Chapter 743 Fenglin Volcano (Part [-])
Xiao Yunyun's grandfather, a vigorous old man, Ling Huohuo's strength was not strong when they met for the first time, and he didn't see anything at all. He thought he was just an ordinary old man. Yun Yun's grandfather turned out to be a seventh-level powerhouse, only one step away from the eighth level!
The attributes of the three newcomers, including Xiao Yunyun's grandfather, are very clear, wind attribute strength, wood attribute strength, earth attribute strength, plus the old man with fire attribute strength.

The power on Grandpa Xiao Yunyun's body is of wind attribute.

The three old men landed and stood in a square with the first old man.

The armor users surrounded in the center finally stopped fighting.

Xicheng arrived at Han Beibei's side in a blink of an eye, and thanked the old man with the fire attribute.

Although Xicheng was a little impulsive, he is not a fool. He didn't run away before because he couldn't let Han Beibei, a girl, cover him. Besides, he also saw that the user of the monkey armor was unhappy. Now that the atmosphere has changed obviously, it is impossible for Xicheng to Continue to stay in the battlefield to catch a cold.

Monkey armor users and pig armor users stand in the middle, and those mass-produced armor users are outside of both.


A helicopter flew over with reporters with video cameras on it.

They feel that there will be a big news today!

Seeing the helicopter, the people who came with the fire attribute old man wanted to stop it, but they were stopped by the fire attribute old man.

"Let them record the video! Go and evacuate the surrounding area!"

After finishing speaking, the old man looked at the armor users surrounded in the middle again.

"Old Shabi, what's the situation?" The wood-type old man said dirtyly.

"Those people!" said the fire attribute old man.

"ZZ, what plan do you have?" Xiao Yunyun's grandfather asked.

"Show him a face, it's time for the transcendent to be exposed." The fire attribute old man said.

Xiao Yunyun's grandfather and the other two elders looked around after hearing this, and finally nodded.

"I bought a watch last year!"


"Pay attention to quality." At this time, the old man with earth attribute said the first sentence.

Ling Huohuo covered his face to the elders who seemed to be swearing, it was completely unrefined.

At this time, the monkey armor user spoke.

"People from the Huaxia government?" The monkey armor user.

"Hehe, you finally spoke. I thought you were dumb." Xiao Yunyun's grandfather said with a smile.

"I guess why you opened your mouth? Is support coming soon?" said the wood attribute old man.

"Listen to our nonsense, then stall for time and wait for support. This is all leftover from our play." The fire attribute old man clapped his hands and said.

The hearts of the monkey armor user and the pig armor user sank.

"So what?" the pig armor user shouted.

"Not good? But your support hasn't arrived yet, so I'll tell you about the old man, introduce myself, and give you a little more time." The fire attribute old man looked completely indifferent.

But Ling Huohuo could tell that the four old men, including Xiao Yunyun's grandfather, were not as honest as they said. Although the four of them were standing there at this time, their auras were already connected, and they were brewing. What is happening, once it breaks out, it will be very terrifying.

They are waiting for reinforcements from monkey armor users and pig armor users because they are preparing a trap to catch them all!
That's exactly four LYBs!

Moreover, such a tacit cooperation shows that it is not the first time they have done this.

At this point, the elders finally began to introduce themselves.

"You can call me Huo Lao!" said the fire attribute old man.

"Just call Lao Tzu Feng Lao." Xiao Yunyun's grandfather.

"Old and old forest!" An old man with wood attributes.

"Old Mountain." An old man of earth attribute.

"Could it be that you are..." the monkey armor user suddenly said.

"That's right, we are the F60 in Beijing 4 years ago!" The thinking old man raised four fingers at the same time.

"..." Everyone.

God TM "Capital F4".

"Feng Linhuo, a Huaxia nuclear bomb-level transcendent." The monkey armor user said slowly. He recognized the four people, but he didn't feel happy in his heart. Instead, he felt very stressed. These four people are not simple characters. If Today's support is not in place, then it may be cold.

"Boy, it's interesting that you actually recognized us." Huo Lao laughed.

"Whoever Feng Linhuo is, kill them all!" The pig armor user roared, and then rushed towards Huo Lao, as if he didn't take the four old men seriously.

"No problem~" Elder Lin put on a cheap look.

It would be nice if he could be killed!The monkey armor user gritted his teeth, but did not say the words.

At this time, he was looking around to see if he could take the opportunity to sneak away. The target of the pig armor user is relatively large, and he is taunting like a fool. The other party should attack him first. At that time, he can just Take the opportunity to escape.

A dead fellow Daoist is not a poor daoist. I usually tell him to read more books, but he doesn't listen. Don't blame me for being cold this time.

But despite thinking so, the monkey armor user followed.

It's time for a show.

"Good time!" Boss Huo shouted, waving his robe, facing the pig armor user.

"Be careful!" Han Beibei exclaimed, she has a deep understanding of the power of pig armor users.

When the pig armor user saw Huo Lao dare to wrestle with him, a ferocious smile appeared on his face.



Huo Lao and the pig armor user collided with each other, and flames splashed.

However, the imaginary screams did not come out, and the user of the pig armor felt a larger force blocking his impact.

"When it comes to using power, you are still a grandson. Do you hear that? Grandson!" Huo Lao laughed loudly, the flames dissipated, and Huo Lao actually blocked the impact of the pig armor user with one hand.


Everyone looked in disbelief.

Huo Lao's palm trembled, and his power exploded. The pig armor user was sent flying, blasted into a distant building, and buried by bricks and stones.

However, it was the monkey armor user who panicked the most at this time. Seeing the three old men attacking, the monkey armor user was about to cry.

"Why are you beating me?" The monkey armor user asked in a broken voice, obviously it wasn't him who was mocking him!
"Seeing that you are silent, you must be thinking about some bad water. It's better to beat him to death first."

"..." The monkey armor user doesn't know what expression he has, and it's nothing more than a burst of mentality.

The attacks of the three old men were about to fall on the monkey armor user in a blink of an eye.

At this time, the support of monkey armor users and pig armor users finally arrived...

(End of this chapter)

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