Chapter 787
Under the displeased gaze of the female boss, Ling Huohuo took the juice, drank it clean, asked for a room in a nearby hotel, and went offline.

It is not suitable to explore the "Desolate Land" at night. If you want to explore the "Desolate Land", you need to wait for dawn.

The next day, just after dawn, Ling Huohuo went online again.

Then Ling Huohuo sent a gathering message in the team system, and after waiting for a while, everyone gathered.

When all the personnel arrived, Ling Huohuo and his party began to formally enter the "Desolate Land".

Everyone else had a good stroll in Kaka Town last night, and was attracted by the atmosphere of Kaka Town. If it weren't for the mission, Vinette and the others might have a good time in Kaka Town for a while.

However, not everyone was playing last night, such as Ding Ning.

Ding Ning unexpectedly received a hidden mission last night. Ding Ning's dancing that Ling Huohuo saw was part of the mission, and the reward he received turned out to be a professional mission.

"Snake Flute: A special item that can open the quest flow of the only level [-] professional snake tamer. Please use it at the Altar of Snake. Use level: level [-]."

Ding Ning is still a little short of level [-], but the snake altar is nowhere to be found.

The reason why Ding Ning was able to receive this task was because the NPC who sent the task had some connection with Ding Ning's profession.

Ding Ning's occupation is "Exotic Mage", and the NPC who sent the task is "Exotic Dancer". It may be because of this relationship that this job transfer task fell into Ding Ning's hands.

But it is not clear whether it is really because of this reason.

And that NPC also said that if Ding Ning can successfully transfer to "Snake Trainer", then when Ding Ning finds that NPC again, that NPC will give Ding Ning a big gift.

One of the biggest problems with this quest is where to find the Altar of the Snake.

At present, there is no clear information about where the Altar of Snake is. Even Ding Ning can't find it. It is very likely that no player has found the Altar of Snake so far.

Ding Ning's task was put aside first, and everyone in Ling Huohuo began to make the final adjustments.

The collocation of Ling Huohuo's team is actually unreasonable.

Ling Huosuo's void sage can be regarded as a magician class, and Ding Ning's exotic mage is a quintessential mage class.

There are two pure warrior classes in the team, Satania and Blood Rabbit, but Blood Rabbit's abilities are all forged, and its combat power is limited.

Satania's occupation is a level [-] ordinary occupation Iron Knight. It is not a rare occupation, it is very common. It can be said that Satania was the worst one before coming to Yaotian Demonren Studio.

Vinet's occupation is a senior priest. Compared with the priest, the senior priest has the word "advanced", but it is a real level [-] rare occupation, and it is a full-time healer.

Gabriel's profession is a level-[-] ordinary profession, dark priest. Gabriel didn't play "The Lost World" much before, but she is very good at playing games after all. Even the ordinary profession of shadow priest was pushed to level six by her. Shadow Priest is a basic job, which can be upgraded.

Gabriel's Shadow Priest has attack and healing, but it's not advanced, and it can be regarded as a half-method, half-milk profession.

In the end, Raphael's profession is a level [-] rare professional chant, which is very suitable for Raphael's identity in the real world, but chant is a real support class, the healing power is not strong, and the powerful one is for other people Adding various buffs, although the strength itself is not enough, but if combined with the output profession, the chant will display terrifying power.

This is the current configuration of Ling Huohuo's team - fighter, mage, support, nurse.

This team has a lot of loopholes, the occupations are too monotonous, and almost half of the seven members belong to the auxiliary occupations, with the unreliable front-line fighter Satania, the blood rabbit with limited combat power, and no assassins and hunters to explore the way However, Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning felt that the pressure was still great.

But Ling Huohuo is quite relaxed, this time I came here to explore the way, as for whether I can get the benefits in the Tomb of the Demon God, Ling Huohuo doesn't care too much, at worst, Ling Huohuo will come and do it himself, but that's the case Otherwise, the will of the world will come out to interfere, and the benefits in the Tomb of the Demon God will not be transferred to the studio team by Ling Huohuo.

And relying solely on the support of Jiuying City, although Yaotian Demonren Studio can reach a very high level, it is difficult to reach the top. Ling Huohuo does not want Yaotian Demonren Studio to become an ordinary powerful force. Not to mention the comparison with a large guild like the mythical guild.

Horses are not fat without night grass, and people are not rich without windfalls. If Yaotian Demonren Studio wants to reach the top, it must get enough help.

As far as the current player circle is concerned, apart from the player's own quality, there are only two ways to get to the top, one is occupation, and the other is equipment.

Ling Huohuo wanted to take the studio team to the Tomb of the Demon God just to see if the Tomb of the Demon God could bring surprises to the Demon Demon Studio.

Even if it fails this time, Ling Huohuo doesn't intend to let the main body come over easily. After all the studio members are here, it won't be too late to try again after growing up.

So this mission is of the nature of exploring the path.

After finishing everything, Ling Huohuo and his team left Kaka Town.

There are also many people who, like Ling Huohuo and his group, left Kaka Town early in the morning.

In the early morning, there are fewer active wild monsters in the "Bad Land". The nocturnal creatures have rested, and the daytime creatures have not yet come out. This is a good opportunity for exploration. Many guild forces will choose to officially start exploring at this time .

There are also many players temporarily recruiting people at the gate of the town.

Exploring the wilderness without thieves and hunters to explore the way is a very dangerous thing.

Unfortunately, Ling Huohuo's team does not have these two professions.

Therefore, Ling Huohuo and the others must find a way to make up for this defect.

"God's Realm alert!" Rafael played the harp in his hand, and an invisible energy circle appeared within a certain range of the team.

"God's Domain Alert is a warning skill that can warn approaching creatures. Even thieves can detect them even if they enter the invisible state. However, they cannot detect enemies wandering in the space, and they cannot determine the location of approaching creatures. This is my It is the strongest warning magic that can be used at present." Raphael explained.

Others don't know vigilance skills.

Ling Huohuo sighed.

"I can hide in the void. I'll check the situation around. You follow the map I gave you. If something happens, please notify me immediately." Ling Huohuo said.

The others nodded.

Ling Huohuo disappeared into the void.

The team departs.

(End of this chapter)

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