at Ling Huohuo in unison. They only found out about Lu Sisi's fiancé today, so they were naturally very curious about Ling Huohuo's "fiancé".

At this time, most of the people in the Shinhwa Club were present, densely packed with 50 people, watching around Ling Huohuo, which made Ling Huohuo and Ye Qiu look black.

Ling Huohuo was not used to it, while Ye Qiu felt ashamed. Ye Qiu was also very curious about Ling Huohuo's name before, but now is obviously not the time to ask more questions.

"Wait a minute, that face!" Someone exclaimed, and soon there was the following, "Didn't you find that Lu Sisi's fiancé is very similar to Ling Miao from the future club? And they both have the surname Ling..."

"Ah, you said Ling Miao, that's my twin brother." Ling Huohuo laughed.

"Wait, I remember that the future club's behind-the-scenes boss is a man named Ling Huohuo..." Another person said.

As the object of embankment, the Shinhwa Club will naturally have someone to record the information of the future club.

"That's me." Ling Huohuo received it with a smile again, with a bright smile.

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air.

Damn, the boss behind the hostile club came to his club and wanted to take away a general of his club.

Everyone's eyes became unkind.

Ye Qiu's heart also became flustered. Although the Ling Huohuo he saw before was definitely younger, the Ling Huohuo in front of him looked very ordinary and older, but this kind of thing is not that simple Well, Ye Qiu himself knows about extraordinary power, so it is not impossible to change his age and appearance.

"However, I am not here today as the behind-the-scenes owner of the Future Club, but as the mentor of the Extraordinary Academy." Ling Huohuo smiled, and after thinking about it, Ling Huohuo looked at Ye Qiu again, "If you If you are willing, Mr. Ye Qiu, I can also help you join the Transcendent Academy, the Transcendent Academy is eager for talents, I believe you will not be disappointed."

Ye Qiu was taken aback for a moment, and began to savor Ling Huohuo's words.

Extraordinary Academy?Wait, extraordinary?

Ye Qiu thought of something.

"Could it be that."

"That's right." Ling Huohuo nodded.

The others were a little confused by Ling Huohuo and Ye Qiu's charades.

"This one……"

"If you want to know, I can tell you about it." Ling Huohuo smiled.

"Very happy, this way please." Ye Qiu said to Ling Huohuo seriously.

Although Ye Qiu has the power of the seventh level, Ye Qiu has not had much contact with the world of extraordinary people, he only knows a thing or two, and now that Ling Huohuo is here, it is Ye Qiu's opportunity to learn about the world of extraordinary people.

As for strength, Ye Qiu was also very urgent.

(End of this chapter)

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